Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:10, 18.05.2022

ForMin Bogdan Aurescu to attend two meetings on global food security in New York

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu will participate, on Wednesday and Thursday, in New York, at the invitation of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in two meetings on global food security initiated…

15:20, 28.04.2022

ForMin Aurescu reiterates condemnation by Romania of the illegal, brutal, unprovoked, unjustified aggression of Russia in Ukraine

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu reiterated Romania's condemnation of Russia's illegal, brutal, unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine during a briefing at the informal UN Security Council meeting…

12:05, 11.03.2022

Putin says Russia to welcome volunteers from Middle East to fight Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the green light on Friday to bring in thousands of fighters from the Middle East to fight against Ukraine, according to Reuters. At a meeting of Russia’s Security Council,…

15:25, 26.02.2022

Ministry of Foreign Affairs regrets non-adoption by UN Security Council of draft resolution on situation in Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) said on Saturday that it regrets the UN Security Council's failure to adopt a draft resolution on the situation in Ukraine. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

00:10, 02.02.2022

Mare înghesuială de firme de pază la licitaţia organizată de Consiliul Judeţean Prahova. Miza: contractul de 37,26 milioane de lei!

Violeta Stoica Șase oferte au fost depuse în cadrul licitației organizate de Consiliul Județean Prahova pentru încheierea unui acord-cadru destinat serviciilor de pază, monitorizare și intervenție, monitorizare…

08:56, 25.01.2022

ForMin Aurescu, on Libya, Syria, Mali developments at EU formins' meeting in Brussels

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu said at the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting in Brussels that the critical humanitarian situation in Syria may generate new negative effects, with an impact on the stability…

14:20, 09.01.2022

Participating in NATO, EU missions we ensure Romania's security, says DefMin Dincu

The presence of military sailors in the theatres of operations demonstrates the high capacity of the Romanian Army to provide security in the extended Black Sea region, within the specific missions led by both…

15:10, 02.12.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Russia's position on anti-ballistic missile system deployed in Romania is completely wrong

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu says that the position expressed by the Russian Federation on the anti-ballistic missile system deployed to Romania, an integral part of NATO's Ballistic Missile Defence…

07:10, 30.06.2021

A cincea ediție a conferinței anuale „Security Challenges in the Balkans Region”

Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara și New Strategy Center au organizat a cincea ediție a conferinței anuale „Security Challenges in the Balkans Region”, într-un format hibrid, online și onsite (la Complexul Senator…

07:16, 04.11.2020

La UVT, a început a patra ediție a conferinței anuale „Security Challenges in the Balkans Region”

Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara și New Strategy Center organizează a patra ediție a conferinței anuale „Security Challenges in the Balkans Region”. Conferința beneficiază de prezența unor oficialități și reprezentanți…

09:50, 08.08.2020

Alegerile din SUA au băgat serviciile secrete în alertă: 'China, Rusia şi Iran, între ţările care caută să influenţeze scrutinul'

William Evanina, director al National Counterintelligence and Security Center, a avertizat într-un comunicat că ţări precum China, Rusia şi Iran caută să influenţeze alegerile prezidenţiale din SUA de anul acesta,…

09:45, 08.08.2020

Director servicii secrete: China, Rusia şi Iran, între ţările care caută să influenţeze alegerile prezidenţiale din SUA

William Evanina, director al National Counterintelligence and Security Center, a avertizat într-un comunicat că ţări precum China, Rusia şi Iran caută să influenţeze alegerile prezidenţiale din SUA de anul acesta,…

12:03, 17.07.2020

Romania will continue to plead in favor of cooperation to clarify circumstances of MH-17 crash in Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to plead in favor of cooperation to clarify the circumstances of the MH-17 airplane crash in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and for the holding accountable those responsible,…

19:27, 14.07.2020

Marea Britanie interzice Huawei din rețeaua sa 5G

Guvernul premierului Boris Johnson va interzice Huawei din rețeaua 5G a Marii Britanii, ordonând companiilor de telecomunicații să-și scoată echipamentul până în 2027, a declarat marți secretarul în domeniul digital…

22:52, 08.05.2020

ForMin Aurescu evokes Romanian troops' contribution to victory against Nazism in UN Security Council High-Level Meeting

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu participated on Friday in the UN Security Council's High-Level Meeting on the '75th Anniversary of the End of World War II in Europe; lessons for the prevention of international…

