Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:16, 29.03.2024

Ministry of National Defence informs possible drone elements identified in Great Braila Island

Ministry of National Defence informs possible drone elements identified in Great Braila Island

The Ministry of National Defence (MApN) informs that, on Thursday evening, some elements that seem to come from a done were discovered on an agricultural plot of land in the Great Braila Island. In this context,…

15:40, 23.03.2024

Goal of United Right Alliance - joint lists in as many counties as possible (Ludovic Orban)

Goal of United Right Alliance - joint lists in as many counties as possible (Ludovic Orban)

Chairman of the Force of the Right Party, Ludovic Orban, says that the United Right Alliance aims to have joint lists of candidates for local elections in as many counties as possible. He said that the parties…

14:35, 22.03.2024

Germany makes cannabis possession and cultivation legal from April

Germany makes cannabis possession and cultivation legal from April

Cannabis possession and home cultivation will be decriminalized in Germany from April 1 after the law passed the final hurdle in the Bundesrat, the chamber of the federal states, said on Friday, according to Politico.…

18:51, 18.03.2024

AURs Simion: Ciolacu does everything possible to outlaw AUR

AUR's Simion: Ciolacu does everything possible to outlaw AUR

AUR's Simion: Ciolacu does everything possible to outlaw AUR The president of AUR, George Simion, says that Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu "lied shamelessly" during a TV show, when he "recycled" the topic of the…

14:20, 08.03.2024

Romania to co-host 2026 European Womens Handball Championship

Romania to co-host 2026 European Women's Handball Championship

The Executive Committee of the European Handball Federation (EHF) has allocated the Women's EHF EURO 2026 to Poland, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia and Turkey in a move to bring top women's handball to as many European…

14:55, 20.02.2024

PM Ciolacu deems electoral or political alliance between PSD and PNL as one possible solution

The ruling coalition will make decisions on Wednesday on the organization of elections, said prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, who mentioned that one of the solutions is for the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the…

17:05, 08.02.2024

Gov't ready to learn about Rosia Montana case decision

Romania could receive a decision on Friday in the Rosia Montana case file, and its government is prepared for it, governmental spokesperson Mihai Constantin said on Thursday, adding that it is also possible for…

16:35, 07.02.2024

PM Ciolacu on possible election merger: At the moment there is no political decision

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman, said on Wednesday that so far no political decision has been made on a possible merger of some of the elections scheduled this year."At the…

14:50, 03.02.2024

MEP Strugariu (REPER) considers possible referral to ECHR if decision to merge elections is made

REPER Party co-chair, MEP Ramona Strugariu calls for political predictability and announces that she will use all legal levers, including a possible referral to the European Court of Human Rights, if the decision…

19:20, 29.01.2024

PNL's Ciuca on possibility to combine elections: Party and coalition to discuss decision

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Nicolae Ciuca declared on Monday that the possibility of combining elections will be discussed within the party and in the coalition, and a decision will be taken so…

09:26, 23.01.2024

Mayor Nicusor Dan: There is a possibility that I will be candidate of the right-wing for City Hall

Mayor Nicusor Dan: There is a possibility that I will be candidate of the right-wing for City HallThe mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, declared on Monday evening for the private broadcaster Digi24 that he believes…

09:00, 12.01.2024

In Romania there are around 71,000 citizens in possession of lethal firearms (IntMin Predoiu)

In Romania there are around 71,000 citizens in possession of lethal firearms (IntMin Predoiu)Internal Affairs minister Catalin Predoiu says there are about 71,000 citizens in Romania who own of lethal firearms,…

23:46, 17.12.2023

O mare actriță a fost condamnată la doi ani de închisoare. Cea care topea cândva inimile bărbaților, judecată pentru evaziune fiscală

Ce acuzații i se aduc actriței?Totul a început în anul 2016, când Isabelle Adjani a declarat că are reședința în Portugalia, pentru a nu plăti impozitele în valoare de 236.000 de euro în Franța.Aceasta nu este…

18:25, 15.12.2023

O mare actriță a fost condamnată la doi ani de închisoare. Cea care topea cândva inimile bărbaților, judecată pentru evaziune fiscală

Ce acuzații i se aduc actriței?Totul a început în anul 2016, când Isabelle Adjani a declarat că are reședința în Portugalia, pentru a nu plăti impozitele în valoare de 236.000 de euro în Franța.Aceasta nu este…

13:30, 09.12.2023

Bucharest mayor Dan, CEB vice-governor Bocek on seismic risk buildings' financing

In a meeting with the vice-governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), TomᚠBocek, the mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan addressed the possibility of obtaining funds for the consolidation of buildings…

