Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:06, 07.04.2022

Courts rejected a DNA request last year for Elena Udrea to be forbidden to leave country

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) asked the courts, in 2021, to place Elena Udrea under judicial control, with a ban on leaving the country, but the judges of two courts denied the request. Fii la curent…

19:06, 07.04.2022

Elena Udrea leaves Romania in the morning, as she had no interdictions

Former Minister Elena Udrea, sentenced on Thursday to six years in prison in the "Bute boxing gala" case, left Romania in the morning. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

07:10, 01.04.2022

LIVETEXT Război în Ucraina, ziua 37 | Rusia își concentrează atacurile în patru zone. Un nou coridor umanitar anunțat la Mariupol pentru vineri, după…

Ministerul rus al Apărării a anunțat că va deschide vineri un coridor umanitar de la orașul asediat Mariupol către Zaporojie. Și joi ar fi trebuit să fie evacuați civili din Mariupol, în urma unui anunț similar…

20:45, 31.03.2022

20-tonne humanitarian transport from Bacau to leave Friday towards Chernivtsi

A humanitarian transport with 20 tonnes of materials will leave on Friday morning towards Cernauti (Chernivtsi), announced Bacau County Prefect, Gabriel-Lucian Bogdanel. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

13:20, 19.03.2022

Second convoy with humanitarian aid leaves for Chernivtsi, from Iasi

The second convoy of products donated by Iasi residents in the humanitarian campaign "Aid for the refugees from Ukraine" left on Saturday morning for Siret Customs, the destination being the Chernivtsi region,…

22:05, 17.03.2022

Romanian Red Cross: New humanitarian aid convoy leaves towards Cernauti

The Romanian Red Cross is announcing that it is sending the third convoy bearing humanitarian aid to Cernauti (Chernivtsi), in support of the persons affected by the war in Ukraine. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

19:36, 09.03.2022

At least four hours of waiting in queues for leaving country through Nadlac II

People leaving the country through the Nadlac II Border Checkpoint have to wait at least four hours, where there are queues of cars on the motorway, many with Ukrainian refugees transiting Romania. Fii la curent…

08:45, 09.03.2022

Humanitarian transport with 3 tonnes of aid leaves for Chernivtsi

A humanitarian transport with 3 tonnes of aid left, on Wednesday, for Chernivtsi, announced the eastern Bacau County's prefect Lucian-Gabriel Bogdanel. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

15:25, 07.03.2022

Tens of volunteers support refugees reaching Curtici railway station before leaving Romania

Tens of volunteers are working now in the Curtici railway station, where the flow of refugees on their way out of Romania has increased a lot in the past couple of days, with the trains now full of Ukrainians having…

18:20, 01.03.2022

Sukhoi Su-27 aircraft from Ukraine leaves Romania's airspace

The Sukhoi Su-27 aircraft belonging to the Ukrainian Air Force has left Romania's airspace on Tuesday, without ammunition on board, the Ministry of National Defense announced. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

08:51, 28.02.2022

Gov't: Three aid trucks leave Bucharest for Ukraine; civil society helped collecting products

The first transport with humanitarian aid for Ukraine, collected together with the civil society, left Bucharest for Siret Customs, informs, on Sunday evening, the Romanian Government. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

18:50, 27.02.2022

Ciuca: Transport towards Ukraine with aid donated on Government platform, to leave on Sunday evening

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced that a transport will leave for Ukraine on Sunday evening, with aid donated on the Government's open platform. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

14:40, 24.02.2022

Panic among Ukrainean population; thousands in line to enter Romania through Vama Siret crossing point

Russia's invasion of Ukraine causes the Ukrainian population to leave the war-torn country en masse. Thousands of people panicked by the start of the military conflict were waiting in endless queues at the border…

09:05, 22.02.2022

Ministry of Foreign Affairs raises alert level for Ukraine to maximum level: Leave country immediately!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) reported that, in the context of the serious deterioration of the security situation in Ukraine and the Black Sea region, the alert level for Ukraine has been raised to the…

11:36, 11.02.2022

Joe Biden says US citizens should leave Ukraine now

US President Joe Biden has called on all American citizens remaining in Ukraine to leave the country immediately, citing increased threats of Russian military action, according to BBC News. Biden said he would…

05:05, 09.02.2022

Film: Noi date despre viața personală a lui Michael Jackson

Compania Lionsgate va distribui un film biografic despre viaţa şi cariera celebrului cântăreţ american Michael Jackson, ce va fi realizat de Graham King, producătorul lungmetrajului ”Bohemian Rhapsody”, o peliculă…