12:34, 05.11.2019

President Iohannis: UN file, one of files failed by PSD governing

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday at the the new Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu's taking office ceremony, that one of the files failed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) government was the UN…

09:22, 16.10.2019

Conferinţa de securitate în Balcani, organizată de Universitatea de Vest, a ajuns la ediţia a treia

Specialişti în domeniul militar, al diplomaţiei, dar şi a mass-media, peste 300 de persoane, au discutat marţi, la Timişoara, despre problemele Balcanilor şi a riscurilor strategice ataşate acestei zone agitate…

18:23, 10.06.2019

Talks on relocating embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, one of problems related to Arab countries' UN vote(Melescanu)

Public talks on the relocation of Romania's Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem were one of the problems our country faced in connection with the Arab countries' votes for a non-permanent seat in the UN…

14:45, 08.06.2019

MAE: Romania will stay deeply committed to supporting UN

Romania will stay deeply committed to supporting the UN, and the campaign for obtaining a non-permanent member seat in the UN Security Council "has consolidated the international profile" of our country, reads…

14:35, 08.06.2019

Iohannis: Irresponsible statements of some high representatives have led to reserve to Romania's candidacy in UN's SC

President Klaus Iohannis has taken note with regret of Romania not being picked for a seat of non-permanent member in the UN's Security Council, for the 2020 - 2021 interval, following the vote that took place…

12:17, 07.06.2019

ForMin Melescanu maintains need to boost transparency, accountability, efficiency, predictability of Security Council

Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu attended an open meeting on Thursday, chaired by Kuwait, at the UN Security Council, on the latter's working methods.  "The head of the Romanian diplomacy pointed out the…

13:15, 25.05.2019

Foreign Minister promotes Romanian candidacy for non-permanent seat of UN Security Council

Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu has participated, on Friday, in a meeting organized by the UN Security Council, on the topic of the impact of peacekeeping operations on the consolidation of peace,…

14:14, 24.05.2019

ForMin Melescanu reaffirms Romania's commitment to achieving UN objectives on civil protection

Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu reaffirmed Romania's commitment to contribute to achieving the objectives set by the UN Security Council in the field of civil protection.  On Thursday, he attended the…

11:37, 08.05.2019

Ion I. Jinga, intervenție în Consiliul de Securitate al ONU

Reprezentant Permanent al României la ONU, ambasador Ion I. Jinga, a susținut marţi, 7 mai 2019, o intervenție în Consiliul de Securitate, în cadrul dezbaterii deschise pe tema “Investind în pace: Îmbunătăţirea…

08:38, 08.05.2019

Îmbunătăţirea siguranţei şi performanţei personalului de menţinere a păcii

Reprezentantul Permanent al României la ONU, ambasadorul Ion I. Jinga, a susţinut marţi, 7 mai 2019, o intervenţie în Consiliul de Securitate, în cadrul dezbaterii deschise pe tema "Investind în pace: Îmbunătăţirea…

11:36, 20.02.2019

Un arădean „conduce” Brigada de Combatere a Criminalității Organizate Timiș

Comisarul șef Cosmin Popovici este împuternicit în funcția de șef al Brigăzii de Combatere a Criminalității Organizate (BCCO) Timiș începând cu data de 20 februarie 2019, până la scoaterea postului la concurs.…

17:17, 29.01.2019

President Iohannis: Romania has strong case for non-permanent seat in UN Security Council

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that Romania has a strong case for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council."I reiterate Romania's support for multilateralism, support to the UN included. This lasting…

14:15, 07.12.2018

Romania, committed to developing EU-UN cooperation during future EU Council Presidency (ambassador Jinga)

Romania's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Ion Jinga, brought to mind Romania's commitment to continue developing cooperation between the European Union and the United Nations during its…

12:20, 01.11.2018

Deputy PM Birchall meets representatives of Southeast Pacific states;promotes Romania's bid for non-permanent seat on UN SC

Deputy Prime Minister Ana Birchall had a series of meetings with representatives of the island states in the Southeast Pacific and Caribbean region, whom she presented to Romania's objectives with the United Nations…

14:18, 10.10.2018

ForMin Melescanu says international institutions helped mellow East - West collision

The East -West collision is currently less intense although it hasn't yet fully died out, and this is the effect of action by international institutions, Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu on Wednesday told…