Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:50, 16.06.2022

Cămine în mișcare 2022 aduce peste 100 de povești noi din Banatul istoric

 Implementat încă din anul 2017, Cămine în mișcare (Moving Fireplaces) face parte din Programul Cultural Timișoara 2023 – Capitală Europeană a Culturii, este un proiect de cercetare antropologică despre migrația…

12:16, 16.12.2021

President Iohannis: So far, government is moving very well

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, before the European Council meeting, that so far the Bucharest government is moving very well. One 'good and natural' thing, he said, is that there are discussions in…

09:55, 25.11.2021

Dr. Alban a filmat în România pentru videoclipul piesei „Moving On” în duet cu Admiral C4C și Lian Ross

Surprize muzicale pentru iubitorii muzicii bune vin din partea unui grup de artiști internaționali în frunte cu celebrul Dr. Alban. Artistul lansează o nouă piesă în colaborare cu Admiral C4C și Lian Ross, plus…

00:05, 06.10.2021

Anunț finalizare implementare proiect “Granturi pentru capital de lucru acordate beneficiarilor” – SC MOVING SRL

MOVING SRL anunță finalizarea proiectului ”Granturi pentru capital de lucru acordate IMM-urilor cu activitate economică în unul din domeniile de activitate prevazute în anexa nr.2” proiect număr RUE M2 5554, înscris…

13:30, 10.08.2021

PM Citu: We are moving in direction in which Romania is no longer low wage country

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated, on Tuesday, that the data regarding inflation presented on Monday by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) represent an estimation, yet there are "interesting" figures regarding…

23:10, 22.06.2021

MOVING FLOREȘTI - Eveniment sportiv în Florești, la final de iunie - FOTO

Primăria Florești organizează evenimentul sportiv „MOVING FLOREȘTI” în perioada 26-27 iunie. În cadrul acestuia vei putea practica sporturi individuale și de echipă și te vei putea antrena alături de specialiști…

15:25, 15.06.2021

Ludovic Orban: Romania will have resources it must use with utmost intelligence for energy projects

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that moving forward Romania will have resources that it must use "with utmost intelligence" for all energy projects that are necessary for its development.…

10:40, 28.05.2021

Buzoienii, invitați la spectacolul de dans contemporan „MOVING FIELDS”

Pe 3 iunie, la ora 19.00, Teatrul ”George Ciprian” îi invită pe buzoieni să asiste la spectacolul de dans contemporan „MOVING FIELDS”. Participarea la un astfel de spectacol se face pe bază de INVITAȚIE GRATUITĂ…

16:40, 07.05.2021

Deputy PM Barna says personal responsibility for health, most important incentive for vaccination

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna said on Friday in Sibiu that he considers personal responsibility for health to be most important incentive for vaccination against COVID-19, and that the government is discussing…

17:20, 28.04.2021

Huawei lansează soluţia All-Flash Data Center și pune accentul pe valoarea datelor în era tehnologiilor inteligente

Huawei a organizat recent evenimentul de lansare online a soluției All-Flash Data Center. Denumit „Moving towards an All-Flash Data Center”, unde au fost prezentate ultimele tendințe și tehnologii, precum și provocările…

18:45, 21.04.2021

PM Citu: We will have Easter night with no problems; declaration for moving not needed

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Wednesday, after the Government's meeting, that Easter night will be without any problems, mentioning that no intervention will be made in the unfolding of religious services,…

15:31, 17.02.2021

USR PLUS: Health care reform moving forward, regardless of PSD's attempts to stand in the way

The health system reform is moving further, regardless of the Social Democratic Party (PSD)'s "desperate attempts" to stand in the way, "hurling lies to the left and to the right at Minister Vlad Voiculescu", reads…

08:45, 01.02.2021

ForMin Aurescu: We've reached the stage where we're moving towards creating resilience centre

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu says Romania has already reached the stage where it is heading towards the creation of the Euro-Atlantic Centre for Resilience, mentioning that there are very good reactions…

15:15, 26.01.2021

CFA Romania's Cabat: Romania probably moving towards switching to European single currency in 2030

Romania's switching to the European single currency, the euro, is likely to be postponed until 2030 due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, Dragos Cabat, a member on the CFA Society Romania board, said on Tuesday,…

10:50, 15.01.2021

Administrația Trump își face bagajele. Imaginile cu un camion parcat la Casa Albă au devenit virale VIDEO

Imagini cu un camion al unei firme de mutări, parcat la una din intrările Casei Albe, au devenit virale pe reţelele de socializare, internauţii sărbătorind ceea ce ei au numit începutul plecării lui Donald…

