Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:45, 07.06.2023

Representatives of Bucharest Municipality will authorize teachers' protests

Representatives of Bucharest Municipality will authorize teachers' protests. The representatives of the Bucharest Municipality will authorize the teachers' protests, announced the general mayor of the Romanian…

15:30, 07.06.2023

Memorandum on salary increases granted to Education staff through new Salary Law to be adopted Thursday

Memorandum on salary increases granted to Education staff through new Salary Law to be adopted Thursday. On Thursday, the Government will adopt a memorandum regarding the salary increases granted to Education staff…

16:36, 01.06.2023

Gov't approves Ordinance establishing salary increases in education

Gov't approves Ordinance establishing salary increases in education. On Thursday, the government approved the Ordinance that establishes salary increases in education, with RON 1000 gross for teaching staff and…

15:25, 30.05.2023

PM Ciuca presents education union representatives measures on increasing teaching staff income

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met on Tuesday at the Victoria Governmental Palace with representatives of education union leaders. During the dialogue, which was also attended by Minister Ligia Deca, PM Ciuca presented…

17:45, 29.05.2023

LabMin Budai: As of today, we have applied discussions on the grid proposed by everyone

LabMin Budai: As of today, we have applied discussions on the grid proposed by everyone. Discussions on the Salary Law will take place "applied, on the grid proposed by everyone," Labour and Social Solidarity Minister…

20:05, 25.05.2023

Education unions demand 25 pct pay rise

Education unions demanded a 25 percent pay rise and a regulatory act guaranteeing that a beginner's pay shall be the equivalent to the national average gross salary, president of the "Spiru Haret" Education Unions…

15:15, 22.05.2023

Average value of extra-salary benefits in Romania up by 11 pct in 2022 (study)

Average value of extra-salary benefits in Romania up by 11 pct in 2022 (study). The average monthly value of extra-salary benefits granted in Romania, in 2022, increased by 11% compared to the previous year, up…

17:30, 17.05.2023

President Iohannis: Teachers' requests regarding salary increases are justified

President Iohannis: Teachers' requests regarding salary increases are justified.President Klaus Iohannis, on Wednesday, said that the teachers' requests regarding salary increases are justified, saying that they…

11:50, 12.05.2023

March 2023 average net salary earning, up 284 lei, to 4,554 lei

March 2023 average net salary earning, up 284 lei, to 4,554 lei.The average net salary earning in Romania was 4,554 lei in March 2023, up by 284 lei (6.7%) compared to February 2023, and the highest values were…

11:20, 26.04.2023

Kelemen Hunor: Pensions should be calculated based on contribution, they cannot be higher than salary

Kelemen Hunor: Pensions should be calculated based on contribution, they cannot be higher than salary.Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Chairman Kelemen Hunor, Deputy Prime Minister in the Ciuca Cabinet,…

13:50, 20.04.2023

LabMin Budai: I don't think it is appropriate to ban cumulation of salary and pension

Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Marius Budai said on Thursday in Ploiesti, in reference to the amassing of salary and pension, that the discussion should not be generalized, but should be carried out "in…

17:36, 10.04.2023

PM Ciuca: Any solution for budget balancing, except for salary cuts or giving up investments

Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca, chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), said on Monday in eastern Focsani, that has given the Government the task of discussing any option for "budget balancing", except for…

18:56, 04.04.2023

Women employees in Romania lose 468 EUR every year on average due to salary inequality

Women employees in Romania lose 468 EUR every year, on average, due to the salary inequality between men and women, the National Trade Union Block (BNS) says.In a release issued on Tuesday for AGERPRES, the BNS…

16:06, 13.03.2023

Război Ucraina. Putin se teme de atacuri. Moscova, înțesată de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană

De la începutul anului, sistemele de apărare aeriană au fost instalate simultan în mai multe districte ale Moscovei. Ministerul Apărării a ordonat defrișarea a sute de hectare de pădure pentru a face loc sistemelor…

07:35, 02.03.2023

Război în Ucraina - Ziua 372 - Apărarea anti-aeriană ucraineană doboară 80% din rachetele ruseşti. Invadatorii pregătesc o nouă ofensivă

UPDATE 06:30 ISW: Kremlinul ar putea folosi modificările Codului Penal pentru a creşte pedepsele pentru „discreditarea” armatei rusePreşedintele Dumei de Stat a Rusiei, Viaceslav Volodin, a anunţat că Duma ar putea…

