Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

04:27, 23.05.2020

Au fost create dispozitive pentru obținere energiei din umbre

Oamenii de știință au creat un "panou solar invers" care poate genera electricitate datorita umbrei, anunță Daily Mail Co referindu-se la un studiu publicat in Energy & Environmental Science. Generatorul de energie…

11:42, 22.05.2020

ACAROM named association of public utility

Romania's Association of Automobile Manufacturers (ACAROM) was named association of public utility under a decision adopted at the government's Thursday meeting."The government, at the proposal of the Ministry…

08:30, 22.05.2020

EconMin Popescu: Government approves emergency ordinance to support large energy consumers

The government approved an emergency ordinance on Thursday to support large energy consumers, this being an amendment to the ordinance that allowed the support of 15 branches of industry, said on Thursday the Minister…

19:42, 21.05.2020

Cand intra Romania in era robotilor? Cu cat mai devreme cu atat mai bine #Interviu

Optimizarea proceselor de business fololosind roboti software nu va aduce decat lucruri bune, atat pentru companii cat si pentru angajati, iar Romania, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, se va inscrie pe aceasta orbita.…

17:57, 12.05.2020

Rogojinaru (MEEMA): Romanian workers returned home won't stay, some nice robots would be wonderful

Romanian workers that returned home will leave abroad again in the fall, thus for the solving of the lack of workforce in Romania foreign workers need to be brought in, the strategy for the return of Romanian workers…

11:53, 12.05.2020

PM Orban says public investment to be first pillar of Romania's economic reconstruction

The first pillar of Romania's economic reconstruction that the Government is thinking of is public investment in transport, energy infrastructure, health, education, communications and agriculture, Prime Minister…

10:53, 12.05.2020

Romania's primary energy resources down 2.4pct in Q1 of 2020

The primary primary energy resources in the the first quarter of 2020 dropped by 2.4 percent compared to the same period of 2019, whereas the final electricity consumption decreased by 2.2 percent by comparison,…

10:37, 12.05.2020

President Iohannis to meet Gov't members regarding management measures of COVID-19 pandemic

President Klaus Iohannis will have a meeting with the Government members at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace on Tuesday regarding the management measures of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Presidential…

22:02, 08.05.2020

Firma constanteana Wind Power si-a schimbat sediul social

In Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei a aparut recent Hotararea Adunarii Generale a Asociatilor firmei SC Wind Power SRL, sedinta care a avut loc la finele anului trecut, pe 28 decembrie 2019.Astfel, Petrache Gheorghe,…

08:37, 07.05.2020

Coșul de fum solar va economisi pînă la 50% din energia electrică 

Un coș de fum solar va economisi pînă la 50% din energie electrică, precum și va salva viața stăpînilor casei în caz de incendiu. Dezvoltarea oamenilor de știință de la Institutul Regal de Tehnologie din Melbourne…

09:42, 06.05.2020

A new meeting at Cotroceni Palace regarding measures to manage COVID-19 epidemic

President Klaus Iohannis will have, on Wednesday, at the Cotroceni presidential Palace, a new meeting regarding measures to manage the COVID-19 epidemic with members of the Government.According to the Presidential…

11:08, 05.05.2020

EconMin Popescu: I no longer want Romanians to buy masks at prices exceeding 2 lei

One of the main concerns for the next period is that, in Romania, protective masks can be found in stores after May 15, at a price around 2 lei, Minister of the Economy, Energy and Business Environment Virgil Popescu…

04:12, 05.05.2020

'Bombă' socială bate la ușa României: 28.000 de locuri de muncă ar putea să dispară din cauza eliminării treptate a cărbunelui (STUDIU)

România are nevoie de 700 de milioane euro pentru tranziţia zonelor miniere afectate de eliminarea treptată a cărbunelui din sistemul energetic până în anul 2030, iar investiţiile pot fi obţinute din bugetul alocat…

17:12, 04.05.2020

Tranziţia zonelor miniere afectate de eliminarea treptată a cărbunelui ar costa România 700 de milioane de euro (studiu)

România are nevoie de 700 de milioane euro pentru tranziţia zonelor miniere afectate de eliminarea treptată a cărbunelui din sistemul energetic până în anul 2030, iar investiţiile pot fi obţinute din bugetul alocat…

12:43, 24.04.2020

România Eficientă: Renovarea energetică a clădirilor poate contribui la relansarea economică a României după criza Covid-19

Demararea unui program național de investiții în renovarea clădirilor, pentru creșterea eficienței energetice și a calității locuirii, ar fi una dintre cele mai bune măsuri de redresare economică după criza…

