Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:45, 08.06.2023

Concert extraordinar ZMEI3 – “A Very Romanian Affair”, la Washington, pe una dintre cele mai renumite scene internaționale, pentru celebrarea Parteneriatului…

 Trupa ZMEI3 va concerta în capitala americană, pe scena prestigioasei John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, una dintre cele mai renumite scene internaţionale pentru organizarea de evenimente culturale şi…

13:00, 08.06.2023

EU ministers seek long-stalled migration deal

Home affairs ministers from the European Union‘s 27 member states gathered on Thursday to try get across the line an elusive agreement on how to share out the responsibility of caring for refugees and migrants,…

11:15, 08.06.2023

Member states urged to scale up measures against child poverty

The European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) called for increased EU and national support for measures against child poverty, warning of an upward trend in the number of children at risk of poverty or social inclusion…

10:40, 07.06.2023

Romania not as tough with Russia as other NATO states, says ambassador

Russia’s ambassador to Bucharest, Valery Kuzmin said that the Romanian authorities are not as tough in their relations with Russia as other NATO member states, noting the door for future relationships is still…

15:21, 06.06.2023

Vizita ambasadorului României în statele americane Colorado și Nebraska. Întâlniri la nivel înalt cu guvernatorii celor două state, explorarea potențialului…

Vizita ambasadorului României în statele americane Colorado și Nebraska. Întâlniri la nivel înalt cu guvernatorii celor două state, explorarea potențialului agricol, de energie regenerabilă și al ecosistemului…

14:10, 29.04.2023

Premier Ciuca welcomes EC's agreement with five states affected by Ukrianian grain situation

Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca welcomes the provisional agreement reached by the European Commission with the five states, Romania included, affected by the grain situation in Ukraine, which provides for a new support…

17:30, 24.04.2023

Deterrence of all aggression against NATO member states is working (CoD Petrescu)

The deterrence of all aggression against NATO member states is working, Romanian Chief of Defence Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, declared on Monday at a festive gathering dedicated to the Land Forces Day."During…

17:05, 24.04.2023

China disavows diplomat’s comments questioning sovereignty of ex-Soviet states

China distanced itself on Monday from statements made by its ambassador to France, who caused an uproar by questioning the independence of nations that had previously been a part of the USSR, according to Politico. …

19:00, 09.04.2023

Piteşti. Minoră prinsă la volan, fără permis, în creierii nopţii!

În noaptea de vineri spre sâmbătă, 7 spre 8 aprilie, în jurul orei două, polițiștii de ordine publică din cadrul Secției 2 Pitești au depistat în trafic, pe stada Constantin D. Stătescu, un autoturism condus de…

11:25, 04.04.2023

PSD's Ciolacu: As statesman, snap elections are out of the question, Romania needs stability

The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), said that, from a statesman's perspective, he rules out snap elections, because Romania needs stability.Asked…

19:30, 29.03.2023

ForMin Aurescu, ambassadors of EU states, about high-level Conference on Black Sea Security

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, participated on Wednesday in a working lunch with the ambassadors of the European Union member states in Bucharest, context in which the head of Romanian diplomacy…

10:10, 28.03.2023

New transfers of data European directive will help states have much clearer regulations (official)

The European Union directive on the regulation of transfers of data covers many areas and we have to work together so as to set up a fair law by the end of 2024, Chairman of the National Communications Administration…

09:35, 28.03.2023

StateSec Nitulescu: Romania to reach 34pct renewable energy sources after a review of Energy Plan

Romania has assumed a share of approximately 30.7pct of renewable energy sources for 2030 through the National Integrated Energy and Climate Change Plan 2021-2030, but through a review, it will reach 34pct, Secretary…

20:20, 23.03.2023

Vizita ambasadorului României în statele americane Idaho și Nevada. Întâlniri la nivel înalt cu guvernatorii celor doua state si discutarea de oportunități…

Ambasadorul României în SUA, Andrei Muraru, a vizitat, în perioada 16-22 martie 2023, comunitățile de români din statele Idaho și Nevada, în cadrul turneului „50 States, One Community”. În statul Idaho, ambasadorul…

17:11, 21.03.2023

StateSec Precup: Romania is sitting on a bag of money and it's up to us to build concrete projects

