Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:07, 28.11.2018

Exercițiul de apărare cibernetică Cyber Coalition 2018

Exercițiul de apărare cibernetică Cyber Coalition 2018 În perioada 26-30 noiembrie 2018 se desfășoară CYBER COALITION 2018, cel mai important exercițiu de apărare cibernetică organizat de NATO, având…

13:53, 12.11.2018

Iohannis files constitutionality objection over law turning ombudsman into ministerial office

President Klaus Iohannis has filed a constitutionality objection with the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) over a law on amending and supplementing Law 35/1997 on the statutes of the Ombudsman that turns the…

18:25, 20.09.2018

Gov't: Certificate for person fit to adopt, valid for 5 years

The Government approved in Thursday's sitting amendments and completions to the Law of adoptions, one of the new provisions extending the length of validity of the person or family certificate fit to adopt from…

09:04, 21.08.2018

12 persoane, între care doi americani, acuzate de tentativă de lovitură de stat în Vietnam

Un tribunal din oraşul Ho Chi Minh a deschis marţi un proces împotriva a 12 activişti, între care doi cetăţeni americani, sub acuzaţia de tentativă de răsturnare a guvernului, a informat mass-media de stat, relatează…

23:17, 25.06.2018

Senate:Provision passed requiring approval of Constitutional Court plenum for court judge's arrest, search, indictment

Constitutional Court judges cannot be taken into custody, arrested, searched or indicted other than with the approval of the Constitutional Court plenum, at the request of the Prosecutor general of the Supreme…

15:08, 06.06.2018

President Iohannis notifies CCR on ANCOM law

President Klaus Iohannis sent on Wednesday to the Constitutional Court of Romania a notification of unconstitutionality on the Law on the approval of GEO no. 33/2017 for the amendment and addition of Art. 11 of…

21:39, 18.05.2018

President Iohannis refers Referendum Law to Constitutional Court

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday filed a constitutional challenge to the Law amending and complementing Law No. 3/2000 on organizing and holding a referendum, the Presidential Administration said in a release.…

22:07, 08.05.2018

Court rules unconstitutional provisions in Police Law

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on Tuesday unanimously accepted a constitutionality objection, ruling the provisions of Article 10 (5), second sentence in the Police Law unconstitutional. According to…

15:06, 05.04.2018

Avecto si Provision anunta un nou parteneriat in domeniul securitatii informatiilor pentru Romania, Bulgaria si Moldova

Provision Software Division, liderul pietei de securitate a informatiei din Romania si furnizor de servicii profesionale, anunta astazi incheierea unui parteneriat cu Avecto, lider mondial pentru zona de endpoint…

22:56, 03.03.2018

JusMin Toader: Procedure for assessment of high-rank prosecutors as per law, not CSM regulation

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said on Saturday that the procedure for the assessment of high-rank prosecutors is carried out as per law and not the regulation of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), insofar…

21:14, 08.02.2018

Gov't passes bill on fighting domestic violence; provisional protection order introduced

The Government passed on Thursday's meeting the bill on fighting domestic violence, introducing a provisional protection order that allows the police officer to take immediate action in order to protect the victim…

16:33, 09.01.2018

Consorţiul Louis Berger vrea să ducă proiectul tunelului la bun sfârşit, primarul Ionuţ Pucheanu nu vrea

Proiectul construirii unui tunel rutier care să lege malul gălăţean al Dunării cu malul tulcean, proiectul de suflet al fostului edil Marius Stan, dar oprit de actuala administraţie, ar putea declanşa unele divergenţe…

16:33, 08.01.2018

Constructia singurului tunel pe sub Dunare, blocata de politica locala. Constructorul vrea sa continue proiectul

Un tunel pe sub Dunăre, cu o lungime de circa 2 kilometri, cu două benzi de circulație și toate dotările moderne necesare ar fi fost o premieră pentru România. Primăria Galați și-a însușit acest proiect și a contractat…

16:55, 24.11.2017

President Iohannis on repeal of provision on magistrates' appointment: Inappropriate attempt; not to remain as such

AGERPRES special correspondent Florentina Peia reports: President Klaus Iohannis stated on Friday that the repeal of the provision according to which he could only refuse once to appoint magistrates is an inappropriate…

14:53, 22.11.2017

Trade unionists in education request removal of salary discrimination and amendment of current payroll framework-law

The Federation of Free Education Unions (FSLI) requests that by 1 December, 2017, the salary discriminations created by the incorrect interpretation of Law no. 153/2017 provisions regarding the payroll of employees…

13:41, 13.11.2017

CommMin Sova: Ministry, not consulted on Tax Code; provisions would generate loss in tax-exempt IT sector

