Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:40, 31.01.2024

AUR MPs protest before PSD MPs group meeting

Several members of the Alliance for Romanians' Union (AUR) parliamentary group protested on Wednesday at the Chamber of Deputies, in the room of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) joint groups, before a meeting…

17:41, 30.01.2024

Romania remains a corruption champion, we need a JusMin who is not conducted by Iohannis (USR)

Save Romania Union (USR) argues that a new minister of Justice is needed, in the context in which our country remains among the EU countries with the worst performance regarding the implementation of anti-corruption…

12:20, 30.01.2024

PM Ciolacu says two-day vote in diaspora proposed in coalition

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday that the governing coalition has proposed that the diaspora should have two days for voting in the elections for the European Parliament.The PM was asked if there was…

09:55, 29.01.2024

USR's Drula: The United Right Alliance will modernise Romania

National leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) Catalin Drula said on Sunday that the Dreapta Unita (United Right) alliance will be the one that will modernise Romania and bring about the change that the people…

13:51, 27.01.2024

PSD's Ciolacu: I hope there will be no more breaking news that we have sold Transylvania

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, on Saturday, told the PSD Satu Mare County Conference, that we must return to a normality of public speech on Transylvania, because both Romania…

15:21, 26.01.2024

PM Ciolacu on combining elections: Let's see what the Romanians want

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), said on Friday in Baia Mare that combining elections is not a priority with Romanians, as no one has stopped him in the streets…

17:35, 25.01.2024

MEP Negrescu appointed EP's lead negotiator on EU budget 2025

MEP Victor Negrescu of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) has been appointed the European Parliament's lead negotiator on the European Union budget for 2025.According to a PSD press statement released on Thursday,…

13:35, 25.01.2024

EP election: PSD would get 31 pct, PNL 20 pct, AUR 19 pct (Avangarde survey)

EP election: PSD would get 31 pct, PNL 20 pct, AUR 19 pct (Avangarde survey)If European parliamentary election were to be held on Sunday, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) would get 31 pct of the votes, the National…

14:30, 20.01.2024

Right Force's Orban rules out collaboration with PNL

Right Force's Orban rules out collaboration with PNLNational leader of the Right Force Ludovic Orban said on Saturday that he rules out any possible collaboration with the National Liberal Party (PNL), calling…

09:00, 17.01.2024

USR's Drula: There is a tendency to use state institutions for political purposes

Save Romania Union (USR) Chairman Catalin Drula criticised the authorities for the way they intervened in the protests initiated by transporters and farmers, saying that there is a tendency to use state institutions…

09:05, 16.01.2024

PM Ciolacu: It is very difficult to have a PSD - PNL alliance and joint lists at the moment

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that, at present, it would be "very difficult" to be able to achieve a National Liberal Party (PNL)-PSD electoral…

18:55, 08.01.2024

Save Romania Union asks gov't to pay for pupils' transport

The Save Romania Union (USR) asked the Government "to stop mocking pupils," "to cut from the special ones" [referring to those who receive special pensions - editor's note] and to give the money needed for school…

08:25, 29.12.2023

To run for Romania's presidency hasn't crossed my mind yet, PM Ciolacu says

The leader of the Social Democratic Party - PSD, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Thursday night at the Romania TV private broadcaster that he has not yet thought of running for Romania's presidency,…

09:25, 28.12.2023

Romania deserves full Schengen membership, gov't, Iohannis sell us a defeat as victory (USR)

Romania deserves full Schengen membership, and the PSD-PNL (Social Democratic Party - National liberal Party) government and Klaus Iohannis had the obligation to continue negotiations for full accession, but they…

14:40, 20.12.2023

Senate's Ciuca: Liberal-Social Democratic alliance ensures our country's political stability

Senate's Ciuca: Liberal-Social Democratic alliance ensures our country's political stabilityThe President of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, stated that it is in Romania's best interest that the PNL (National Liberal…

21:00, 19.12.2023

Solemn session of the Senate dedicated to 34th anniversary of Romanian Revolution of December 1989

