Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:11, 20.07.2023

Assistance agreement with OECD for establishment of excellence center for public administration, extended by Gov't

The government approved in its Thursday's meeting a draft decision that provides for the extension, through an additional act, from June 30, 2023 to January 31, 2024, of the Agreement concluded between the General…

16:00, 18.07.2023

National strategy to adjusting to climate changes in final stage of adoption (EnviMin)

National strategy to adjusting to climate changes in final stage of adoption (EnviMin). The national strategy for adjusting to climate change is in the final stage of adoption, and development-related policies…

14:05, 13.07.2023

Consumul responsabil și sustenabil de energie, în atenţia Universităţii Politehnica Timişoara

Bibilioteca UPT a găzduit azi o conferință de presă pentru prezentarea rezultatelor sondajului realizat în rândul studenților cu privire la consumul responsabil și sustenabil de energie, dar și a etapelor viitoare…

12:35, 13.07.2023

Preocupări la Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara pentru consumul responsabil și sustenabil de energie

Biblioteca Universității Politehnica Timișoara a găzduit joi, 13 iulie 2023, o conferință în cadrul căreia au fost prezentate rezultate sondajului realizat în rândul studenților privind consumul responsabil și…

12:40, 03.07.2023

UNESCO International Geopark Tinutul Buzaului part of trilateral project in climate change area

The UNESCO International Geopark "Tinutul Buzaului" (Buzau Land) will benefit from non-reimbursable funds for development and research in the climate change area, based on a partnership concluded between Romania,…

11:15, 27.06.2023

EU defence industry pressures Commission, EU countries to step up financing

Europe’s defence industries have called on EU institutions to clarify the sector’s status in line with the bloc’s sustainable finance legislation in order to open doors for more public and private investment, according…

08:45, 16.06.2023

FinMin Bolos: Short, medium and long-term goal is ensuring sustainable economic growth

Ensuring sustainable economic growth is a short, but also a medium and long term objective of the Government, other important objectives being inflation reduction and fiscal-budgetary consolidation, Finance Minister…

11:05, 23.05.2023

Specialiști din peste 30 de țări, participanți la conferința internațională în domeniul științelor vieții organizată de USV Timișoara

Specialiști din peste 30 de țări, participanți la conferința internațională în domeniul științelor vieții organizată de USV Timișoara. Universitatea de Științele Vieții ”Regele Mihai I” din Timișoara organizează,…

00:06, 12.05.2023

Cum sunt pregătiți elevii de la Economic pentru o viață sustenabilă

În perioada 24-28 aprilie, IX Liceum Ogólnokształcące z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi Rzeszwo din Polonia a fost gazda ultimei mobilități a proiectului „Sustainability and citizenship the education challenge for the…

21:05, 04.05.2023

Official Laszlo Borbely: Romania is falling behind Europe in terms of municipal waste recycling

The coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development of Romania's Government, Laszlo Borbely said on Thursday, at the inauguration of the PET Recycling Team Targu Mures plant, that such an investment is…

20:25, 03.05.2023

Romania implements CAP 2023-2027 through measures to develop resilient, sustainable and competitive agricultural sector

Romania is putting into practice the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post 2023 through measures to develop a resilient, sustainable and competitive agricultural sector, which aims to ensure fair incomes for farmers,…

15:15, 25.04.2023

Ciolacu: It is time for Romania to be taken in the right direction and in a sustainable direction

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu: It is time for Romania to be taken in the right direction and in a sustainable direction.Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday…

15:11, 14.04.2023

EU sustainable pesticide ambitions put European farmers in a tough spot (enr)

How much exposure to agricultural chemicals can Europe's environment take? The dispute over the use of pesticides has been fermenting since plans for a substantial reduction were presented in Brussels. Proponents…

20:15, 10.04.2023

Iohannis: Education is the key to Romania's sustainable development

In a message conveyed on Monday to the opening of the conference on "Smart diaspora - diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship" taking place in Timisoara, President klaus Iohannis…

18:55, 28.03.2023

Iohannis: We must be careful to reform pension system so that it is fair and sustainable

The Pension system must be reformed in such a way that it is fair and sustainable, president Klaus Iohannis reaffirmed on Tuesday, after the meeting with the visiting Polish prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki.The…

17:05, 27.03.2023

MEP Ciolos urges AgriMin Daea to pay subsidies to farmers

MEP Dacian Ciolos, former European Commissioner for Agriculture and Sustainable Development, asked, on Monday, Agriculture Minister Petre Daea to provide information regarding the payment of subsidies for organic…

