Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:25, 31.05.2024

33 de locuri în care să mergi cu copiii pe 1 și 2 iunie

33 de locuri în care să mergi cu copiii pe 1 și 2 iunie

Activități 1 iunie 2024 Anul acesta, de 1 iunie, Bucureștiul este plin de evenimente pentru copiii de toate vârstele și pentru familiile acestora. Dacă încă nu știi ce să faci în acest weekend special sau dacă…

08:30, 28.12.2023

With Romania in Schengen, by air and sea, importance of Constanta port will increase exponentially(PM Ciolacu)

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu announced, on Wednesday evening, that Romanians will benefit from the advantages of the Schengen area by air and sea from March next year and this will implicitly lead to a greater…

16:20, 22.11.2023

Trombe marine uriașă, surprinse în largul coastei Amalfi, în sudul Italiei

Mai multe tornade de apă s-au format în largul coastei Amalfi și au ajuns în orașul Salerno, din fericire fără pagube deosebite. O altă coloană de aer și apă s-a format pe mare îndreptându-se spre coastă, spre…

16:55, 09.10.2023

Vei da din cap pe piesa asta: ,,Care pe Care” (From Miami Bici 2) – AOUR x Leti

De la AOUR și Leti, viral pe TikTok, apoi în playlist-ul tău și direct în “Miami Bici 2”. ,,Care pe Care”, o piesă despre libertatea spiritului și plăcerile vieții, promite să te facă să dai din cap pe ritmuri…

12:15, 03.08.2023

Hanul Andriţei. Povestea celui mai iubit restaurant care a adus în Craiova standardul de aur în organizarea nunţilor de vis

Hanul Andriţei. 12 ani de evenimente. Singurul restaurant din țară care a venit în sprijinul mirilor scriind o carte de organizare a evenimentelor (From Miss to Mrs. – ghid complet pentru nunta ta perfectă), vândută…

21:15, 18.03.2022

A fost lansată varianta deluxe a albumului Fighting Demons de la Juice WRLD

A fost lansată varianta deluxe a albumului “Fighting Demons” de la Juice WRLD. In decembrie 2021, lumea a primit albumul postum al regretatului rapper. Proiectul conține colaborări cu Justin Bieber, Polo G, Trippie…

15:05, 03.12.2021

Romanians can buy Tezaur t-bonds at highest interest in 2021

From Monday, December 6, 2021, the Romanian Ministry of Finance (MF) releases three new government securities issues under the Tezaur programme, with maturities of 1, 3 and 5 years and interest rates of 4.25%,…

13:35, 29.10.2021

From Monday, half Moderna dose booster for first-scheme Moderna takers

Head of Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) Valeriu Gheorghita said on Friday that from November 1, those who got the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine as their first vaccination scheme…

10:15, 23.09.2021

PM Citu: USR must understand they will talk to me, future PNL chairman, as of next Monday

Prime Minister Florin Citu says that he will be the chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL, after the Congress, due 25 September, ed. n.) and the leaders of the Alliance of Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty,…

16:40, 21.09.2021

Doctor Gheorghita informs 2.5 million doses of anti-COVID vaccine will be delivered to Romania in September

The coordinator of the vaccination campaign against COVID-19, doctor Valeriu Gheorghita, announced on Tuesday that approximately 2.5 million doses of vaccine will be delivered to Romania in September, respectively…

17:20, 21.05.2021

Wizz Air to gradually reopen 27 air routes operated from Romania to nine other countries

A number of 27 routes operated from some airports in Romania to destinations in nine countries will be gradually reopened by Wizz Air, according to a press release of the airline, sent to AGERPRES on Friday. The…

15:15, 19.04.2021

WHO: Mobilization funds to support youth to overcome Covid-19 pandemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday that their collaboration with the United Nations Foundation and the world’s six largest youth organizations will support the ideas and initiative of young people…

17:50, 16.11.2020

Blue Air to resume international flights from Cluj Napoca from March 1, 2021

Blue Air low-cost airline will resume its international flights from Cluj Napoca on March 1, 2021 one month ahead of schedule, to meet growing demand for this destination. According to a Blue Air press statement,…

12:58, 16.05.2020

PM Orban: Tourism sector to be regulated probably after June 1

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced, on Saturday, that the Government will regulate, probably after June 1, the conditions in which the tourism season will be opened this year.He stated, in the Albita Border…

17:57, 12.05.2020

Iohannis: From May 15, wearing protection mask, keeping distance and hand hygiene - mandatory

President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Tuesday, that from May 15, once the state of alert comes into force, the wearing of protection masks in closed spaces becomes mandatory, the maintaining of distance between people…

15:12, 04.05.2020

State of emergency to be changed to state of alert from May 15

President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday that after May 15, the state of emergency in Romania will be changed to a state of alert."The state of emergency will not be extended, I will not issue a new decree to extend…

17:09, 09.10.2018

Klyde lanseaza “Max Martin”

Dupa ce recent si-a anuntat plecarea pe Marte prin intermediul piesei “From Mars”, Klyde revine astazi cu un nou single – Max Martin. Inspirat de cariera producatorului suedez, “Max Martin” vorbeste despre un moment…

19:55, 05.07.2018

Klyde lanseaza “From Mars”

Cu peste 30 de milioane de vizualizari adunate la ultimele single-uri lansate, cel mai recent – Defectul meu – depasind 7 milioane de vizualizari, Klyde lanseaza astazi o piesa inspirata de afinitatea sa pentru…

17:05, 22.10.2017

Code Orange warning for heavy rains in five counties as of Monday morning

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) on Sunday issued a Code Orange warning for rain and wind for five counties in the central and north-west of the country, respectively a Code Yellow warning for bad…