Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:06, 16.01.2024

EnergyMin Burduja says energy security is common good, which requires interconnection, in meeting with US ambassador

EnergyMin Burduja says energy security is common good, which requires interconnection, in meeting with US ambassadorThe Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, discussed on Tuesday with the US Ambassador to Romania,…

19:00, 12.12.2023

M Ciolacu, Kazakh Deputy PM Nurtleu discuss cooperation in Europe interconnection with Caspian Sea area

M Ciolacu, Kazakh Deputy PM Nurtleu discuss cooperation in Europe interconnection with Caspian Sea areaPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu welcomed at the Victoria Governmental Palace on Tuesday Deputy Prime Minister…

18:15, 17.05.2023

PM Ciuca: We are approving memorandum ensuring consolidation of interconnection with Rep. Moldova on gas, electricity networks

PM Ciuca: We are approving memorandum ensuring consolidation of interconnection with Rep. Moldova on gas, electricity networks.The Government is going to approve a memorandum on the implementation of projects necessary…

05:20, 08.05.2023

Uniunea Europeană îşi construieşte propriul Starlink, constelaţie de sateliţi

Elon Musk şi al său Starlink sunt pe cale să nu mai fie singurii jucători de pe piaţa sistemelor de sateliţi care furnizează Internet. Uniunea Europeană îşi va construi propria constelaţie de sateliţi şi avem detalii…

15:20, 24.11.2022

Iohannis: Romania supports Moldova, yet more, better direct interconnections needed

Romania supports the Republic of Moldova in terms of electricity problems and stressed that the direct interconnections between the two countries need to be improved, as they are insufficient, on Thursday said…

12:55, 29.07.2022

Presidents Iohannis, Maia Sandu agree to take decisive steps on interconnection of electricity grids in two countries

President Klaus Iohannis declared, on Friday, that he agreed with his counterpart from the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, to take decisive steps regarding the interconnection of the electricity networks of the…

19:05, 30.03.2022

Energy Minister: 'Completing interconnection projects - a prerequisite for cutting reliance on Russian Federation'

Cutting reliance on the Russian Federation can be achieved faster if we speed up the completion of interconnection projects, Romanian Energy Minister Virgil Popescu wrote on Wednesday on Facebook as he attended…

17:00, 18.12.2021

Piața tâmplăriei termoizolante din România a depășit, anul acesta, 800 de milioane de euro

Renovările masive făcute de români pe perioada pandemiei au adus piața de tâmplărie la 800 de milioane de euro, în creștere cu 1% față de anul trecut. Piața locală de tâmplărie termoizolantă, evaluată la circa…

17:45, 23.10.2020

Transgaz completes upgrading works on Silistea compression station

Transgaz has completed the upgrading works on the natural gas compression station in Silistea, following an investment of 74 million euros, according to a company's release sent on Friday to AGERPRES. The project…

09:16, 23.07.2020

ForMin Aurescu to open Youth Forum held under aegis of Romanian Presidency of Community of Democracies

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu will open, on Thursday, the works of the Youth Forum within the Community of Democracies - Interconnection of young leaders from democratic states, organized by the Ministry…

19:57, 22.07.2020

ForMin Aurescu opens Youth Forum under aegis of Romania's Presidency of Community of Democracies

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu will open the works of the Youth Forum within the Community of Democracies - Interconnection of young leaders from democratic states, organized by the Ministry of Foreign…

14:48, 02.11.2018

PM Dancila in Varna: I underscored the need to do more for the energy security of Europe

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Friday stated in Varna at the high-level meeting between Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece that she underscored the need to do more for Europe's energy security, especially…

16:54, 18.09.2018

President Iohannis: Interconnection projects revealed at Three Seas Initiative summit, top level political signal

The list of priority interconnection projects presented within the Summit of the Three Seas Initiative is "a top level political signal", on Tuesday stated Klaus Iohannis, in a news conference at the Cotroceni…

20:28, 17.09.2018

President Iohannis, at Three Seas Initiative Summit: Short list of priority interconnection projects

President Klaus Iohannis Monday voiced his conviction, at the plenary session that opened the Business forum of the Three Seas Initiative, that the tools created during the summit in Bucharest will bring value…

11:48, 05.07.2018

PM Dancila in Thessaloniki - conveyed interst for energy interconnections and streamlining gas and electricity exports

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila voiced on Wednesday in Thessaloniki, Romania's interest in advancing energy interconnections with Serbia and in streamlining Romanian gas and electricity exports, informs Agerpres.According…

23:32, 04.05.2018

Iohannis: It is important to understand that rule of law is not a simple formality

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that each person must understand that the rule of law is not a simple formality. "I strongly believe in democracy and the rule of law. It is very important, for each of us,…

16:44, 04.05.2018

Klaus Iohannis, mesaj despre statul de drept: ”Nu este o simplă formalitate, ci o stare de spirit și constă în toleranţa zero faţă de corupţie”

Klaus Iohannis, mesaj la reuniunea de la Varna: ”Statul de drept nu este o simplă formalitate, ci este o stare de spirit și constă în justiţia bazată pe recunoaşterea şi deplina acceptare a valorii supreme a drepturilor…

00:32, 25.09.2016

Limelight, echipa din Ungaria, câștigătoarea iMapp Bucharest

Limelight, echipa din Ungaria, a fost desemnată, sâmbătă noaptea, de juriu, drept câștigătoarea ediției a treia a festivalului iMapp Bucharest, în premieră premiul publicului revenind tot echipei ungare. Limelight,…