11:01, 08.02.2022

Nine Afghan migrants caught at border in semi-trailer truck leaving the country

Nine migrants from Afghanistan were found hidden in a semi-trailer truck that was checked at the western Arad County's Varsand Border Crossing Point before leaving the country to head for Germany. According to…

10:25, 24.01.2022

U.S. orders its diplomats’ families and embassy staff to leave Ukraine

The United States on Sunday ordered the departure of family members of staff at its embassy in Ukraine, citing the continuing threat of military action from Russia, according to Reuters. The U.S. State Department…

12:11, 21.01.2022

Russia wants NATO forces to leave Romania, Bulgaria

The security guarantees that Russia seeks from the West include provisions requiring NATO forces to leave Romania and Bulgaria, the Russian foreign ministry said on Friday, according to Reuters. Moscow has demanded…

17:40, 19.01.2022

Interaction with state consumes one day of leave for 7 in 10 Romanians, 1st visit not enough

Eight out of ten Romanians say that the problem they go with does not get resolved during the first visit to a public institution, given that 70% of tax payers are forced to take a day off in order to solve problems…

11:20, 19.01.2022

Dacia leaves behind 7-million cars threshold at Mioveni plant

On Wednesday, Dacia announced that the threshold of seven million vehicles produced at the Mioveni plant has been exceeded. "The Dacia vehicle with the number 7 million was been manufactured at the Mioveni plant…

11:40, 17.01.2022

Australia leaves door open for Djokovic to play at next year’s Open

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has left the door open for Novak Djokovic to compete at next year’s Australian Open despite the tennis superstar facing an automatic three-year ban from entering the country,…

02:16, 02.01.2022

Lui Nicolas Cage nu-i place să fie numit "actor" / Starul de la Hollywood se consideră un "thespian"

Starul din Face/Off a făcut comentariul din titlu în timpul celui mai recent episod din podcastul Variety Awards Circuit, admițând că s-ar putea să sune cam &"pretențios&", scrie nme.com . &"Chiar nu-mi…

12:30, 28.12.2021

Jumătate dintre cei care au votat pentru Brexit cred că situația s-a înrăutățit

Peste șase din 10 britanici cred că Brexitul a mers prost sau mai rău decât se așteptau, la un an după ce Marea Britanie a ieșit din UE, potrivit unui sondaj citat de The Guardian. Sondajul, publicat la o săptămână…

18:10, 26.12.2021

Aproape jumătate dintre cei care au votat pentru Brexit regretă decizia

La un an dupa ce Marea Britanie a parasit UE, un sondaj al The Observer afirma ca peste 6 din 10 alegatori britanici cred ca Brexitul a mers prost sau cel putin mai rau decât se asteptau. Sondajul facut de Opinium…

16:30, 21.12.2021

Gendarmerie teams discussing with protesters who entered Palace of Parliament courtyard

Specialist teams of the Gendarmerie are discussing with the protesters who managed to enter the courtyard of the Parliament Palace, with the law enforcement now trying to convince them to leave the area. "At this…

14:50, 21.12.2021

Cine este Nick Casciaro, finalist la „X Factor” 2021. Italianul face parte din echipa Loredanei Groza

Nick Casciaro, în vârstă de 31 de ani, este unul dntre finaliștii X Factor 2021. Italianul face parte din echipa Loredanei și a cucerit publicul cu vocea lui. Artista are încredere că tânărul va câștiga premiul…

16:30, 17.12.2021

Russia tells NATO to leave eastern Europe, stay out of former USSR

Russia said on Friday it wanted a legally binding guarantee that the NATO military alliance would give up any military activity in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, part of a wish list of ambitious security guarantees…

15:16, 08.12.2021

USR's Ciolos: Angela Merkel's retirement leaves gap of authority in world politics

Angela Merkel's retirement leaves a "gap in authority" in world politics, but it also shows how high public office does not rule out empathy, Chairman of Save Romania Union (USR) Dacian Ciolos said on Wednesday,…

22:00, 01.12.2021

Ceva modern: Nicolas Cage va fi Dracula

Actorul Nicolas Cage va juca rolul Dracula în filmul „Renfield” al Universal, un lungmetraj care nu este centrat pe celebrul vampir, ci pe servitorul său vestit. Cage îi va da replica lui Nicholas Hoult, care portretizează…