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11:45, 25.01.2024

Top 5 – Jocuri din primele trei luni ale lui 2024

Anul 2023 a fost presărat cu lansări foarte tari, care au făcut din el unul dintre cei mai buni ani pentru industria jocurilor video. Dar pășim grăbiți spre luna februarie a lui 2024 și mi se pare un moment numai…

12:26, 23.01.2024

PM Ciolacu, meetings with police, penitentiaries trade unionists' reps (gov't sources)

PM Ciolacu, meetings with police, penitentiaries trade unionists' reps (gov't sources)Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu will go, on Tuesday, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice, where he…

15:10, 22.01.2024

Secret justice for the Tate brothers in Romania

Accused of rape, continuous human trafficking and using violence to exploit their victims, brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate benefit from a completely secretive justice system in Romania that protects them from…

11:10, 19.01.2024

EU court lifts restrictions on buying agricultural land in Bulgaria

The EU Court of Justice lifted the restrictions EU citizens face when buying agricultural land in Bulgaria in a ruling published on Thursday, more than 17 years after the country joined the bloc, according to Euractiv.…

12:01, 12.01.2024

Coridele revin în Ciudad de Mexico pe 28 ianuarie 

Ecourile coridelor se vor auzi din nou în arenele din Ciudad de Mexico, cele mai mari din lume (50.000 de spectatori), începând din 28 ianuarie. Asta, după mai multe răsturnări de situaţie înregistrate în cadrul…

12:00, 12.01.2024

Decizie recentă a Curţii Supreme. „Taurii se întorc în Ciudad de Mexico”

Ecourile coridelor se vor auzi din nou în arenele din Ciudad de Mexico, cele mai mari din lume (50.000 de spectatori), începând din 28 ianuarie, după mai multe răsturnări de situaţie înregistrate în cadrul unor…

20:35, 11.01.2024

JusMin Gorghiu: Romania has lowest recidivism rate of inmates in last 10 years

The Minister of Justice, Alina Gorgiu, states that Romania has the lowest recidivism rate of inmates in the last 10 years, Japan being an international landmark of excellence in public policies regarding this chapter.The…

21:20, 10.01.2024

Disputes resulting from mandate contracts concluded by state companies should be settled in Romania (JusMin Gorghiu)

The Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, conveyed on Wednesday that it is natural and correct for disputes resulting from mandate contracts concluded by state companies in Romania to be settled in the country."I…

14:20, 03.01.2024

100 million euro loan from World Bank to improve judicial services

Romania will receive a 100 million euro loan from the World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD) to improve judicial services, according to the agreement ratified by law on Wednesday…

18:56, 28.12.2023

Former PM Victor Ponta gets acquitted in "Rovinari-Turceni" file

A panel of five judges from the High Court of Cassation and Justice definitively ordered, on Thursday, the acquittal of former prime minister Victor Ponta and former senator Dan Sova in the "Rovinari - Turceni"…

23:20, 19.12.2023

Ciolacu: Budget for development and equity, based on investments, social justice

The budget for 2024 is one of development and equity, a budget based on investments and social justice, a budget that will help us get through these difficult times, but will also prepare Romania for the huge opportunities…

18:45, 18.12.2023

Supreme Court asks for 10 bn RON, instead receives 2.8 bn for 2024 budget

The joint budget-finance parliamentary committees approved, on Monday, without amendments, the budget of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (Supreme court) for the year 2024.According to the draft budget sent…

16:05, 14.12.2023

Supreme court head, PM agree on payment of outstanding salary rights in judiciary

President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice Corina Corbu on Thursday had a meeting with Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu in respect to the protests in the judiciary, during which it was agreed to remove from…

12:40, 13.12.2023

New Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is sworn in with his government

The new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his Cabinet were sworn in by the president on Wednesday morning in a ceremony that marked the end of eight tumultuous years of rule by a national conservative party,…

12:06, 13.12.2023

JusMin Gorghiu reiterates Romania's firm commitment to fight against corruption at Conference of the States Parties

Justice minister Alina Gorghiu reiterated Romania's "firm" commitment to the fight against corruption and to the agenda of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), on the occasion of her participation…

14:36, 11.12.2023

Polish tribunal rules EU top court interim measures are unconstitutional

Poland‘s Constitutional Tribunal said on Tuesday that penalties imposed by the European Union‘s top court before it reaches a final ruling, known as interim measures, are not compatible with the Polish constitution,…

23:16, 07.12.2023

540.000 de cetateni ai UE semneaza o petitie pentru prevenirea si combaterea abuzului sexual asupra copiilor .

