Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:15, 22.02.2022

Iohannis: Romania firmly condemns the recognition by Russia of the 'independence' of Donetsk, Luhansk separatist regions

President Klaus Iohannis stated, in a press statement, that Romania firmly condemns the recognition by the Russian Federation of the "independence" of the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk…

23:56, 21.02.2022

Foreign Affairs Council: Recognition of separatist provinces in Ukraine would be a flagrant violation of international law

The Foreign Affairs Council met in Brussels on Monday with European diplomats saying Russia's recognition of Ukraine's separatist provinces was a "flagrant violation" of international law. Fii la curent cu cele…

15:55, 10.02.2022

Gov't approves ratification draft of new agreement between Romania and Moldova on mutual recognition of diplomas

The Government approved in Thursday's meeting a draft law for the ratification of the new agreement between the governments of Romania and the Republic of Moldova on the mutual recognition of diplomas, Government…

15:40, 03.02.2022

PNL's Citu withdraws bill on Esports recognition in Romania as certain clarifications still required

Senate President Florin Citu declared on Thursday that he has withdrawn the bill on the recognition of electronic sports (Esports) in Romania because certain aspects still need to be clarified, and that the legislative…

12:15, 03.02.2022

Florin Citu initiates legislative proposal for recognition of electronic sports in Romania

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, is the initiator of a bill according to which the electronic sport - E-sports is recognized in Romania, Agerpres reports. "The National Liberal Youth (TNL) together with…

18:55, 27.01.2022

Senator Corlatean: My election as head of PACE special committee, a recognition of Romanian international law school

Senator Titus Corlatean says that his election as head of the PACE special committee for the election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights is "an important recognition of the Romanian school of international…

17:00, 01.12.2021

Patriarch Daniel: 'Greater Union Centennial' anniversary medal - recognition of Church contribution to national identity preservation

In response to being presented on Tuesday, on behalf of President of Romania Klaus Iohannis, with the 'Greater Union Centennial' anniversary medal for the involvement of the Church in promoting national memory…

22:00, 23.11.2021

Romania - Rep. of Moldova intergovernmental agreement on mutual recognition of diplomas

The Romanian and Moldovan Education Ministers Sorin Cimpeanu and Anatolie Topala signed on Tuesday at the Victoria Palace the Agreement between the governments of the two countries on the mutual recognition of…

13:50, 12.11.2021

Kovesi loses lawsuit with CSM on recognition professional degree corresponding to General Prosecutor's Office

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) rejected the action filed by former head of National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) Laura Codruta Kovesi against the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) regarding…

08:55, 02.10.2021

China și scandalul Evergrande - Rinocerii cenușii, partidul și datoriile de 300 de miliarde de dolari

​Evergrande a ajuns dezvoltatorul imobiliar cu cele mai mari datorii din lume și prăbușirea sa ar putea afecta economia Chinei, dar și investitorii din Occident. Scandalul Evergrande arată, încă o dată, cât…

10:16, 20.09.2021

MAE:Romania does not recognize legitimacy of Crimean elections, reaffirms support for Ukraine's territorial integrity

Romania does not recognize the legitimacy of the elections for the State Duma of the Russian Federation organized on Sunday in Crimea, and reaffirms its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of…

17:05, 27.07.2021

Rosia Montana on World Heritage List - EnviMin Barna: Cultural value can be used through tourism

Minister of the Environment, Waters and Forestry Tanczos Barna says the inclusion of the Rosia Montana Mining Landscape on the World Heritage List represents an opportunity for the development of tourism in the…

00:20, 13.06.2021

Tineri băcăuani ridică pasiunea pentru robotică pe podiumul international

FIRST® LEGO® League, este o competiție internațională de robotică și soluții inovatoare, adresată copiilor și tinerilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 9 și 16 ani, lansată în 1998, de către fundația FIRST (For Inspiration…

21:36, 27.05.2021

European Heritage Award for Ursi village wooden church - a recognition of teamwork efforts

The mid-18th century wooden church in Ursi village - Valcea County, a winner of this year's European Heritage Awards in the Conservation category, thus receives international recognition and the experts, architects,…

12:41, 18.05.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Extending Romanian presidency mandate of Community of Democracies represents recognition of Romania's credibility

The Minister of Foreign Affairs (MAE), Bogdan Aurescu, salutes the extension of one more year - until September 2022 - for the Romanian presidency mandate in the Community of Democracies, mentioning that the decision…