The Ministry of Communications has not been asked for an opinion on the amendments to the Tax Code, and for the tax-exempt IT sector they would generate a loss of 4 percent, Minister of Communications and Information…

15:57, 06.11.2017

PNL's Orban: PNL, ready to resort to protests, fight to prevent passage of provisions affecting justice independence

National leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban said on Monday that his party is ready to resort to protests at any time to prevent the passage of provisions that affect the independence of the…

09:52, 24.10.2017

Partenerul de dublu al lui Florin Mergea, tenismenul Adrian Barbu, depistat pozitiv

Adrian Barbu, tenismenul aflat pe locul 506 în clasamentul ATP de dublu, partener al vicecampionului olimpic Florin Mergea, locul 49 ATP, a fost depistat pozitiv la un control antidoping efectuat la 16 august,…

16:32, 29.08.2017

MP Florea: There are no legal provisions forbidding the prosecutor from sending requested documents

Chair of the parliamentary committee inquiring into the 2009 presidential election Oana Florea said Tuesday that she agreed "wholeheartedly" to meet Attorney General Augustin Lazar to solve a problem, not to create…

17:27, 19.12.2016

PSD's Dragnea says provisions of governing protocol set down this afternoon

The head of Social Democratic Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, stated on Monday that the provisions of the governing protocol with Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) were set down in the afternoon, shortly before…

16:12, 11.04.2016

Panama Papers. The former minister Ioana Petrescu, threatened! "They told me to sit tight and do only the little things

  "I have always thought that we must begin with the extirpation of the great evasion. At the beginning of my term as Minister, I was advised very paternally by several benevolent people to not try to…

17:39, 12.01.2016

JusMin proposes Gov't to repeal provision allowing prisoners' early release for scientific works

Justice Minister Raluca Prună said on Tuesday that she will propose the Government to adopt an emergency ordinance to repeal the provision allowing the reduction of convicts' sentences for publishing scientific…

14:05, 06.10.2015

Conferința anuală internațională “Noile Provocări Globale de Securitate Cibernetică”, ediția a V-a

În intervalul 5-6 octombrie 2015, s-a desfășurat cea de-a cincea ediție a conferinței anuale internaționale “Noile Provocări Globale de Securitate Cibernetică&" organizată de Centrul Național de Răspuns…

12:17, 28.09.2015

Caz major de spionaj industrial analizat la Provision DAY 2015

Paul Williams, cu 24 de ani de experienta, inovare si inventii in securitatea informatiei, expert in investigarea si rezolvarea rapida a crimelor din domeniul cibernetic vine pe 1 octombrie la Provision Day 2015.…

10:03, 25.09.2015

In brief - Intended provision of Volkswagen will weight on Porsche SE result

Stuttgart, 22 September 2015. Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, informed in an ad-hoc announcement today that the Volkswagen Group intends to set aside a provision of some Euro 6.5bn recognized in its profit and loss statement…

16:40, 09.01.2015

Asociatia Nationala pentru Securitatea Sistemelor lnformatice (ANSSI), preocupata de limitarea capabilitatii institutiilor de a sprijini documentarea…

Asociatia Nationala pentru Securitatea Sistemelor lnformatice (ANSSI), ca asociatie nonguvernamentala, si-a exprimat vineri "preocuparea fata de limitarea capabilitatilor institutiilor, a operatorilor si a…

16:00, 26.03.2014

Programul de parteneriat AMD premiază și felicită toți distribuitorii la nivel global

AMD a anuntat lansarea oficială a noului program de parteneriat – AMD Partner Program, creat pentru a ajuta și în același timp premia partenerii de distribuție la nivel global. Programul are la bază…

14:12, 27.01.2014

Un stat supărat pe femei şi copii. Semipreparatele, acea politică publică de egalizare a şanselor

Pare umor de situaţie, dar e o posibilă politică publică de egalizare a şanselor pentru femei şi pentru bărbaţi pe piaţa muncii şi...  oriunde de altfel. Pentru că, în ultimii ani, puterea semipreparatelor…

14:09, 27.01.2014

Semipreparatele, acea politică publică de egalizare a şanselor

Pare umor de situaţie, dar e o posibilă politică publică de egalizare a şanselor pentru femei şi pentru bărbaţi pe piaţa muncii şi...  oriunde de altfel. Pentru că, în ultimii ani, puterea semipreparatelor…

13:58, 17.07.2013

American financial authorities decide to postpone by six months the deadline of FATCA requirements implementation

Bucharest, 17 July 2013 ndash; The Internal Revenue Service IRS and the US Department of the Treasury Treasury announced revised timelines for implementing various provisions under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance…