Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:55, 17.05.2023

Prinţul Harry şi soţia sa Meghan, implicaţi într-o urmărire aproape catastrofală cu paparazzii

Printul Harry al Marii Britanii, sotia sa Meghan si mama acesteia au fost implicati într-o "urmarire aproape catastrofala" când se întorceau de la un eveniment, masina lor fiind urmata îndeaproape de fotografi…

12:45, 17.05.2023

Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, co-founder of 3SeasUniversitiesNetwork

Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) participated, together with twelve other prestigious higher education and research institutions from Central and Eastern Europe, in Lublin (Poland), in the establishment…

14:15, 10.05.2023

PNL Spokesman Stroe: Violent politicians found refuge in AUR; such behaviours have no place in Romania

PNL Spokesman Stroe: Violent politicians found refuge in AUR; such behaviours have no place in Romania.National Liberal Party (PNL) Spokesman Ionut Stroe said that the Alliance for Romanians' Union (AUR) party…

12:21, 03.05.2023

47 migrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan found hiding in trailer trucks at Romania's western border

Two drivers from Turkey and Belarus are under criminal investigation after 47 migrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan were found hiding in the trailer trucks they were driving, checked at Romania's western border.…

08:50, 03.05.2023

'Paintings' criminal case: Two businessmen in custody, Darius Valcov not found, so far

Two businessmen from southern Olt County, Constantin Tomescu and Bogdan Timofte, convicted in the "Paintings" criminal case along with the former social-democratic minister of Finance, Darius Valcov, popped up…

13:30, 22.04.2023

Ambasadorul Chinei în Franța afirmă că fostele țări sovietice nu au „niciun statut în dreptul internațional”

Ambasadorul Chinei în Franța, Lu Shaye, a declarat, întrebat de jurnalistul elvețian Darius Rochebin dacă din punctul lui de vedere Crimeea aparține Ucrainei, că „nu este atât de simplu” de spus și a adăugat că…

11:21, 18.04.2023

More than 50 migrants, found at Arad border crossing point hidden among metal profiles in truck

More than 50 migrants from several countries were caught trying to leave the country hidden in a trailer truck loaded with metal profiles, checked at the western Arad Border Crossing Point, Arad Border Police said…

12:00, 11.04.2023

Over 70 illegal migrants found at border with Hungary, 65 hidden in lorry

More than 70 migrants from Asian and African countries were found on Tuesday at the border with Hungary, with 65 of them being hidden in a lorry.According to a statement released on Tuesday by the Oradea Border…

11:31, 23.03.2023

23 Bangladeshi nationals found hidden in truck at western border

A truck driver is under investigation for migrant smuggling after he was caught on Thursday trying to take 23 Bangladeshi migrants out of the country and hiding them in his vehicle.The truck was checked at the…

10:25, 22.03.2023

More than 30 migrants found in two trucks at western border

More than 30 migrants from several countries were found while trying to leave the country illegally, hidden in two trucks carrying goods to France and Germany, at the western Nadlac II border crossing point.Both…

14:15, 17.03.2023

Four Pakistanis aiming for Italy caught attempting to illegally cross into Hungary

Four Pakistani nationals intending to illegally cross the border from Romania into Hungary with the intention of reaching Italy were caught by the Satu Mare county border police."In the town of Berveni, four citizens…

13:51, 16.03.2023

Six people found at border hiding in lorry driven by Russian nationals

Six people hiding in a lorry driven by a Russian national were found by the Arad border police as they were trying to leave the country illegally, while other people were found walking on foot through fields towards…

09:30, 10.03.2023

„Cobor între stejari”, cel mai nou festival care pune în valoare stejarii. Progamul complet al evenimentului

„ Cobor între stejari ”, cel mai nou festival care pune în valoare stejarii, se va desfășura pe 3-4 iunie, în satul Cobor, din județul Brașov. Cel mai nou festival, „Cobor între stejari”, este organizat de Fundația…

13:10, 28.02.2023

ePlan. Cum a evoluat moda online după pandemie. Legătura cu așa numitul revenge travel

Moda online, una din cele mai dezvoltate verticale ale comerțului electronic românesc, este subiectul unei noi ediții a emisiunii ePlan by stirileprotv.ro. Invitatele lui Andrei Radu, CEO Founder GpeC, sunt Raluca…

12:16, 16.02.2023

Several migrants found in three road trains leaving Romania

Several migrants from Ethiopia, India, Morocco and Pakistan were caught by the Arad border police hiding in three road trains loaded with goods that were going to leave the country through the Nadlac II border…

