Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:10, 04.11.2023

Tennis: Bianca Andreescu says her goal is to become WTA's no. 1

Canadian tennis player of Romanian origin Bianca Andreescu stated, on Saturday, on the occasion of the launch of her book "Bibi Got Game" in Romanian, in Bucharest, that her main objective remains to reach number…

18:26, 04.11.2023

Romania is vice-champion at the World Aerobatic Championships in Las Vegas

The Romanian team is runner-up at the World Aerobatic Championships in Las Vegas, which confirms that the Romania team is part of the elite of aerobatics alongside nations with a tradition in this sport, the representatives…

13:55, 04.11.2023

Over 91K people entered Romania on Friday, among whom 9,000 were Ukrainians

Over 91K people entered Romania on Friday, among whom 9,000 were UkrainiansThe General Inspectorate of the Border Police informs that, on Friday, 91,518 people entered Romania through the border crossing points,…

17:15, 28.10.2023

David Popovici backs down from Marek Petrusewicz Memorial

Romanian swimmer David Popovici did not start in the 100-meter freestyle and 50-meter butterfly events, scheduled for Saturday, on the second day of the Marek Petrusewicz Memorial in Wroclaw, Poland, competition…

16:21, 28.10.2023

ForMin Odobescu, Qatari PM phone call on Israel, Gaza Strip security situation

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu had a phone conversation on Saturday with Qatari prime minister and Foreign Affairs minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani, the two exchanging views…

16:21, 28.10.2023

PM Ciolacu: Until Schengen area's dissolution, Romania wishes to join it and we'll continue negotiations

Romania still wants to join the Schengen area and will continue negotiations in this regard, on Saturday said prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, at the Indagra Fair. The premier made the clarification when asked by…

13:45, 28.10.2023

30 migrants trying to illegally cross the border into Serbia, detected by border police

Western Timisoara border police detected on Friday and Saturday 30 foreign citizens from Nepal and Afghanistan who tried to illegally cross the border into Serbia, in the case being kicked off investigations for…

15:15, 22.10.2023

„Bani din Elveția pentru Hamas”. Procurorul federal a deschis proceduri penale legate plăți către organizația teroristă

Procurorul federal Stefan Blättler a anunțat, la postul public SRF, că a inițiat urmărirea penală pentru suspiciunea plăți efectuate din Elveția către Hamas. Spre deosebire de UE, Berna nu a declarat organizația…

14:20, 21.10.2023

Rafah border crossing, open to allow only humanitarian aid trucks

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that, according to the information received from the field, the border point at Rafah, between the Gaza Strip and the Republic of Egypt, was opened on Saturday, to…

14:20, 21.10.2023

Over 775 million euros for SMEs in Gorj, Hunedoara, Dolj, Galati, Prahova and Mures

More than 775 million euros will be available through the Just Transition Program for SMEs in Gorj, Hunedoara, Dolj, Galati, Prahova and Mures counties, the calls for projects to be opened between December 20,…

12:40, 21.10.2023

MAE strongly recommends leaving areas in southern Lebanon immediately

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) announced on Saturday that, in the context of the deterioration of the security situation in the region, the travel warning for the Lebanese Republic was updated."MAE strongly…

11:25, 21.10.2023

Over 204,000 persons cross border on Friday, 22 foreign citizens denied exit

The General Inspectorate of the Border Police (IGPF) informs that on Friday, more than 204,000 people, Romanian citizens, carried out the control formalities (both inbound and outbound) through the border points…

09:10, 20.10.2023

ALDE Party Council to be held, for first time in Bucharest

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Party, of which Save Romania Union (USR) is a member, is organising its first autumn council meeting in Bucharest on Friday and Saturday. The event will…

23:05, 16.10.2023

Taylor Swift și Travis Kelce, prima apariție împreună! Cei doi și-au asumat relația. Au mers la un restaurant din New York ținându-se de mână / FOTO

Zvonurile potrivit cărora între Taylor Swift și tight end-ul Kansas City Chiefs s-ar fi înfiripat o poveste de dragoste circulă încă de la apariția surpriză a câștigătorului Grammy la Arrowhead Stadium, pe 24 septembrie.…

00:40, 15.10.2023

Liderul Hamas care a orchestrat atacul asupra Israelului a fost ucis! Final de drum și pentru mai mulți "teroriști" care încercau să se infiltreze dinspre…

IDF (Forțele de Apărare Israeliene) confirmă că l-au ucis pe liderul superior al Hamas, Merad Abu Merad, într-un atac aerian asupra orașului Gaza. Merad a fost în mare parte responsabil pentru dirijarea teroriștilor…

19:05, 14.10.2023

Two more persons with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship die

