Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:35, 15.02.2024

Ediție specială Mercedes-Benz Clasa G „Stronger than Diamonds”, cu diamante de 25 de carate

Ziua îndrăgostiților din 2024 a fost o ocazie bună pentru Mercedes-Benz de a lansa o nouă ediție specială pentru Clasa G. Cea mai nouă ediție limitată se numește „Stronger than Diamonds", iar aceasta se distinge…

13:36, 23.01.2024

Cenușăreasa, la Filarmonica Pitești. O poveste muzicală pentru copii, părinți, bunici

Trio Jazz&Pop Pitești, solista Ana Maria Baltag Diaconu și povestitoarea Ema Conete vă dau întâlnire cu Cenușăreasa, sâmbătă, 27 ianuarie, de la ora 11.00, la Centrul Multifuncțional. O poveste muzicală pentru…

17:00, 23.12.2023

IntMin Predoiu: We need the Police to be very strong in the years to come

Romania needs a strong and modern Police, to be able to deal with the security challenges, the Minister of the Interior, Catalin Predoiu, said on Saturday, while mentioning the recent tragedy in the Czech Republic."We…

19:15, 18.12.2023

Iohannis commends Romania's strong civil society becoming more involved in life of its communities

Romania has a strong civil society, that is becoming more involved every year in the lives of communities facing difficult situations and in defending rights and fundamental values that are under threat, president…

15:30, 15.12.2023

Foreign Affairs Ministry celebrates 110 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Albania

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday celebrates 110 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and the Republic of Albania.Romania and Albania are European allies and partners that share a special connection,…

17:11, 14.12.2023

President Iohannis, Polish PM reiterate strong support for EU accession negotiations of Ukraine, Moldova

President Iohannis, Polish PM reiterate strong support for EU accession negotiations of Ukraine, MoldovaPresident Klaus Iohannis on Thursday had a meeting with the prime minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, on which…

15:31, 14.12.2023

A strong supporter and defender of multilateral diplomacy, Romania celebrates 68 years of UN membership

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the 68th anniversary of Romania's admission to the United Nations on December 14."During the 68 years of UN membership, Romania has been a strong supporter and defender…

21:01, 11.12.2023

President Iohannis: Romania's accession to Schengen would send a strong message of solidarity and unity

President Iohannis: Romania's accession to Schengen would send a strong message of solidarity and unityRomania's accession to the Schengen Area "would send a strong message of solidarity and unity on the part of…

21:25, 04.12.2023

Ciolacu meets US secretary of defense: We need increased security cooperation, strong economic commitment

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu met, on Monday, in the context of his working visit to the USA, with the American secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, with the head of the Romanian Government affirming that we need…

10:30, 28.11.2023

Code Orange for strong winds in mountain areas of Caras-Severin and Hunedoara

The National Weather Administration (ANM) issued on Tuesday a nowcasting Code Orange warning of strong wind in the mountain area of Caras-Severin and Hunedoara counties.According to ANM, wind gusts will be reported,…

21:40, 27.11.2023

Banca Transilvania receives investment grade credit rating from Moody's

Banca Transilvania receives investment grade credit rating from Moody'sBanca Transilvania has received an investment grade credit rating from Moody's, which rates BT as having robust capital, strong and resilient…

14:15, 16.11.2023

Romania strongly supports North Macedonia's goal of EU membership, says ForMin Odobescu

Romania strongly supports North Macedonia's goal of EU membership, says ForMin OdobescuRomania strongly supports North Macedonia's goal of joining the European Union, foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu,…

12:40, 21.10.2023

MAE strongly recommends leaving areas in southern Lebanon immediately

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) announced on Saturday that, in the context of the deterioration of the security situation in the region, the travel warning for the Lebanese Republic was updated."MAE strongly…

19:05, 19.10.2023

US ambassador Kavalec on 143 years of Romanian-American ties: Our strategic partnership is stronger than ever

US ambassador Kavalec on 143 years of Romanian-American ties: Our strategic partnership is stronger than everUS ambassador in Bucharest Kathleen Kavalec said on Thursday at Peles Castle, where she attended an event…

13:05, 18.10.2023

Iohannis, după atacul terorist de la Bruxelles: Rămânem uniţi în jurul valorilor noastre comune europene, unde teroarea şi ura nu îşi au locul

”Condamnăm cu fermitate atacul terorist de la Bruxelles. România transmite condoleanţe familiilor victimelor. Rămânem uniţi în jurul valorilor noastre comune europene, unde teroarea şi ura nu îşi au locul”, este…

17:55, 17.10.2023

Investițiile lui Nicușor Dan. Fitch arată un rating cu patru trepte peste cel al României

Bucureștiul a obținut de la agenția de rating Fitch un rating cu patru trepte peste cel al României. Primarul Nicușor Dan explică, într-o postare pe Facebook, ce reprezintă acest lucru.„Agenția Fitch reconfirmă…