12:35, 14.02.2023

Fifty-nine illegal migrants found in two lorries driven by Bulgarian drivers at Nadlac II

Border officers of the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point (PTF) have found 59 migrants trying to leave Romania illegally hidden in two lorries driven by Bulgarian drivers, who are now being investigated for migrant…

14:15, 13.02.2023

Twenty-two illegal migrants found at Cenad Customs

Border police officers of the Cenad Border Crossing Point (PTF) have found 22 illegal migrants from Asian and African countries trying to illegally cross the border into Hungary. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

17:25, 07.02.2023

Oradea City Hall Tower becomes most visited local tourist attraction

The Oradea Town Hall Tower is the most visited tourist attraction of the city, as the cityscape from the tower is attractive for tourists, 34,610 in 2022 as against 3,936 in the previous year, executive director…

15:55, 07.02.2023

Approximately 1,000 illegal immigrants found in Bucharest in 2022

Romania's General Immigration Inspectorate (IGI) reported on Tuesday that in 2022 approximately 19,000 residence permits were issued, over 9,000 applications for work permits were registered and approximately 1,000…

12:16, 31.01.2023

Eighteen migrants found hiding in cargo minibus

Arad border police officers have found 18 migrants who tried to leave the country illegally hiding in a cargo minibus, while six others were caught walking in the field towards the border with Hungary, told Agerpres.…

19:06, 29.01.2023

Biggest crocodile in a Romanian zoo is to be found in Sibiu

The biggest crocodile in a zoo in Romania is to be found in Sibiu, a 20-year-old male, four metres long and weighing almost 300 kilogrammes, the veterinarian of the Sibiu-based zoo, Liviu Todescu, told Agerpres.…

19:25, 25.01.2023

Start preselecții Business Makeover, noul accelerator pentru antreprenorii care vor să își ducă business-urile în online. Vezi regulamentul concursului…

Echipa Gomag începe anul cu o nouă oportunitate pentru oamenii de afaceri care nu dețin încă un magazin online. Business Makeover reprezintă un format nou pentru organizatori, fiind o emisiune-concurs online în…

18:55, 24.01.2023

700-year-old paintings and the oldest wooden cross-beam in Romania, found in a Cluj County church

700-year-old wall paintings were discovered in the reformed church in Vistea, central-northwestern Cluj County, as well as a wooden cross-beam from 1319, considered the oldest dated comble in Romania, told Agerpres.…

13:05, 24.01.2023

PM Ciuca: European Romania's roots can be found in the Romanian Principalities Union

The roots of European Romania can be found in the Union of Romanian Principalities, a visionary act achieved through the unity of will around common values and objectives, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca stated on…

13:20, 20.01.2023

Ukrainian man found on border with fake Polish ID documents

A Ukrainian national is under criminal investigation after he was found at the Siret Border Crossing Point (PTF) with fake Polish documents, spokesperson for the Sighetu Marmatiei PTF Iulia Stan reported on Friday.…

12:40, 20.01.2023

Over 50 migrants found hiding in lorries at Nadlac in 24h

In the last 24 hours, over 50 migrants were caught trying to leave Romania illegally hidden in lorries checked at the Nadlac I and Nadlac II Border Crossing Points. The drivers are being investigated for migrant…

12:41, 19.01.2023

Ioan-Aurel Pop opens Romanian Academy's Dalles Conferences: We want to rebuild dialogue in society

The President of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, on Thursday said, on the occasion of the resumption of the series of public conferences held at the "Dalles" Foundation, after an interruption of 75 years,…

15:30, 18.01.2023

Cum devii din angajat în bancă un antreprenor și broker de credite

Să lucrezi în domeniul financiar-bancar poate să fie, de cele mai multe ori, destul de dificil, având în vedere că o astfel de profesie necesită fie lucrul peste program, o agendă destul de strictă, şefi şi activităţi…

15:25, 18.01.2023

Cum devii din angajat în bancă antreprenor și broker de credite

Să lucrezi în domeniul financiar-bancar poate să fie, de cele mai multe ori, destul de dificil, având în vedere că o astfel de profesie necesită fie lucrul peste program, o agendă destul de strictă, şefi şi activităţi…

11:35, 16.01.2023

Eleven migrants found hiding in lorry at Schengen area border

Nadlac II border checkpoint authorities have found 11 migrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India trying to illegally cross the border into the Schengen Area hidden in a lorry that, according to the documents,…