Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

23:20, 24.10.2023

52 Romanian specialists in emergency situations participate in international exercise EU Modex Austria

The search and rescue team RO-USAR 01 is participating, between October 23-26, with 52 specialists in emergency interventions in the EU Modex Austria exercise, organized at Tritolwerk."The exercise is organized…

20:40, 24.10.2023

Promulgated law: 2025 - Year of Cardinal Iuliu Hossu

The law that provides for the declaration of 2025 as the Year of Cardinal Iuliu Hossu, for the celebration of his life, work, personality, martyrdom and his determining role in achieving the Great Union and the…

13:35, 19.10.2023

Xi Jinping anunţă că vrea să coopereze cu Egiptul, care urmează să intre în BRICS în 2024, pentru a stabiliza Orientul Mijlociu

Egiptul – care se învecinează cu Fâşia Gaza, aflată sub controlul mişcării islamiste palestiniene Hamas – este un vechi mediator tradiţional între Israel şi Hamas şi a fost prima ţară arabă care a semnat un acord…

10:55, 19.10.2023

Președintele Franței îl asigură pe liderul de la Kiev de susţinerea sa, în pofida unei ”multiplicări a crizelor”

Preşedintele Franței, Emmanuel Macron, îl asigură pe omologul său ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski că revenirea conflictului israeliano-palestinian în centrul atenţiei internaţionale nu afectează susţinerea Uniunii…

14:00, 16.10.2023

Ore cruciale în războiul Hamas-Israel. Armata israeliană așteaptă semnalul pentru a intra în Gaza - Reuniune de urgență a UE - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 13:30 - Mişcarea islamistă palestiniană Hamas a revendicat duminică două infiltrări dinspre Liban în Israel, anunţând moartea a trei dintre combatanţii săi, transmite AFP.Un grup de combatanţi din Brigăzile…

22:15, 13.10.2023

ForMin Odobescu receives representatives of UN agencies in Romania

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, received on Friday, on a courtesy visit, the representatives of four specialized UN agencies and funds in Romania - Anna Riatti, representative of the United…

11:55, 13.10.2023

Romanian driver, caught hiding 19 migrants in lorry at Nadlac II Customs Point

A 28-year-old Romanian driver is under criminal investigation after he was caught trying to smuggle 19 migrants out of the country, hiding them in the lorry he was driving among car parts he was transporting to…

11:16, 10.10.2023

Border police detect citizens under arrest warrants

Border police officers from the Cenad Border Crossing Point detected, on Tuesday, two persons against whom European arrest warrants had been issued by the Romanian and German authorities. At the Cenad Border Crossing…

08:55, 06.10.2023

Prim-ministrul britanic anunță ajutor de 34 milioane de lire sterline Ucrainei (Video)

Prim-ministrul britanic Rishi Sunak a anunțat noi contribuții financiare pentru a ajuta Ucraina și a purtat discuții cu Volodymir Zelenski în timp ce participa la summitul Comunității Politice Europene din Granada,…

09:00, 05.10.2023

Paris Tourism Fair has changed the rules during the game, minister says

Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Radu Oprea, stated on Wednesday evening in southern Ploiesti that the organizers of the Paris Tourism Fair changed the rule during the game and asked for advance…

09:00, 04.10.2023

US Air Force Detachment's presence in Borcea, clear proof of allied solidarity (DefMin)

The presence of the United States Air Force Detachment in Borcea is a clear proof of allied solidarity, minister of Defense Angel Tilvar said on Tuesday, at a meeting with the chairman of the NATO Military Committee,…

18:10, 26.09.2023

VIDEO. Trudeau consideră ”inacceptabilă” şi ”jenantă” omagierea de către Parlamentul canadian a unui veteran ucrainean nazist din SS, Iaroslav Hunka,…

Premierul canadian Justin Trudeau consideră ”inacceptabil” şi ”jenant” faptul că un fost militar ucrainean care a luptat alături de nazişti în al Doilea Război Mondial a fost ovaţionat în Parlament în timpul vizitei…

14:20, 25.09.2023

Georgian Speaker: I expressed our deep gratitude towards Romania for supporting Georgia's sovereignty

Georgian Speaker: I expressed our deep gratitude towards Romania for supporting Georgia's sovereigntyGeorgia's Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili stressed on Monday, after the meeting with President of the Romanian…

08:50, 25.09.2023

Romanian Crown Custodian Margareta and Prince Consort Radu paying visit to Kingdom of Spain

Romanian Crown Custodian Margareta and Prince Consort Radu paying visit to Kingdom of SpainHer Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown, together with His Royal Highness Prince Consort Radu, will visit…

00:10, 16.09.2023

'Boom-ul durian'. Cererea globală pentru controversatul fruct cu miros de șosete a crescut cu 400% în ultimul an / Ce proprietăți are