09:10, 05.12.2023

DefMin Tilvar speaks of possibility of training Ukrainian military in Romania

DefMin Tilvar speaks of possibility of training Ukrainian military in RomaniaMinister of National Defence Angel Tilvar said that there is a possibility of training Ukrainian military personnel on Romanian territory,…

11:25, 04.12.2023

Nothing Phone (2a) ar putea fi o versiune mai ieftină a actualului Phone (2), cu Android 14 din fabrică

Nothing Phone (1) a fost o demonstrație tehnologică bună, iar modelul Phone (2) a demonstrat că noul brand de nișă al lui Carl Pei are tot ceea ce este necesar pentru a concura cu alte dispozitive „aproape flagship”…

15:00, 01.12.2023

Geoana: We all belong to a single nation, let's give it the chance of a new beginning EUR 4.9726Up USD 4.5313Down GBP 5.7463Up CHF 5.1634Up MDL 0.2543Down…

After Moldavia and Wallachia became one country, the feeling of unity grew and all the territories inhabited by Romanians began to vibrate, glimpsing the possibility of achieving the whole dream, said NATO Deputy…

15:40, 27.11.2023

Luminița Odobescu: ”Perspectiva europeană atât a Balcanilor de Vest, cât și a partenerilor noștri estici este singura opțiune sănătoasă pentru pace”

Ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Luminița Odobescu, a participat luni, 27 noiembrie 2023, la deschiderea seminarului privind Uniunea Europeană și politica de extindere, cu titlul Necessary And (Im)Possible: What The…

14:15, 27.11.2023

Luminiţa Odobescu, la deschiderea seminarului privind UE şi politica de extindere

Ministrul afacerilor externe Luminiţa Odobescu a participat luni, la deschiderea seminarului privind Uniunea Europeană şi politica de extindere, cu titlul Necessary And (Im)Possible: What The Eu Really Thinks About…

18:46, 17.11.2023

NATO's Deputy SG Geoana says he is on an official NATO visit when asked about possible presidential candidacy

NATO's Deputy SG Geoana says he is on an official NATO visit when asked about possible presidential candidacyNATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana on Friday stated, in Bacau, when asked if he was going to…

22:15, 20.09.2023

Iohannis says possibility of suing Austria in Schengen case "must be very carefully analyzed"

Iohannis says possibility of suing Austria in Schengen case "must be very carefully analyzed"The possibility of suing Austria, if it again opposes Romania's accession to Schengen, "must be very carefully analyzed",…

20:50, 18.09.2023

Senate rejects decriminalising possession of up to and including three grams of cannabis

Senate rejects decriminalising possession of up to and including three grams of cannabisAt a plenary meeting on Monday, the Senate rejected a legislative proposal decriminalising the possession of cannabis for…

12:00, 10.09.2023

Sissi -frumoasa împărăteasă din Viena

La 10 septembrie 1898 a fost asasinată împărăteasa Austriei şi regina Ungariei, Elisabeta, soţia lui Franz Joseph I, cunoscută sub numele de Sissi (n. 24 decembrie 1837). Elisabeta Amalia Eugenia de Wittelsbach…

08:30, 28.08.2023

Crevedia explosion/ National Anticorruption Directorate opens criminal case for abuse of office (sources)

Crevedia explosion/ National Anticorruption Directorate opens criminal case for abuse of office (sources)The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) opened a criminal case on possible corruption among officials…

13:55, 16.08.2023

FamMin Intotero: I want the administrative reform to be completed as soon as possible

FamMin Intotero: I want the administrative reform to be completed as soon as possibleMinister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities Natalia Intotero on Wednesday said that she wants the administrative reform…

20:25, 09.08.2023

PM Ciolacu hails the release of the Romanian citizen kidnapped eight years ago in Burkina Faso

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu welcomes the return to the country of the Romanian citizen Iulian Gherghut, kidnapped eight years ago in Burkina Faso, and thanks the institutions in Romania, as well as the external…

08:35, 07.08.2023

"Change is possible": Model de dezvoltare urbană pentru Cluj-Napoca. Oraşul unde spaţiul verde a învins betoanele

La Cluj-Napoca, betoanele câştigă tot mai multe meciuri în lupta cu spaţiul verde. Emil Boc este de părere că arhitecții și urbaniștii trebuie să se adapteze vremurilor în care trăim și să gândească ”verde” prin…

16:10, 03.07.2023

Four lorries with 51 tonness of waste halted at Bors, Nadlac

Four lorries carrying 51 tonnes of waste were denied entry into Romania at the Bors II and Nadlac II border checkpoints. CITESTE SI President Iohannis: Eduard Hellvig's term in office at the helm of SRI restored…

16:10, 03.07.2023

President Iohannis: Eduard Hellvig's term in office at the helm of SRI restored institution's credibility

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday said that he took note of the resignation of Eduard Hellvig as director of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) and appreciated that his mandate marked the "restoration of…