Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:55, 29.03.2024

President Iohannis: NATO relevance is so much greater in the extremely difficult context we are going through

President Iohannis: NATO relevance is so much greater in the extremely difficult context we are going through

NATO is the most important and strongest political and security organisation in history, and its relevance is so much greater in the extremely difficult context we are going through, President Klaus Iohannis said…

19:10, 12.02.2024

Ciuca: It is difficult to create integrated system of cyber protection, every institution has obligation to take measures

The president of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Nicolae Ciuca, declared on Monday that, at this moment, it is very difficult to create an integrated system of cyber protection, stressing that each institution…

22:30, 07.02.2024

President Klaus Iohannis expects Romania's future president to maintain European path

President Klaus Iohannis expects Romania's future president to maintain the country's European path, while appreciating that it is difficult for an independent to reach the highest office in state."I see a president…

18:05, 22.01.2024

AgriMin Barbu: Farmers in 2024 not to have difficulty in agriculture in Romania

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Florin Barbu, on Monday assured farmers in Mures county that this year they will not encounter any difficulties and that all aspects agreed upon after the negotiations…

09:05, 16.01.2024

PM Ciolacu: It is very difficult to have a PSD - PNL alliance and joint lists at the moment

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that, at present, it would be "very difficult" to be able to achieve a National Liberal Party (PNL)-PSD electoral…

08:50, 03.01.2024

Ciolacu: We express our solidarity with the Japanese people during these difficult times

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Tuesday sent a message of condolences to his counterpart in Tokyo, Fumio Kishida, for the families who lost their loved ones following the earthquake that hit Japan on Monday."On…

13:45, 24.12.2023

Custodian of the Romanian Crown conveys admiration for Romanians having shown generosity, courage, compassion

Custodian of the Romanian Crown, Her Majesty Margareta, conveyed on Sunday, in the Christmas message, her admiration and affection for all Romanians who have shown generosity, courage and compassion towards those…

13:10, 23.11.2023

PM Ciolacu: Despite all difficulties Minister Bolos secured resources of RON 13.7 billion

PM Ciolacu: Despite all difficulties Minister Bolos secured resources of RON 13.7 billionPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu says that Finance Miniser Marcel Bolos has managed to secure financial resources of RON 13.7…

15:15, 13.09.2023

Drones used by Russia attack at low altitudes, radars get image very hard (Defence Ministry)

The drones used by the Russian Federation are difficult to spot on radar because they attack at low and very low altitudes, said Wednesday the Ministry of National Defence spokesman Constantin Spinu.Asked why the…

20:35, 31.08.2023

Our common identity has withstood difficult times (Culture minister Rurcan, in Chisinau)

The Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, on a working visit to the Republic of Moldova, sent a message on Thursday on Romanian Language Day, stating that this day "gives us the opportunity to show the world our…

16:31, 17.08.2023

Hundreds of athletes from 12 countries compete on Saturday, on crest of Fagaras Mountains, in Ultra Sky Marathon

More than 300 athletes from 12 countries gather on Saturday, at over 2,000 meters altitude in the Fagaras Mountains, at Balea Lake, where a unique competition will take place in Romania, the 2X2 Race - Ultra Sky…

22:35, 28.05.2023

Primul român care a pășit pe Everest. Ticu Lăcătuşu, amintiri de la momentul din mai 1995: „No oxygen? Very difficult!“ FOTO

Ticu Lăcătuşu este primul român care a urcat pe Everest. Se întâmpla acum 28 de ani, în mai 1995, prilej cu care alpinistul din Neamț rememorează ce-i spunea un coleg: „No oxygen? Very difficult!”.

21:10, 17.05.2023

Americanii au dat de urma spionilor cibernetici ai Rusiei. Ce spune SUA despre aplicația folosită de FSB să acceseze rețele de calculatoare din întreaga…

Agenția SUA pentru Securitate Cibernetică și Securitatea Infrastructurii (CISA) a dezvăluit modul în care FSB a creat o rețea peer-to-peer numită Snake, utilizată pentru furtul informațiilor de la companii, organizații…

08:30, 30.03.2023

România, fruntaşă la consumul de antibiotice. MS vrea să reducă problema infecţiilor nosocomiale

Ministerul Sănătății a lansat zilele trecute  proiect de hotărâre de guvern pentru aprobarea strategiei pentru prevenirea și limitarea infecțiilor asociate asistenței medicale și combaterea fenomenului de rezistență…

15:00, 20.03.2023

Financial Authority official Marcu: Collaboration with Euroins was extremely difficult