11:00, 13.02.2023

Average net monthly salary in Romania up 6.2pct in December 2022

The average net monthly salary earning in Romania in December 2022 was RON 4,398, up RON 257 (+6.2%) on a monthly basis and 13.4% y-o-y, according to data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics…

16:56, 10.02.2023

Minister Budai: I will take trade unions in education and healthcare as partners in building Salary Law

The Minister of Labour, Marius Budai, on Friday voiced his solidarity with the employees of the education system and those of the health system, who protested against the low level of salaries, told Agerpres. Fii…

12:55, 10.01.2023

Half of employees expect a salary increase in 2023, about 62% of employers have planned salary increases

Approximately 53% of employees expect their salaries to increase this year, and 40% plan to look for another job if this does not happen in the context of rising inflation, according to a survey conducted by Undelucram.ro.…

15:01, 30.12.2022

Minimum wage, pension point increase from January 1, 2023

Next year will bring to Romanians an increase in the minimum salary, the pension point and the gross salary in the public sector, Agerpres informs. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

21:35, 19.12.2022

Salary increase for staff managing projects related to 2021-2027 programming period, PNRR

On Monday, the executive approved, by decision, a salary increase for the staff who manage the operational programmes related to the programming period 2021 - 2027, as well as the PNRR, a statement from the Government…

14:45, 13.12.2022

PM, Education representatives discuss salary approach

The government is analysing a uniform and fair salary approach formula for the Education sector, in correlation with the strategic importance given to education, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Tuesday, at…

11:16, 13.12.2022

Average net salary up by rd 1 euro in October, to about 813 euros

The average net salary gain was 4,008 RON (round 813 euros) in October this year, in a slight increase, by 5 RON (+0.1%, round 1 euro) compared to September 2022, and the highest values were registered in information…

21:40, 08.12.2022

Increase in minimum gross salary in 2023 to 3,000 RON, approved by Gov't

The Executive approved in Thursday's meeting the Decision for the establishment of the country's minimum gross salary, which provides that its level will be increased to 3,000 RON monthly, starting on January 1,…

19:30, 24.11.2022

Trade unions, employers' associations accept 3,000 RON increase in gross salary, 200 RON tax-free

The trade unions and employers' associations have accepted, during the discussions in the National Tripartite Council (CNT), the proposal to increase the minimum gross salary to 3,000 RON, with 200 RON tax-free,…

12:40, 16.11.2022

Half of employees report salary raise in 2022 (survey)

Almost half (44 percent) of the participants in a survey conducted by recruitment platform eJobs consider that 2022 was a year full of uncertainties and challenges, while for 32.4 percent of the respondents it…

13:00, 03.11.2022

Job advertisements with salary info receive 40 pct more applications

Job advertisements that also specify the salary range receive 40 percent more applications from job seekers, shows a statistical report by online recruitment platform BestJobs.According to BestJobs data published…

03:15, 28.09.2022

Unde te poți angaja în România pe salariu de 9.200 de lei. Domeniul acesta este cel mai căutat de pe piața muncii!

Piața muncii din România este una foarte variantă, dar un domeniu atrage cel mai mult atenția asupra sa, iar interesul este direct proporțional cu nivelul salarial propus. Cine nu vrea să se angajeze pe aproape…

18:35, 27.09.2022

Undelucram.ro: Cele mai căutate cinci joburi din domeniul IT în România sunt: dezvoltator interfețe, inginer software, specialist securitate, analist…

• Care sunt cele mai căutate cinci joburi din domeniul IT • Salariul mediu pentru cele mai căutate cinci joburi din domeniul IT • Salary Report – un instrument complex, dedicat specialiștilor din HR Cele mai căutate…

13:51, 27.09.2022

Salariile medii pentru cele mai căutate joburi IT din România, între 5.000 şi 9.000 de lei

Media salariilor în cele mai căutate locuri de muncă din domeniul IT, în România, este între 5.000 şi 9.000 de lei, arată datele centralizate de o platformă online dedicată angajaţilor. Conform Undelucram.ro, în…

09:40, 25.09.2022

Se oferă salarii de peste 12.000 de lei în România. În ce domeniu se fac angajări?

În România se pot câștiga și salarii de peste 12.000 de lei în anumite domenii, iar mulți angajați le au deja de ani buni. Mai exact, este vorba despre domeniul IT, unde salariul net al unui specialist în cybersecurity…