08:20, 27.03.2023

Codecamp, cea mai longevivă conferință IT din România

Pe 4 mai va avea loc la București o nouă ediție a Codecamp, cea mai longevivă conferință IT din România, la care vor participa cei mai buni speakeri tech ai momentului, care vor aborda subiecte de maxim interes…

00:05, 22.03.2023

FOTO | Elevi de la „Economic”, experiențe în insula Terceira

Cinci elevi ai Colegiului Economic – respectiv Izabela Călin, Rebeca Florea, Bianca Oprescu, Ștefan Ciocan, Andrei  Neagu – au participat, în insula Terceira, Azores, Portugalia, la a treia mobilitate din cadrul…

12:00, 21.03.2023

Proiectul marca Colegiul Economic Buzău - Erasmus + KA2: SEED- Sustainability and citizenship: the Education Challenge for the future!

In perioada 05- 11 martie 2023 a avut loc în Terceira, Azores, Portugalia a treia mobilitate din cadrul proiectului ” SEED- Sustainability and citizenship: the Education Challenge for the future ”, proiect derulat…

19:30, 20.03.2023

EduMin Deca: United Arab Emirates - a model of good practices in education for sustainable development

The United Arab Emirates is to Romania a model of good practices in many fields, including education for sustainable development, Education Minister Ligia Deca said on Monday, who, together with her Emirati counterpart…

09:30, 15.03.2023

Romania's Strategy for Non-energy Mineral Resources for 2023-2035 pending gov't approval today

The Government will approve on Wednesday, by decision, Romania's Strategy for Non-energy Mineral Resources for the period 2023-2035."The strategy sets out the general development directions, objectives, proposed…

13:50, 08.03.2023

TRANSAVIA, distinsă cu premiul SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT OF THE YEAR: ENVIRONMENT în cadrul galei Business Review Awards

Preocuparea pe care TRANSAVIA o are de ani buni pentru a diminua cât de mult posibil impactul asupra mediului și pentru a contribui la calitatea vieții consumatorilor și a comunităților a fost recunoscută în cadrul…

09:25, 01.03.2023

'Women in sustainability' event - Wednesday, at Cotroceni Presidential Palace; President Iohannis in attendance

President Klaus Iohannis will participate on Wednesday, on 1 March, in the "Women in sustainability" event, which takes place at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

16:30, 28.02.2023

Event dedicated to women's contribution to sustainability hosted at Cotroceni Palace, with President Iohannis attending

President Klaus Iohannis will participate on Wednesday, March 1, in the event Women in Sustainability, which will be hosted by the Cotroceni Presidential Palace. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

17:40, 22.02.2023

State Adviser Laszlo Borbely attends World Sustainable Development Summit in India

State Adviser Laszlo Borbely, who is also the coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development, represented the Romanian Government at the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS), which began on Wednesday…

14:11, 18.02.2023

Celebra Jane Fonda, atac dur la adresa OMV. "Nu mai colaborați cu ei, sunt CRIMINALI". Cui i-a adresat mesajul?

Actrița veterană, cunoscută pentru opiniile împotriva marilor poluatori, a fost invitată de onoare a ediţiei din acest an a Balului Operei din Viena, iar când a aflat că printre sponsorii principali se află OMV,…

15:15, 17.02.2023

Celebra Jane Fonda, atac dur la adresa OMV. "Nu mai colaborați cu ei, sunt CRIMINALI". Cui i-a adresat mesajul?

Actrița veterană, cunoscută pentru opiniile împotriva marilor poluatori, a fost invitată de onoare a ediţiei din acest an a Balului Operei din Viena, iar când a aflat că printre sponsorii principali se află OMV,…

13:45, 13.12.2022

Sustainability idea promoted by partnership between the Department for Sustainable Development and eMag platform

The Department for Sustainable Development, within the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, and the eMag platform announce the conclusion of a collaboration protocol through which they undertake to familiarize as…

00:20, 10.12.2022

External imbalances, most serious alarm signal for Romania's sustainability, economic competitiveness (presidential advisor Marinescu)

Romania's economy registered a significant growth in the post-pandemic period, including this year, and the most serious alarm signal for Romania's economic sustainability and competitiveness is represented by…

12:06, 09.11.2022

Anunţ de presă privind finalizarea Proiectului „Acquisition of environmentally friendly equipment for the sustainable development of the TOTAL ID”

Articolul Anunţ de presă privind finalizarea Proiectului „Acquisition of environmentally friendly equipment for the sustainable development of the TOTAL ID” apare prima dată în Curierul National .