21:05, 02.04.2021

Newly rolled out VR avatar to help children with ASD recognise emotions

The Blue Smile Association and Centric IT Solutions Romania launched today in Iasi a VR emotional expression recognition app intended for the therapy of autistic children; the roll-out of the application thus marked…

18:00, 26.12.2020

UMF Iasi receives WFME accreditation, which brings wider international recognition for graduates

The "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi received the accreditation of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME), a document by which the graduates' diplomas receive a wider international…

19:05, 10.12.2020

Interim PM Ciuca: Hosting by Romania of EU Cyber Center - powerful signal of trust; historical moment

Interim Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca hailed the hosting by Romania of its first structure of the European Union - the European Cybersecurity Competence Center, emphasizing that this represents a powerful signal…

08:36, 20.11.2020

Coronavirus/ President Iohannis: Mutual recognition of tests would facilitate free movement in the EU

President Klaus Iohannis told on Thursday evening a video-conference with European Council members on the COVID-19 pandemic management measures that mutual recognition of tests would facilitate free movement in…

14:40, 18.11.2020

ForMin Aurescu: 'Greater Union Centennial' medal comes in recognition of team effort

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu received on Wednesday, on behalf of the Foreign Ministry, the 'Greater Union Centennial' medal conferred by President Klaus Iohannis, stating on the occasion that the honor…

13:05, 16.11.2020

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, 29 years since recognition as UNESCO World Heritage site

The Day of Romania's UNESCO World Heritage is celebrated every year on November 16, and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (RBDD) is Romania's first natural site listed as a world heritage place in 1991. "The Day…

22:25, 29.10.2020

Klaus Iohannnis: Consistent approach by EU member states on mutual recognition of COVID test results is absolutely necessary

Speaking shortly before a video conference of European Council members on the Covid response, President Klaus Iohannis said that a consistent approach by EU member states is absolutely necessary, and that they…

20:00, 16.10.2020

Ciolacu: New PSD team means honest, well-recognized professionals

The new Social Democratic Party (PSD) team means people who are honest, professional and well-recognized in their fields of activity, such as Dr. Alexandru Rafila and many others who will enter the future Parliament,…

16:50, 08.10.2020

​Catedrala emblematică din Nagorno Karabah, lovită de bombardamente

O catedrală armeană celebră din Nagorno Karabah a fost lovită de tiruri ale forțelor azere, în această regiune separatistă unde au loc conflicte violente, a anunțat joi guvernul de la Erevan, citat de AFP."Forțele…

17:35, 06.10.2020

VIDEO Conflictul din Nagorno Karabah: Stepanakert, un oraș fantomă, desfigurat de bombardamentele azere

A fost nevoie de doar două zile pentru ca Stepanakert, capitala autoproclamatei republici Nagorno Karabah, din munții caucazieni, să fie desfigurat de bombardamentele azere și golit de o mare parte a populației,…

19:25, 26.08.2020

Black Sea Universities Network, recognised for contribution to implementing UN goals

The Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) has recently been recognised in Vienna for its contribution to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)."At a ceremony at the Diplomatic…

08:40, 31.07.2020

PSD, prepared to come with PM proposal, a specialist recognized by everyone

The Social Democrats are prepared to come, together with other forces in the opposition, with a Prime Minister proposal, "a specialist recognized by everyone," if the censure motion they intend to submit will be…

17:25, 11.06.2020

Leadership of the Romanian Tennis Federation, recognized in court after winning trial with Marius Vecerdea

The leadership of the Romanian Tennis Federation was recognized in court after winning at the Court of Appeal the lawsuit filed by the representative of the Pamira Sibiu club, Marius Vecerdea, challenging the election…

14:02, 06.03.2020

Harry și Meghan, la London Awards. Luni, 9 martie, va fi ultimul eveniment oficial, alături de familia regală

Ducele și Ducesa de Sussex au participat la unul dintre ultimele evenimente oficiale înainte de a părăsi familia regală britanică, către sfârșitul acestei luni, notează BBC. Ceremonia London awards a fost prima…

19:27, 09.10.2019

Deputy Chief of Defence Staff Petrescu: LANDCOM conference in Bucharest, a recognition of HQ MND-SE's importance

The organisation of the Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) Conference in Bucharest represents a recognition of the important role of the Headquarters Multinational Division Southeast (HQ MND-SE), Deputy Chief of Defence…