11:10, 17.10.2023

Klaus Iohannis: We strongly condemn terrorist attack in Brussels

President Klaus Iohannis conveyed a message on Tuesday strongly condemning the terrorist attack in Brussels. "We strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Brussels. Romania sends its condolences to the families…

10:10, 17.10.2023

Iohannis, după atacul terorist de la Bruxelles: Rămânem uniţi în jurul valorilor noastre comune europene, unde teroarea şi ura nu îşi au locul

”Condamnăm cu fermitate atacul terorist de la Bruxelles. România transmite condoleanţe familiilor victimelor. Rămânem uniţi în jurul valorilor noastre comune europene, unde teroarea şi ura nu îşi au locul”, este…

10:10, 17.10.2023

Rămânem uniţi în jurul valorilor noastre comune europene, unde teroarea şi ura nu îşi au locul

”Condamnăm cu fermitate atacul terorist de la Bruxelles. România transmite condoleanţe familiilor victimelor. Rămânem uniţi în jurul valorilor noastre comune europene, unde teroarea şi ura nu îşi au locul”, este…

13:05, 07.10.2023

Klaus Iohannis: Romania strongly condemns this morning's rocket attacks against Israel

Romania firmly condemns the rocket attacks that took place on Saturday morning against Israel, says President Klaus Iohannis."Romania strongly condemns this morning rocket attacks against Israel. We stand in full…

11:45, 07.10.2023

Reacții internaționale după atacul masiv asupra Israelului. „Suntem solidari cu Israelul în aceste momente dificile”, transmite MAE

Uniunea Europeană și Statele Unite și-a manifestat sprijinul pentru Israel ca urmare a atacului de amploare cu rachete efectuat, sâmbătă dimineață, de gruparea palestiniană Hamas, urmat de intrarea pe teritoriul…

12:30, 26.09.2023

DefMin Tilvar: The strong strategic partnership with Italy offers opportunities to strengthen defence co-operation

DefMin Tilvar: The strong strategic partnership with Italy offers opportunities to strengthen defence co-operationRomania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar on Monday met his Italian counterpart Guido Crosetto as…

13:00, 13.09.2023

"Stay strong!" Banca Transilvania, mesaj de susținere pentru Simona Halep

Simona Halep a primit o suspendare-record de 4 ani în cazul de dopaj. Anunţul a fost făcut public de ITIA, dar decizia nu este definitivă. Dubla nostră campioană de Grand Slam (Roland Garros şi Wimbledon) poate…

20:50, 05.09.2023

Iohannis: The presence of Luxembourgish troops, a strong signal of support for enhancing Romania's security

Iohannis: The presence of Luxembourgish troops, a strong signal of support for enhancing Romania's securityPresident of Romania Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday at the military base at Cincu, after a meeting visiting…

09:35, 02.09.2023

Săpunaru, discurs de lider în vestiar, chiar înainte de Rapid - Dinamo: „Asta își doresc! Hai, strong!”

Cristian Săpunaru (39 de ani), căpitanul lui Rapid, a ținut un discurs mobilizator în vestiar, de față cu coechipierii și staff-ul tehnic, chiar înainte de meciul cu Dinamo. Vorbele fundașului par să fi avut efect,…

10:26, 21.08.2023

VIDEO. Înaltul reprezentant al UE condamnă atacul cu rachetă rus ”laș și deliberat” asupra teatrului din Cernigău

Înaltul reprezentant al Uniunii Europene (UE) pentru Afaceri Externe, Josep Borrell, a condamnat ”ferm” atacul cu rachetă rus ”laş şi deliberat” asupra unui teatru din oraşul Cernigău, în nordul Ucrainei, soldat…

11:05, 04.08.2023

Proiect Erasmus+, la Colegiul Tehnic „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Suceava

Proiectul Erasmus+ "Stronger through Education for the Needs of our Students", coordonat de Colegiul Tehnic „Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Suceava și având ca parteneri școli din Norvegia, Portugalia, Franța, Turcia și…

16:30, 31.07.2023

38-strong Romanian firefighting echelon on mission to Greece replaced by French colleagues

The Romanian firefighting module deployed to Greece as part of the UCPM pre-positioning program was replaced on Monday by the French Ground Forest Firefighting GFFF-V module in a ceremony held at the operations…

13:15, 31.07.2023

Eurozone returns to growth while core inflation remains strong

The euro-area economy returned to growth while underlying inflation pressures persisted, supporting early arguments for the European Central Bank to raise interest rates again, according to Bloomberg. Second-quarter…

19:31, 26.07.2023

Constanta Port, closed due to strong wind; 36 ships waiting to be loaded

Constanta Port, closed due to strong wind; 36 ships waiting to be loadedThe Constanta Port is closed due to strong winds, and cargo erations cannot be carried out, and currently 22 ships, with a total capacity…