Romania is sitting on a bag of money, which can be transformed into concrete projects, taking into account that, this year, a record amount was allocated from the state budget for investments, namely 7pct of Romania's…

15:15, 15.03.2023

Romania, Bulgaria expect their Schengen entry bid to be approved this year

Romania and Bulgaria do play their part in stemming illegal migration, the Romanian president said on Wednesday, adding he hoped the two neighbouring states will be let into the European Union’s passport-free Schengen…

20:05, 07.03.2023

DefMin Tilvar participates in informal meeting of defense ministers in EU states

The Minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, is participating, on Tuesday and Wednesday, in the informal meeting of the defense ministers from the EU member states, which is taking place in Stockholm, in Sweden.…

16:20, 07.03.2023

EU to tell member states to start reining in national debt

The European Union will seek to rein in generous spending by member states permitted to help households and businesses through the Covid pandemic and energy crisis as it sets out a return to stricter budgetary…

09:05, 20.02.2023

ForMin Aurescu participates in the meeting of ForMins from EU member states, on Monday

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, on Monday will participate in the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs from the EU member states - the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), which takes place in…

17:30, 25.01.2023

Ministry of Justice: GRECO evaluation points out Romania has made significant progress in 2022

The Ministry of Justice states on Wednesday that the evaluation of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) points out the fact that Romania made "significant progress" in 2022, told Agerpres. Fii la curent…

23:15, 19.01.2023

Romania's support for Rep. of Moldova reiterated at meeting of the two states' top Parliament officials

The need for the bilateral dialogue between Romania and the Republic of Moldova to continue at the same intense level and the support provided by Romania for the security and stability of the neighboring country…

20:36, 15.12.2022

Ministry of Foreign Affairs launches annual programme of scholarships for foreign citizens of non-EU states

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) on Thursday launched the annual programme of scholarships offered by Romania, through the MAE, to foreign citizens from non-EU states for the academic year 2023-2024, based…

10:25, 12.12.2022

ForMin Aurescu, at meeting of ministers of Foreign Affairs from EU member states

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, will participate, on Monday, in Brussels, in the meeting of the heads of diplomacy from the EU member states - the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), the agenda of which…

09:16, 12.12.2022

Vizita de lucru a tovarășului ambasador Andrei Muraru în județul Connecticut

Corespondență din New York de la Grigore L. Culian După ce ambasadorul României la Viena, Emil Hurezeanu, a reușit să-i convingă pe austrieci să voteze împotriva acceptării țărișoarei în Schengen, m-am gândit să…

23:10, 09.12.2022

Vizita ambasadorului României în SUA în statul Connecticut. Întâlniri cu comunitățile de români și întrevederi la cel mai înalt nivel cu reprezentanți…

Turneul „50 States, One Community” al ambasadorului României în Statele Unite ale Americii, Andrei Muraru, a continuat în statul Connecticut, în perioada 6-8 decembrie 2022. Astfel, ambasadorul Muraru a vizitat…

13:36, 06.12.2022

Iohannis: Concrete action is also needed to give additional chance to the Western Balkan states

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that by holding the European Union-Western Balkans summit meeting the EU member states want to show that they stand with the countries of that region, told Agerpres. Fii…

15:35, 29.11.2022

NATO2022 Bucharest/ Diplomacy heads of NATO member states gather at Palace of Parliament

The diplomacy heads of the NATO member states gathered on Tuesday, at the Palace of Parliament, being welcomed by Romania's Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Fii…

14:05, 29.11.2022

NATO2022 Bucharest/ Stoltenberg: NATO member states providing unprecedented support to Ukraine, will continue to do so

NATO member states are providing unprecedented support to Ukraine, and they will continue to do so by delivering air defense systems and by helping Ukraine rebuild its gas and power infrastructure, NATO Secretary…

11:05, 29.11.2022

US StateSec Antony Blinken, PM Nicolae Ciuca, visiting 'We the People: 25 years of Strategic Partnership' exhibition

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca are visiting, on Tuesday morning, the traveling exhibition "We the People: 25 years of Strategic Partnership", a thematic photographic essay…

13:45, 17.11.2022

Eurostat: Romania, one of 13 EU member states with growing inflation in October

The annual inflation rate in the European Union continued to rise in October to 11.5 percent from 10.9 percent in September, with the highest annual rates being recorded in Estonia (22.5 pct), Lithuania (22.1 pct),…