09:00, 23.11.2020

Caravans to be set up for COVID-19 vaccination of people with disabilities

Doctor Valeriu Gheorghita, coordinator of the national COVID-19 vaccination campaign, said on Sunday evening that mobile vaccination centres will be set up to provide immunisation to people having difficulties…

13:56, 15.10.2020

PM Orban: Extremely important investments moving forward will be in health infrastructure

Romania is the only EU member state to increase investments in the first half of 2020, compared with the first half of 2019, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Thursday, mentioning that moving forward important…

17:25, 01.10.2020

CNE: Instead of setting up cab for tablets, authorities should ensure need for online classes

The National Council of Students (CNE) said on Thursday that the government should ensure the need for devices necessary for online courses is covered, so as not to reach the "embarrassing" situation of "moving…

11:40, 06.08.2020

EnviMin Alexe says focus on environmental projects priority moving forward

The main priority moving forward is to focus on environmental projects so that Romania may enjoy as much money as possible from the funding at its disposal, Minister of the Environment, Waters and Forestry (MMAP)…

13:18, 26.05.2020

ForMin Aurescu says Romania deeply interested in moving away from defiance, confrontation

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Tuesday that in the Romanian-Hungarian relationship "a climate of trust and mutual respect" needs to be restored, calling for "restraint and discernment." "Romania…

16:49, 10.03.2020

Anti-organised crime prosecutors detain 25 persons in international robberies from moving trucks

The prosecutors of the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) detained 25 crime group members on charges of robbing moving trucks; the robberies were committed both in Romania and…

12:08, 21.01.2020

Greenpeace Romania: Bucuresti, codas in topul european al mobilitatii durabile

Bucurestiul ocupa penultimul loc in topul a 14 orase europene privind mobilitatea durabila, arata datele Greenpeace Romania, publicate marti, in cadrul raportului "Mobilitate durabila in Bucuresti. O evaluare bazata…

10:40, 17.01.2020

AOC lansează două noi monitoare QHD de 27 inchi

AOC a lansat comercial două noi monitoare de gaming de 27 inchi din seria G2 ce dispun de rezoluție QHD (2560×1440 pixeli): Q27G2U și varianta curbată CQ27G2U, ce crește imersiunea cu o curbură de 1500R. Ambele…

14:47, 06.12.2019

Timișorenii, așteptați să descopere poveștile oamenilor care au locuit în satele de la graniță

Cămine în Mișcare / Moving Fireplaces, realizat de Asociația Timișoara 2021 – Capitală Europeană a Culturii, invită timișorenii marți, 10 decembrie, de la 18.30, la Corner Space by TM2021 din Bastionul Maria Theresia,…

09:58, 04.12.2019

Rezultatele proiectului Cămine în Mișcare, prezentate în cadrul evenimentului Lansarea în Mișcare

Proiectul Cămine în Mișcare, realizat de Asociația Prin Banat și Asociația Timișoara 2021 – Capitală Europeană a Culturii, propune timișorenilor ca duminică, 8 decembrie, să iasă din oraș și pornească într-o călătorie…

21:16, 19.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ Dancila: I still believe we should move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

PSD's (Social Democratic Party) presidential candidate Viorica Dancila stated on Tuesday that she still thinks moving the Romanian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would be the right thing to do, but she would…

21:16, 19.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Iohannis: Demarches on moving embassy of Israel - dilettantism; memorandum - study documentation

The National Liberal Party (PNL) candidate in the presidential elections, President Klaus Iohannis, labeled on Tuesday the demarches on moving the embassy of Israel as "dilettantism" and argued that the memorandum…

09:28, 12.11.2019

Invictus Romania team, officially presented; team captain: Courage means moving forward each day

Team Romania at the 2020 Invictus Games - to be attended by soldiers injured in war zones - was officially presented on Monday evening, in the presence of Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca.  The minister spoke about…

19:05, 04.11.2019

Orban gov't likely to resort to taking responsibility to keep things moving

Prime Minister-designate Ludovic Orban said Monday that it may be possible in some instances his cabinet will makes use of taking responsibility before Parliament to keep things moving. "There are instances in…

22:20, 26.09.2019

“Camine in miscare” s-a bucurat din nou de aprecieri la Margina

Camine în Miscare / Moving Fireplaces, unul dintre proiectele aflate în dosarul de candidatura al Timisoarei pentru Capitala Culturala 2021, s-a reîntors în Margina, locul de unde a pornit prima data la drum si…