Collaborating with Euroins was extremely difficult, because they would not provide documents, they would not provide information, which is why checks were arranged almost monthly, some being unexpected and others…

19:25, 08.03.2023

Gov't to implement raft of measures for women, children in difficult circumstances

The Ministry of European Investment and Projects (MIPE) will implement a raft of measures worth almost 450 million euros to meet specific needs of women and children who are in difficult circumstances, according…

10:25, 05.03.2023

IN THE ANIMAL WORLD/Rd 100 blind people, waiting for a guide dog, difficult, expensive process

About 100 blind people in Romania would like to receive a guide dog to help them become independent, but this is almost impossible due to high costs and lack of funding. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

17:25, 18.01.2023

Greek Minister of Migration and Asylum/Schengen: Difficult to advance calendar, I hope to solve crisis in 2023

"It is very difficult at this stage to advance a calendar, but I hope to solve the crisis in 2023," Minister of Migration and Asylum Notis Mitarachi stated with regard to Romania's accession to the Schengen area…

11:15, 16.01.2023

EU’s record recovery fund at risk as countries struggle to meet deadline

The risk that European Union governments will not be able to spend the largest aid package in its history is growing as members struggle to meet deadlines imposed by the bloc, officials from four countries told…

09:20, 10.01.2023

Measures to support immediate needs of social groups in difficulty, implemented by government

Measures to support the immediate needs of social groups in difficulty, primarily aimed at Romanians who face an extreme level of social exclusion, are to be implemented by the government, minister of Investments…

12:01, 29.12.2022

ForMin Aurescu: 2022, the most difficult year for Romanian diplomacy since 1989

2022 was undoubtedly the most difficult year for the Romanian diplomacy after 1989, being marked at regional and global level by the war of aggression unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Foreign…

20:16, 02.11.2022

Iohannis:Entrepreneurial milieu continues to prove its resilience,flexibility in relation to the difficult period we are going through

President Klaus Iohannis says that the entrepreneurial milieu remains an essential engine of Romania's economic growth and continues to prove its resilience and flexibility in relation to the difficult period we…

13:46, 28.09.2022

Speaker Ciolacu: Romania and the Republic of Korea supported each other in most difficult moments

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Marcel Ciolacu stated that Romania and the Republic of Korea supported each other in the most difficult moments, including during the sanitary crisis and this represents "the…

09:00, 22.09.2022

UDMR's Kelemen: Energy saving in homes can be recommended, making it mandatory is difficult

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor, leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), says that household consumers cannot be forced to save energy in their own homes, they can only be recommended to…

17:00, 20.09.2022

Un bărbat înarmat ia 12 ostatici într-o agenţie a Băncii Georgiei, la Kutaisi, şi cere două milioane de dolari pentru a-i elibera

Ministerul georgian de Interne anunţă că suspectul s-a baricadat într-o agenţie a Băncii Georgiei, la Kutaisi, un oraş cu aproximativ 150.000 de locuitori. ”Pentru moment, în clădire sunt 12 ostatici”, anunţă ministerul…

13:10, 14.09.2022

EduMin Cimpeanu: Pupils facing socio-economic difficulties will receive 200 lei as scholarship

The government will approve a decision by which all students facing socio-economic difficulties will benefit from social scholarships of 200 lei, the Minister of Education, Sorin Cimpeanu, informs. Fii la curent…

12:35, 08.09.2022

Bucharest Forum/Iohannis: In these difficult times, it is particularly important that Europe remains united

President Klaus Iohannis affirms in a message sent on Tuesday to "The Bucharest Forum - Towards a Common European Platform for Refugee Inclusion" the need for Europe to remain united in the difficult context created…

15:20, 12.08.2022

PM Ciuca on International Youth Day: Intergenerational solidarity is needed to overcome difficulties

In a message on August 12, International Youth Day, Romania's Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said that intergenerational solidarity is needed to successfully overcome the difficult period we are going through, marked…

09:51, 29.06.2022

Infecția cu clostridium la nivelul intestinului subțire, cea mai frecventă din spitale. Cauze și manifestări

Clostridioides difficile (cunoscut anterior ca și Clostridium difficile) este o bacterie prezentă în flora microbiană normală a intestinului subțire. Infecția se manifestă doar în anumite condiții. Medicii specialiști…

22:15, 09.06.2022

British ambassador references Queen's 1947 speech instilling hope that difficult times will pass

Queen Elizabeth II's belief that difficult times will pass is as relevant in 2022 as it was more than 70 years ago, when she professed her dedication to her people, British ambassador in Bucharest Andrew Noble…