Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:55, 11.09.2023

Rusia vrea să reia producția de tancuri T-80

Ministrul rus al Apărării, Serghei Șoigu, a anunțat, în cadrul unei emisiuni a canalului oficial de televiziune Zvevda, administrat de Ministerul Apărării Federației Ruse, că se plănuiește reluarea producției de…

08:36, 07.09.2023

Romania has national stand at PotatoEurope 2023 for the first time

Romania is represented for the first time with a national stand at the most important European event dedicated to potato production, the PotatoEurope outdoor exhibition for potato cultivation and machinery, which…

10:55, 13.07.2023

Sugar and potatoes, top increases in prices in 2023

Sugar and potatoes are the food products whose prices went up the most in the last year, while the price of oil is the only one to decrease, according to data published Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics.In…

11:30, 30.05.2023

Apă potatbilă cu program zilnic, pentru localități din jud. Iași

Din cauza creșterii consumului de apă, resursele din rezervoarele de înmagazinare APAVITAL S.A. se epuizează cu rapiditate, fiind necesară refacerea periodică a acestora. În aceste condiții în perioada 30 mai –…

15:40, 27.05.2023

AgriMin Daea launches pilot programme for drip irrigation for vegetables and potatoes

Agriculture Minister Petre Daea in Bechet, Dolj County, on Saturday, launched the pilot programme for drip irrigation with energy independence for one-hectare crops of vegetables and potatoes, for which 40 million…

18:46, 09.12.2022

Acestea sunt cele mai PROASTE filme din Europa. Cu ce se laudă România

Portalul mapsontheweb a folosit recenziile IMDB, cea mai importantă bază de date destinată cinematografiei, pentru a stabili care sunt cele mai proaste filme din Europa.Criteriul de departajare ales a fost ratingul acordat…

11:35, 12.09.2022

Natural gas more expensive by over 70pct, potatoes by over 54pct in one year (INS)

Natural gas became more expensive in Romania over the past year as it cost 70.64% more in August 2022 than in August 2021, according to data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). Fii…

17:10, 09.06.2022

Un copil abuzat de tatăl vitreg a fost salvat de angajata unui restaurant din Florida, cu un bilețel în care îl întreba dacă are nevoie de ajutor

Un tată vitreg din Florida a fost condamnat pentru abuz asupra copiilor, după ce, anul trecut, o angajată a unui restaurant a observat un comportament îngrijorător și l-a întrebat pe băiețel, printr-un bilețel,…

10:55, 04.04.2022

Estelle Harris, memorabilă în rolul mamei lui George Constanza din „Seinfeld”, a murit la vârsta de 93 de ani VIDEO

Actriţa Estelle Harris, care a interpretat-o memorabil pe mama lui George, Estelle Costanza, în serialul „Seinfeld”, şi care a fost vocea doamnei Potato Head în franciza „Toy Story”, a murit pe 2 aprilie din cauze…

16:20, 16.03.2022

Romania produces more potatoes than it consumes, says AgriMin

Romania produces more potatoes than it consumes, and the only element missing in this setting is potato storage, for which a 50 million euro program is earmarked in the future National Strategic Plan, said, on…

12:15, 14.02.2022

Natural gas prices up almost 61% last year, potatoes, cooking oil prices, up over 25%

Natural gas, cooking oil, potatoes and fuel prices have risen the most in the last year, while the highest price increases were recorded in air transport, gas and heating compared to the previous month, according…

11:05, 14.01.2022

Natural gases by over 50% more expensive in past year

Natural gas, edible oil and potatoes were the items with the highest price increases in the past year, while air transport services were the only item to record price decreases, according to the data of the National…

13:56, 10.09.2021

Electrical energy, natural gas and edible oil had highest price increases in past year

Electrical energy, natural gas and edible oil had the highest price increases in the past year, while potatoes recorded the most significant price drop, according to the data of the National Institute for Statistics…

11:50, 11.08.2021

Electrical energy, gas, cooking oil - highest price increases from July 2020 to July 2021

Electrical energy, natural gas and cooking oil had the highest price increases in the past year, July 2020 to July 2021, while potatoes recorded the highest decrease in price, according to data from the National…

20:11, 07.04.2021

Romania ranks 6th in potato production, 4th in cultivated area in EU, in 2020

Romania had a potato production of 2.68 million tonnes last year, ranking 6th in the European Union, Germany ranking first with 11.55 million tonnes, according to provisional data issued by the National Institute…

18:15, 18.02.2021

Romania spends rd 64 million Euro for purchasing potatoes which could be produced locally

