Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:25, 18.10.2023

Oil spikes as hospital blast amplifies Middle East tensions

Oil prices surged nearly 2% on Wednesday as tension escalated in the Middle East after hundreds were killed in a blast at a Gaza hospital, sparking concerns about potential oil supply disruptions from the region,…

11:55, 18.10.2023

MAE conveys message on explosion at hospital in Gaza Strip: All civilians must be protected

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) conveyed, on Wednesday, a message in the context of the explosion that took place at a hospital in the Gaza Strip, emphasizing that civilians must always be protected…

11:15, 18.10.2023

Gaza hospital strike: Attacks on civilian infrastructure are against the law, says Charles Michel

European Council President Charles Michel said on Tuesday that attacking civilian infrastructure is against international law after Israel was accused of bombing a hospital in Gaza, according to Politico.  A massive…

09:45, 18.10.2023

Reacția autorităților române, după atacul asupra spitalului din Gaza: „Toți civilii și infrastructura civilă trebuie protejați în orice moment”

Responsabilitatea pentru atacul asupra spitalului Al Ahli din Gaza trebuie clar stabilită, transmite, miercuri, Ministerul român de Externe, într-un mesaj pe X (fostul Twitter) în care condamnă pierderile de vieți…

21:45, 17.10.2023

LIVETEXT Război Hamas-Israel | „Cel puțin 500 de morți” într-un atac asupra unui spital din Gaza, acuză oficiali palestinieni. Israelul încă nu confirmă…

Autoritățile palestiniene anunță „500 de morți” în urma unui raid aerian asupra unui spital din Fâșia Gaza, unde se aflau nu doar pacienți, ci și persoane strămutate care se adăposteau. Într-o primă reacție, Israelul…

12:40, 05.10.2023

Artful Living, the premium application dedicated to on-demand services, developed by a Romanian start-up

A Romanian start-up announces the launch of the first application of premium services for home maintenance and personal care, following a 250,000 euro investment.The innovation was presented during this year's…

14:25, 03.10.2023

Over 1,000 covid-19 patients in hospitals, 31 deaths in the last week

As many as 1,077 people with covid-19 are hospitalized in specialized health units, the Ministry of Health informed on Tuesday.The source says that 82 patients are hospitalized in ICU, Agerpres reports. Out of…

20:36, 19.09.2023

Spitalul Orășenesc din Aburd va fi modernizat. Ce lucrări se fac și cine a câștigat licitația

Spitalul Orășenesc din Aburd va fi modernizat. Ce lucrări se fac și cine a câștigat licitația Spitalului Orășenesc “Dr. Alexandru Borza” din Abrud va fi modernizat. Este vorba despre un contract de modernizare…

10:50, 18.09.2023

Local authorities slam Romanian government’s decision to drop EU funding for hospitals

Romania’s Health Ministry has dropped six of the 27 hospitals originally scheduled to be upgraded or expanded under the country’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan, with local officials either claiming the…

13:15, 13.09.2023

PM Ciolacu on firefighters injured in Crevedia: There are 13 more hospitalized, none in danger

PM Ciolacu on firefighters injured in Crevedia: There are 13 more hospitalized, none in dangerPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday that 13 firefighters injured in the Crevedia explosion are currently…

19:05, 11.09.2023

Six hospitals to be financed by EIB, instead of NRRP (Health minister)

The minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, announced on Monday that six hospitals were removed from the list of investments supported by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan as a result of the reduction of…

20:31, 31.08.2023

Ruse deputy mayor raises concerns over Giurgiu municipality's plans to build hospital waste incinerator

The Giurgiu local municipal council voted on Thursday a draft decision setting the minimum distances to urban agglomerations for the location of investments carrying a potential risk of accidental pollution, in…

18:50, 29.08.2023

Colectiv Association: Can we find out what is the situation of Colectiv 2 case?!

The Colectiv GTG 3010 Association requests information about the situation of the Colectiv 2 file, noting that it has been waiting for seven years for the results of the investigations regarding the death of 37…

13:40, 29.08.2023

Romania's COVID-19 weekly cases rise by 3,326, August 21-27, 2023

Romania's COVID-19 weekly cases rise by 3,326, August 21-27, 2023As many as 3,326 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the August 21-27, 2023 week in Romania, with over 22,000 RT-PCR and…

15:50, 28.08.2023

Crevedia Explosion/Nine patients are intubated, mechanically ventilated (Health Ministry)

Three patients injured following the explosions in Crevedia, Dambovita County, northwest of Bucharest who are hospitalized in medical units in Romania and six others who were transferred abroad are intubated and…

09:55, 28.07.2023

13 persons from Bardesti, Mures care centre rushed to hospital

As many as 13 people with chronic conditions from the care centre in the town of Bardesti, central County of Mures were transported to the hospital for additional medical care, the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations…