The memory of the heroes of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 was honoured on Tuesday in the solemn session of the Senate dedicated to the 34th anniversary of this historic moment.The meeting began with…

20:55, 19.12.2023

REPER co-chair Pislaru deems 2024 budget bad, misleading, unfair and highly politicised

The 2024 budget is "bad", "misleading", unfair and "highly politicised", said Tuesday MEP Dragos Pislaru, co-chair of REPER party."The budget proposed by the Government, the Social Democratic Party - National Liberal…

15:30, 19.12.2023

Dragos Pislaru (REPER) says that United Right Alliance is not enough to have articulated position

The United Right Alliance is not enough to have an articulated position that represents all Romanians, MEP Dragos Pislaru, co-president of the REPER Party said on Tuesday."I congratulate my colleagues from Save…

14:40, 19.12.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romania needs political stability

PM Ciolacu: Romania needs political stabilityPSD (Social Democratic Party) chairman and prime minister Marcel Ciolacu on Tuesday stated that Romania needs political stability, pointing out that, together with the…

09:46, 13.12.2023

I have no doubts, pension Pillar II will be untouched (PNL's Ciuca)

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Nicolae Ciuca, stated on Tuesday, on private television Digi 24, that Pillar II of pensions (mandatory private pensions, ed. n.) will not be touched, being assumed…

08:45, 13.12.2023

Terminating alliance with PSD, at the end of 2024 electoral year (PNL's Ciuca)

Chairman of the National liberal party (PNL) Nicolae Ciuca told private broadcaster Digi 24 on Tuesday, in response to a question from Forta Dreptei (Force of the Right) Party leader Ludovic Orban, that the termination…

09:35, 12.12.2023

Marcel Ciolacu: An alliance with AUR, from me or PSD, is excluded

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu declared that, both for him and for the Social Democratic Party (PSD), an alliance with the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) before or after the elections is excluded, the…

09:05, 12.12.2023

PM Ciolacu has institutional, correct relationship with presidential institution represented by Klaus Iohannis

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), told Monday evening private TV broadcaster Digi 24 that he has an "institutional" and "correct" relationship with President Klaus Iohannis,…

13:20, 06.12.2023

Scholz’s SPD puts cannabis legalization on hold

Germany’s plans to legalize cannabis appear to be in limbo after the Social Democratic Party of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s three-party coalition announced on Tuesday that the law will not be passed this year as initially…

17:01, 27.11.2023

USR's Drula: PNL and PSD, stop your attacks on Pillar II pensions

USR's Drula: PNL and PSD, stop your attacks on Pillar II pensionsNational leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) Catalin Drula on Monday asked the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD)…

21:35, 23.11.2023

Voiculescu: Anti-Covid vaccination was under PM, allocation of vaccines to EU states, by joint contract

The former Minister of Health, Vlad Voiculescu, stated on Thursday that the anti-Covid vaccination was under the prime minister during the pandemic and he also made the decisions regarding the purchase of vaccines."On…

13:00, 23.11.2023

Liberal head Ciuca says governance does not affect political constructions for 2024

Liberal head Ciuca says governance does not affect political constructions for 2024National Liberal Party (PNL) Chairman Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday, regarding a possible collaboration between PNL and the Save…

14:36, 22.11.2023

PNL's Ciuca: We do have disagreements in coalition, but they only help us take better decisions

PNL's Ciuca: We do have disagreements in coalition, but they only help us take better decisionsThe President of the Senate, PNL (National Liberal Party) leader Nicolae Ciuca, on Wednesday stated that there are,…

19:30, 20.11.2023

Principles underlying draft law on pensions are fairness, solidarity and respect for work (PSD)

Social Democratic Party (PSD) deputy Marius Budai said on Monday in plenary that the principles underlying the draft law on pensions are fairness, solidarity and respect for work."USR colleagues, in 2021, when…

20:05, 17.11.2023

USR asks energy minister to take measures to boost energy production and drop capping scheme

USR asks energy minister to take measures to boost energy production and drop capping schemeSave Romania Union (USR) asks Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja to take urgent measures to boost energy and gas production…