Romania spends approximately 64 million Euro per year for purchasing import potatoes, despite that they can be produced locally, declared on Thursday, the minister of Agriculture, Adrian Oros, during an online…

11:40, 14.01.2021

Potatoes, fuels and air transport services, highest increases in prices in December

Potatoes, fuels and air transport services saw the highest increases in prices in December compared to November, while more substantial price decreases were recorded in thermal energy, citric and other meridional…

16:06, 05.01.2021

Potato production in 2020, slightly over 2 million tons

The potato production obtained in 2020 slightly went past 2 million tons, but registered a drop from the previous year, by almost 21%, when it had a total of 2.62 million tons, according to the data provided by…

12:25, 10.08.2020

USR's Barna: 'August 10 rally' case - a hot potato, truth still unknown

Each day the truth about the 'August 10 rally' case remains undiscovered is a day lost for the honor of the Romanian state, considers Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna."Today, two years later,…

10:14, 02.06.2020

Orban: Increase of pensions, realistically, yet by 40pct - a PSD brand hot potato

The Government's objective is to increase pensions "realistically, on the basis of economic realities", said on Monday night Prime minister Ludovic Orban at the private TV broadcaster Digi24, adding that raising…

23:48, 24.04.2019

Posibile “morminte” pentru locatari: apartamente în blocuri de aproximativ 100 de ani

În municipiul Iași sunt zeci de blocuri construite în perioada interbelică sau imediat după război și care sunt locuite astăzi de sute de familii. Specialiștii spun că durata de viață a unui bloc poate varia, în…

15:27, 14.01.2019

December 2018 steepest price rises: Air transport, potatoes, vegetables and canned vegetables

Potatoes, other fresh and canned vegetables are the food items that saw the steepest price increase in December 2018 compared to the month before; airline fees also grew more expensive, the National Institute of…

20:56, 23.11.2018

Keanu Reeves, de la „Matrix” la „Toy Story”. Actorul are un rol în partea 4-a a filmului de animație

Actorul canadian Keanu Reeves, protagonistul trilogiei „The Matrix”, va face parte din distribuţia celui de-al patrulea film al francizei de animaţie „Toy Story (Povestea Jucăriilor)”. Dezvăluirea a fost făcută…

18:55, 13.11.2018

Toy Story 4 va fi lansat în iunie 2019 şi va prezenta un nou personaj

Lungmetrajul de animaţie „Toy Story 4” va fi lansat pe 19 iunie 2019, după 24 de ani de la primul film al francizei, şi va aduce un nou personaj, Forky, o combinaţie între lingură şi furculiţă informează news.ro.Vocea…

10:53, 08.11.2018

Sausages Parade in Sfantu Gheorghe: Omelet of 600 eggs, 10m long sausages, huge sausage-potatoes bread

The organisers of the Sausages Parade due at the end of the week in central Sfantu Gheorghe have prepared several surprises for the competitors and the public: a breakfast consisting of a 600-egg omelet, a 10-metre…

16:03, 10.10.2018

Natural gas, postal services, potatoes and citrus fruits, major inflation drivers this September

Potatoes, fresh and canned vegetables, citrus fruit and other Mediterranean fruit are the food items that saw the steepest price increase in September compared to August, as well as to the end of 2017; gas and…

13:43, 07.05.2018

Iaşi: Concurs pentru copii cu ocazia zilei de 1 iunie

„Turn a potato into a book character!” Biblioteca Județeană „Gh. Asachi” Iași, prin Compartimentul American Corner, lansează un concurs inedit: „Turn a potato into a book character!” („Transformă un cartof în personajul…

13:05, 10.11.2017

Price of vegetables, canned vegetables, eggs, electricity increased the most in October

Potatoes, eggs and fresh fruit are the food products whose prices went up the most in October compared to the previous month, while in the non-food goods, the highest price increases were registered in the case…

09:55, 07.04.2017

Actorul Don Rickles a murit. A fost vocea unui personaj din "Toy Story"

Don Rickles a avut propriul său show pe postul ABC, "The Don Rickles Show", conform TMZ.  Acesta i-a dublat vocea lui Mr. Potato Head în seria animatiei "Toy Story". Comedianul și-a facut apariția și în celebrul…

12:18, 18.02.2017

Cinci dintre cele mai vechi gustări care au câștigat lupta cu timpul – VIDEO

Rafturile magazinelor sunt aglomerate cu fel de fel de produse noi, care ne aduc arome originale, din ce în ce mai interesante. Pe piață au apărut chipsuri cu gust de cafea sau batoane de ciocolată umplute cu bacon,…