10:31, 26.07.2023

Fire at Romanian children’s hospital forces evacuation

A fire broke out at a children’s hospital in Romanian capital Bucharest late on Tuesday and 110 people were evacuated without any casualties, the government’s emergency response unit said, according to Reuters.…

11:25, 20.07.2023

Licitatii Constanta: Contract de peste sase milioane de lei atribuit de Spitalul Orasenesc Harsova (DOCUMENT)

Contractul le a fost atribuit firmelor Termhidro SRL, Hospital Technical Solutions SRL si Arhidesign GS SRL. Spitalul Orasenesc Harsova, din judetul Constanta, ca autoritate contractanta, a atribuit contractul…

14:55, 18.07.2023

Three dead, 255 patients with COVID-19 in hospitals in the last week

Three dead, 255 patients with COVID-19 in hospitals in the last week. As many as 255 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in specialized health units, the Health Ministry informed on Tuesday, told Agerpres. CITESTE…

18:01, 11.07.2023

Excelenta si inovatie: HEKA Hospital si ARES lanseaza Centrul de cardiologie interventionala, la Constanta (FOTO+VIDEO)

Grupul ARES este unul dintre principalii furnizori privati de servicii de cardiologie si radiologie interventionala din Romania HEKA Hospital si ARES au deschis un centru de cardiologie in spitalul HEKA din zona…

11:45, 06.07.2023

Președintele Portugaliei a leșinat în timpul unei vizite la Lisabona - Pompierii l-au evacuat pe brațe

De Sousa se afla în aer liber în momentul în care i s-a făcut rău. Președintele s-a prăbușit pur și simplu pe caldarâm în văzul a zeci de oameni care îl înconjurau. Momentul a fost surprins de un martor care filma…

20:06, 23.06.2023

Studiu: De ce femeile supraponderale alăptează mai puțin

Femeile care au indicele de masă corporală (IMC) mai mare înainte de sarcină ajung să alăpteze mai puțin timp. Este una dintre concluziile unui nou studiu internațional, condus de Brigham and Women's Hospital și…

21:30, 08.06.2023

European investments minister: By 2027 there will be new hospitals in all the regions of the country

The transformation of the Romanian health system is a slow, discontinuous and fragmented process, placing Romania among the EU states with the highest number of preventable deaths, but by 2027 all the regions of…

15:20, 29.05.2023

Romania reports 612 COVID-19 hospitalisations, 12 COVID-related deaths in the week of May 22 - 28

A total of 1,841 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection were registered in the week of May 22 - 28, and 12 COVID-related deaths: 4 men and 8 women, the Health Ministry announced on Monday.All deceased patients suffered…

15:30, 27.05.2023

Cum este afectată sănătatea mintală a copiilor de folosirea în exces a telefoanelor și a rețelelor de socializare (STUDIU)

Un studiu realizat de către The Harris Poll pentru Nationwide Children’s Hospital pe 2035 adulți americani a constat că jumătate dintre părinții cu copii cu vârste sub 18 ani consideră că sănătatea mintală a copilului…

15:15, 22.05.2023

Romania reports 731 COVID-19 hospitalisations, 29 COVID-related deaths in the week of May 15 - 21

Romania reports 731 COVID-19 hospitalisations, 29 COVID-related deaths in the week of May 15 - 21. A total of 2,379 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection were registered in the week of May 15 - 21, and 29 COVID-related…

13:40, 17.05.2023

VIDEO. Accident îngrozitor în Australia: Mai mulți copii au suferit amputări de membre, după ce un autobuz școlar a fost lovit de un camion

Șapte copii au fost grav răniți după ce un camion a intrat într-un autobuz pe o șosea din Australia. Unor copii le-au fost amputate membrele în urma accidentului care s-a produs marți seara, în apropiere de Melbourne.…

18:11, 10.05.2023

Intervenție chirurgicală pe creierul unui făt, direct în pântecele mamei

La Boston, o echipă de chirurgi a realizat cu succes o intervenție chirurgicală de excepție, în cazul unui copil care se afla încă în pântecele mamei. Intervenția a fost necesară pentru tratarea unei malformații…

19:10, 08.05.2023

22 people transported to hospital after bus flipped over in Buzau

22 people received medical attention and were taken to hospital after the bus they were in flipped over on Monday on the DN2 (E85), exit to Ramnicu Sarat, the Emergency Situations Inspectorate (ISU) Buzau reported.…

11:31, 02.05.2023

Romanian seaside draws more than 100,000 holidaymakers during May 1st long weekend

There were more than 100,000 holidaymakers at the Romanian seaside resorts during the May 1st long weekend, with the four-day Beach, Please festival held in Costinesti attracting the highest numbers, the Employers…