Unii spun despre fructul exotic durian că are un miros dulce-lipicios, alţii spun că miroase a şosete. Unii îl iubesc, alţii îl urăsc, dar apetitul pentru durian creşte exponenţial, mai ales în China, potrivit…

10:36, 15.09.2023

Liga 3 | Victor Naicu vrea revanșa în fața Viitorului Șimian

ACSO Filiași face „retușurile“ pentru disputa cu ACS Viitorul Șimian, formație care a eliminat-o din Cupa României. Antrenorul principal al doljenilor, Victor Naicu, a prefațat întâlnirea de sâmbătă, de la ora…

19:35, 14.09.2023

Impact of Russian aggression on Romanians at Ukrainian border, addressed by DefMin Tilvar and German ambassador Gebauer

The minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, received the German ambassador in Bucharest, Peer Gebauer, on Thursday, at the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) headquarters, with whom he discussed the current…

14:06, 13.09.2023

Rareș Bogdan, discurs de o duritate fără precedent în Parlamentul European: Ne-ați mințit! Umiliți România!/ Video

Europarlamentarul PNL, Rareș Bogdan, a susținut un discurs de o duritate fără precedent în Parlamentul European. El arată că liderii Europei au mințit și au umilit România prin faptul că îi permit cancelarului…

08:40, 13.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 13 IN HISTORYDay of Firefighters 1602 - Battles of Ogretin and Teiusani. Radu Serban, Wallachia's ruler (1602-1611) defeated the coalition armies of Simion Movila and the Tatar khan. During the battle,…

14:25, 08.09.2023

Government approves decision regarding free transportation for pupils during the school year

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announces that the Executive adopted in the Friday meeting the decision regarding the granting of free transportation for pupils during the school year."Benefits from free…

16:50, 06.09.2023

34.7% of past week's COVID-19 cases, in Bucharest and Bacau, Iasi, Timis and Galati counties

34.7% of past week's COVID-19 cases, in Bucharest and Bacau, Iasi, Timis and Galati countiesThe National Institute of Public Health (INSP) informed that, in the week of August 28 - September 3, 34.7% of COVID-19…

21:00, 05.09.2023

Labour Minister, Kazakh ambassador discuss the mutual recognition of contributions to pensions

Labour Minister, Kazakh ambassador discuss the mutual recognition of contributions to pensionsThe Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura Oprescu, on Tuesday discussed with the ambassador of the…

19:55, 04.09.2023

PNL's Bogdan: PSD has tried to dominate the coalition, we've been way too nice

PNL's Bogdan: PSD has tried to dominate the coalition, we've been way too niceNational Liberal Party (PNL) First Deputy Chairman Rares Bogdan stressed on Monday that the Liberals do not want to leave the government,…

19:00, 01.09.2023

PM Marcel Ciolacu has talks in Brussels with EC President Ursula von der Leyen

AGERPRES special correspondent Florin Zafiu reports: Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu discussed on Friday in Brussels with European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen.One of the topics of the meeting concerned the…

09:20, 31.08.2023

Another patient injured in Crevedia explosions dies

Another patient injured in Crevedia explosions diesAnother patient injured in one of the explosions that took place in Crevedia late last week has died at Floreasca Emergency Hospital, the Health Ministry informed…

21:50, 29.08.2023

Cele mai scârboase mâncăruri din lume. Ai gusta așa ceva?

Durian – fructul care miroase a şosete nespălate Și-a creat renumele de a fi unul dintre cele mai controversate fructe din lume. Crește în ţările din sudul Asiei şi este chiar interzis în anumite spaţii publice,…

16:30, 25.08.2023

CultMin Turcan: During my tenure, I set out to bring culture closer to the people

CultMin Turcan: During my tenure, I set out to bring culture closer to the peopleCulture Minister Raluca Turcan on Friday visited the summer edition of Art Safari, where Constantin Brancusi's famous work "The Kiss"…

16:30, 22.08.2023

DefMin Tilvar participates in Invictus team training: You are a model for Romanians

DefMin Tilvar participates in Invictus team training: You are a model for RomaniansDefence Minister Angel Tilvar on Tuesday participated in the last training before competition of the Invictus team that will represent…

16:30, 19.08.2023

China, mesaj de o duritate fără precedent către aliații SUA: Vă puteţi decolora părul blond şi tunde părul din nas cât vreţi

Statele Unite, Coreea de Sud şi Japonia îşi consolidează legăturile în domeniul securităţii vineri, la un summit fără precedent, la Camp David, în apropiere de Washington, menit să transmită un semnal Chinei, dar…

14:20, 17.08.2023

Border police stops two cars carrying nine migrants close to the Hungarian border

Two cars carrying nine migrants were stopped in traffic, on Thursday, by the border police, in the Curtici area, on a road near the border with Hungary, the drivers, one of them Pakistani, currently being investigated…