22:02, 22.04.2020

Uzina Termoelectrica Midia Navodari va achita peste doua milioane de lei pentru certificatele de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera (document)

Societatea Comerciala Uzina Termoelectrica Midia Navodari a achizitionat 25.000 de certificate de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera de tipul EUA, in valoare de 2.175.305 lei. Firma care si a adjudecat contractul…

12:58, 21.04.2020

President Iohannis, Gov't members meet to discuss COVID-19 epidemic response measures

President Klaus Iohannis will meet today as of 12:30 hrs at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace with government members to asses COVID-19 response measures, the Presidential Administration informs.Attending will…

17:27, 15.04.2020

ACUE head:Nowhere else has economy support package been implemented at the brunt of utility providers

No country has left utility providers to carry the burden of the measures adopted in support of the crisis-affected companies, executive director of the Federation of Energy Utility Companies' Associations (ACUE)…

17:17, 15.04.2020

Postponing bills payment - unfortunate solution, acording to E.ON

Postponing the payment of electricity bills is an unfortunate solution for the energy system, instead the Government should inject liquidity into the system, said on Wednesday the Deputy Director General at E.ON…

12:52, 15.04.2020

President Iohannis: Stay home. Otherwise, after the holidays, we'll have funerals Bucharest

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday made a call on Romanians to stay home, otherwise "after the holidays, we'll have funerals." "Stay home. Otherwise, after the holidays, we'll have funerals," Iohannis said.Romania's…

10:35, 13.04.2020

Romania's primary energy resources, down 2pct, electricity resources, up 2.1pct, Jan.-Feb. 2020

Romania's primary energy resources decreased by 2%, in the first two months of 2020, while electricity resources were up 2.1%, y-o-y, according to data with the National Statistics Institute (INS) released on Monday.…

18:22, 07.04.2020

National defence industry developed and produced first hundred per cent Romanian thermal imager

A hundred per cent Romanian thermal imager has been developed and produced by the national defence industry, informs the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment (MEEMA), in a press release sent to…

23:07, 05.04.2020

Bârladul, partener cu Norvegia, în vederea accesãrii de fonduri pentru un iluminat stradal inteligent!

PARTENERIAT…Consilierii bârlãdeni au aprobat un contract de parteneriat dintre Municipiul Bârlad si Keytouch Technology AS, Norvegia în vederea accesãrii de fonduri norvegiene în cadrul Mecanismelor financiare…

17:57, 27.03.2020

First 15 isolettes made in Romania, received by Defence Ministry

The first lot of 15 isolettes of Romanian conception and production was received Friday in the presence of Premier Ludovic Orban, the National Defence minister Nicolae Ciuca and the Economy, Energy and Business…

12:39, 27.03.2020

Nicolae Dragos Garofil - appointed secretary of state at Health Ministry

Nicolae Dragos Garofil has been appointed as Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, by decision of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban published Thursday in the Official Journal.Previously, Garofil held the position…

21:46, 26.03.2020

EconMin Popescu: I've talked with first private company which will start production of masks

The first large private company will produce, as of 15 April, a number of 500,000 FFP2 and 100,000 FFP3 masks per day, and is going to then reach a production of 16 - 17 million masks per month, Economy, Energy…

12:04, 12.03.2020

Serviciile Aderro GP Energy pot fi platite prin PayPoint

PayPoint Romania si Aderro GP Energy, furnizorul de energie electrica si gaze naturale, semneaza un acord de parteneriat si faciliteaza plata serviciilor de catre abonati. Astfel, clientii Aderro GP Energy isi…

19:47, 10.03.2020

E.ON pregăteşte vânzarea activelor din domeniul energiei şi gazelor, din Cehia, evaluate la 800 milioane de euro

Grupul german de utilităţi E.ON a stabilit lista scurtă a potenţialilor cumpărători ai activelor din domeniul energiei şi gazelor din Cehia, evaluate la 800 milioane de euro (908 milioane de dolari), pe care trebuie…

21:57, 06.03.2020

EC accepts Transgaz commitments for unrestricted natural gas exports from Romania

The European Commission has accepted the commitments proposed by Romania's gas pipeline operator Transgaz to allow gas exports from Romania, this being a step forward towards a single European energy market, the…

22:06, 05.03.2020

Romanian companies exhibit at MEE 2020: Middle East Electricity, in Dubai

Six Romanian companies presented in Dubai, at the 45th edition of MEE 2020: Middle East Electricity, competitive products and technological solutions of industrial and system software for a wide range of applications.…