Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:45, 23.05.2023

Moneycorp: Evoluția cursului valutar, sub semnul incertitudinii

Creșterea cursului Euro la un nivel istoric în fața monedei naționale reflectă 3 factori principali: evoluția diferențialului de dobândă între EUR și RON, existența unor deficite structurale la un nivel ridicat…

18:55, 10.03.2023

Business environment still dealing with gender inequality (analysis)

The business environment in Romania is still dominated by men and there is inequality in entrepreneurship based on gender, although a significant progress could be seen in recent years, with women being increasingly…

10:26, 11.11.2021

Ploiesti hospital fire/Citu: We are dealing with an overuse of medical system; vaccination is only solution

Interim PM Florin Citu on Thursday has sent a message of condolences to the families of the victims of the Ploiesti hospital fire, specifying that, because of the 4th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Romania is facing…

16:03, 12.02.2020

Court sustains constitutionality objection over gov't's dealing with OUG 114

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) has sustained a constitutionality objection filed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) over the government's assuming responsibility for Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 114/2018,…

15:19, 29.01.2020

Court sustains PSD objection over gov't dealing with bill on INM

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) Wednesday sustained a constitutional objection filed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) over the government dealing with a bill on the National Institute of Magistracy…

13:28, 16.10.2019

Bella Hadid a vorbit despre probleme sale de sănătate mintală

Bella Hadid a decis să vorbească deschis despre problemele de sănătate mintală cu care se confruntă de mai mult timp. Modelul a făcut dezvăluirile cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Sănătății Mintale.  Prin intermediul…

15:22, 15.09.2019

Rd two out of five households barely deal with their current spending

Approximately two out of five households (37.6pct) face with difficulty or great difficulty their current spending, and if considering those which barely deal with their daily spending one could reach 80.0pct of…

17:56, 29.11.2017

SUA: Presedintele Donald Trump cere boicotarea CNN

Presedintele Donald Trump cere boicotarea CNN, continuand "razboiul" cu reteaua de televiziune, in timp ce administratia sa lupta impotriva incercarii AT&T Inc. de a cumpara compania care detine entitatea…

08:22, 07.10.2016

Ciolos: We have to prove Romanian capital can be developed without dealing witg Gov't

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos on Thursday said the Romanian capital needs to be strengthened, but that should be achieved in a smart way, without doing business with Government exclusively, and without political…

11:51, 07.02.2014

Nota de fundamentare a ordonanţei privind eşalonarea creditelor pare elaborată de BNR. Isărescu a spus că a fost propusă de ministrul Liviu Voinea

„Proiectul de ordonanţă este rezultatul unei colaborări între fostul ministru al Finanţelor Florin Georgescu, actual prim-viceguvernator al BNR, şi ministrul delegat pentru Buget, Liviu Voinea, care a fost subalternul…