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) confirmed on Saturday the death, in the context of the security situation in the State of Israel and the Gaza Strip, of two more persons with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship…

17:35, 14.10.2023

Another 58 Romanian citizens return home from Israel

Another 58 Romanian citizens returned home from Israel on Saturday, on an aircraft operated by a private company. ''Further to the information provided in the context of the deteriorating security situation in…

17:15, 14.10.2023

Justice Minister Gorghiu: There are 65,000 registered sex offenders, under several restrictions

Minister of Justice Alina Gorghiu said in Oradea on Saturday that there are 65,000 registered sex offenders in Romania. "It is for the first time that the number of people who are in this Register is being said…

13:50, 14.10.2023

S&P affirms Romania's rating with stable outlook

S&P affirms Romania's rating with stable outlookS&P rating agency, on October 13, 2023, affirmed Romania's rating at BBB-/A3 for long-term and short-term government debt in foreign currency, as well as…

13:35, 14.10.2023

Ciolacu: Went shopping, got everything I needed for 93.50 lei

Ciolacu: Went shopping, got everything I needed for 93.50 leiPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Saturday that he went shopping and, with the amount of almost 100 lei, he bought what he needed. "I went shopping…

11:45, 14.10.2023

Liderul Hamas care a orchestrat atacul asupra Israelului a fost ucis! Final de drum și pentru mai mulți "teroriști" care încercau să se infiltreze dinspre…

IDF (Forțele de Apărare Israeliene) confirmă că l-au ucis pe liderul superior al Hamas, Merad Abu Merad, într-un atac aerian asupra orașului Gaza. Merad a fost în mare parte responsabil pentru dirijarea teroriștilor…

11:25, 14.10.2023

Liderul Hamas care a orchestrat atacul asupra Israelului, ucis într-un raid aerian! Final de drum pentru mai mulți "teroriști" care încercau să se infiltreze…

IDF (Forțele de Apărare Israeliene) confirmă că l-au ucis pe liderul superior al Hamas, Merad Abu Merad, într-un atac aerian asupra orașului Gaza. Merad a fost în mare parte responsabil pentru dirijarea teroriștilor…

07:55, 14.10.2023

Război Israel-Hamas: Netanyahu anunță că riposta „abia a început”. „Îi lovim cu o putere fără precedent”. Trupele israeliene, raiduri locale în Gaza,…

Israelul a cerut vineri civililor din nordul Fâșiei Gaza să evacueze zona, care include orașul Gaza, în 24 de ore, adică până sâmbătă dimineață. Sarcina a fost calogată imposibilă de ONU, ținând cont că este vorba…

22:20, 13.10.2023

LIVETEXT Război Israel-Hamas: Netanyahu anunță că riposta „abia a început”. „Îi lovim cu o putere fără precedent”. Trupele israeliene, raiduri locale…

Israelul a cerut vineri civililor din nordul Fâșiei Gaza să evacueze zona, care include orașul Gaza, în 24 de ore, o sarcină pe care ONU a declarat-o imposibilă, ținând cont că este vorba despre mai bine de un…

18:26, 13.10.2023

Ice Spice face echipă cu Rema pentru “Pretty Girl”

Ice Spice face echipă cu Rema pentru “Pretty Girl”. Piesa vine la câteva zile după ce Ice Spice, născută în Bronx, a fost anunțată ca invitată muzicală în premieră a sezonului la Saturday Night Live, a câștigat…

11:21, 10.10.2023

European Union faces rift over Palestine aid, stance on Israel war with Hamas

Divisions among EU member states and a lack of convergence from EU institutions were on display on Monday over plans to halt aid to Palestine in response to Saturday’s attack on Israel by Hamas, according to Euractiv. …

09:35, 09.10.2023

Wizz Air cancels flights to, from Tel Aviv

Wizz Air has canceled its flights to and from Tel Aviv, Israel, as a result of the escalation of the conflict in Israel. "Wizz Air is contacting the affected passengers directly, via e-mail or SMS, and offering…

09:35, 08.10.2023

346 Romanian, foreign citizens brought to Romania from Israel with two TAROM flights

Following the moves made by the Crisis Cell, 346 Romanian and foreign citizens were repatriated from Israel, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, with two flights operated by TAROM company - 189 first flight, respectively…

16:10, 07.10.2023

Ciolacu: There are no problems related to the payment of wages and pensions

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, the national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), said on Saturday that the government does not have problems of "inability to pay" wages and pensions, adding that there is…

14:50, 07.10.2023

President Iohannis welcomed by Portuguese counterpart de Sousa

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Saturday was welcomed by his Portuguese counterpart Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Agerpres reports.The official reception ceremony took place at the Jeronimos Monastery in Lisbon.…