Justice Initiative, alaturi de organizatii care lupta pentru protectia copiilor, au depus ieri o petitie la Parlamentul European, intr-un eveniment gazduit de deputatii europeni Hilde Vautmans si Catharina Rinzema…

14:35, 05.12.2023

Schengen/IntMin Predoiu: There is time for Dutch parliament and gov't to decide by the end of year

Minister of Interior Catalin Predoiu stated on Tuesday, upon arriving at the meeting of the Council of Justice and Home Affairs in Brussels, that there is time for the parliament and the government in The Hague…

11:40, 05.12.2023

MEP Negrescu: Romania must remain firm in supporting its Schengen cause with JHA Council

Romania must be very firm in supporting its Schengen case with the Council of Justice and Home Affairs, in order to get sure that Austria remains isolated in terms of its opposition to the expansion of the free…

09:05, 05.12.2023

PM Ciolacu on Schengen: We are waiting for the decision of the Netherlands on Bulgaria before taking a step

PM Ciolacu on Schengen: We are waiting for the decision of the Netherlands on Bulgaria before taking a stepRomania is currently waiting to find out whether the Netherlands will support Bulgaria's accession to the…

20:31, 04.12.2023

Establishing minimum norms for protection of crime victims, on agenda of discussions at JHA Council

Establishing minimum norms regarding the rights, support and protection of victims of crime was among the topics discussed at the meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council configuration (JHA), in which the…

13:30, 04.12.2023

MEP Tomac: We have failed to join Schengen this year, next year there is almost no chance

Romania has failed to join Schengen again, and next year there is almost no chance, because member states have as priority the elections for the European Parliament and then the election of a new European Commission,…

17:40, 29.11.2023

JusMin Gorghiu: This year we brought back to Romania almost 700 fugitives

JusMin Gorghiu: This year we brought back to Romania almost 700 fugitivesThis year we have managed to bring back to the country from abroad almost 700 convicted persons who were evading the execution of their sentences,…

20:36, 28.11.2023

Talks on extraordinary JHA Council meeting on Schengen file at December-end (sources)

Talks on extraordinary JHA Council meeting on Schengen file at December-end (sources)At the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council meeting, scheduled to take place in Brussels on December 4 and 5, having on its…

14:10, 28.11.2023

EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf

The top European Union court ruled on Tuesday that public authorities in member states can prohibit employees from wearing signs of religious belief, such as an Islamic head scarf, in the latest decision on an…

16:00, 24.11.2023

A proposed objective is to make justice more friendly for business environment (JusMin Gorghiu)

The Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, stated, on Friday, at the Targu Mures Court of Appeal, that one of her objectives is for justice to become more friendly for the business environment, through the Specialized…

15:25, 24.11.2023

REPER co-chair on former Health Minister Mihaila: She is an honest professional

Former Health Minister Ioana Mihaila is a dedicated, honest professional, REPER Party co-chair, MEP Ramona Strugariu said on Friday in connection with the investigation initiated by the anti-corruption watchdog…

14:30, 24.11.2023

USR leader's statements, harmful to rule of law, suggest DNA is political tool (JustMin Gorghiu)

USR leader's statements, harmful to rule of law, suggest DNA is political tool (JustMin Gorghiu)Justice Minister Alina Gorghiu rejected on Friday, in a press conference held in Targu Mures, the accusations made…

09:00, 24.11.2023

PNL's Ciuca: We'll cast our vote so justice can do its job

PNL's Ciuca: We'll cast our vote so justice can do its jobNational Liberal Party (PNL) chairman Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday that Liberal senators will vote in favour of lifting the immunity of former prime minister…

08:45, 24.11.2023

Ex-PM Citu: My entire activity was under the sign of obeying the law as I trust justice

Ex-PM Citu: My entire activity was under the sign of obeying the law as I trust justiceFormer prime minister Florin Citu, a National Liberal Party (PNL) senator, says that his entire activity has been under the…