Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:54, 07.07.2018

At Sofia summit PM Dancila expresses Romania's firm support for pragmatic development of '16+1' cooperation

Premier Viorica Dancila, addressing the plenary of the summit of the China - Central and Eastern European Countries cooperation format, expressed Romania's firm support for the pragmatic development of the '16…

15:54, 07.07.2018

Romania - China memorandum on transport, infrastructure cooperation signed in Sofia

A memorandum of understanding on transport and infrastructure cooperation was signed today between the Romanian Ministry of Transport and China's National Development and Reform Commission, on the sidelines of…

12:23, 07.07.2018

Premier Viorica Dancila attending '16+1' Summit in Sofia

Premier Viorica Dancila will head the Romanian delegation that will participate this Saturday in the seventh Summit of the China - Central and Eastern European Countries cooperation format ('16+1') organized in…

19:26, 05.07.2018

Prosecutor General Lazar discusses judicial cooperation with delegation of UK's Prosecution Service

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar on Thursday welcomed a delegation of the Prosecution Service of the UK, currently paying an working visit to Romania, judicial cooperation between the two countries being among…

19:26, 05.07.2018

DefMin Fifor and German counterpart discuss cooperation opportunities in context of implementing endowment programmes

National Defence Minister Mihai Fifor met on Thursday with his German counterpart Ursula von der Leyen at the Federal Ministry of Defence headquarters, whom he talked with about the strengthening of the cooperation…

18:56, 05.07.2018

Romanian Police's Miron, Indonesian ambassador meet to discuss cooperation with Indonesian authorities

Developing cooperation with Indonesian authorities through an effective exchange of data and information for the purpose of preventing and combating crime, was one of the topics discussed at a meeting on Thursday…

17:55, 04.07.2018

DefMin Fifor pays official visit to Germany

National Defence Minister Mihai Fifor pays an official visit Wednesday to Friday to the Federal Republic of Germany, a release of the National Defence Ministry (MApN) sent to Agerpres informs. According to the…

19:58, 03.07.2018

Rosiile ” Inima de Bou ” revin pe piata romaneasca

Cooperativa agricola ”Tara Mea” va readuce pe piata romaneasca, incepand de saptamana viitoare, soiul autohton de tomate ” Inima de Bou ”, in prezent cooperativa livrand 70 de tone de rosii romanesti pe saptamana.…

13:57, 03.07.2018

Dolj: Pepenii de Dăbuleni se vând en-gross cu 30 bani/kilogramul, preţ care, conform producătorilor, nu acoperă cheltuielile

Preţul pepenilor din Dăbuleni este de 30 de bani/kilogram, iar producătorii susţin că, la finalul recoltei - chiar dacă acesta este, anul acesta, peste medie -, abia vor reuşi să îşi acopere cheltuielile. Anul…

00:06, 03.07.2018

Cooperativa ''Ţara Mea'' readuce pe piaţa românească soiul autohton de tomate ''Inimă de Bou''

Cooperativa agricolă ''Ţara Mea'' va readuce pe piaţa românească, începând de săptămâna viitoare, soiul autohton de tomate ''Inimă de Bou'', în prezent cooperativa livrând 70 de tone de roşii româneşti pe săptămână.…

22:32, 30.06.2018

Spreading misinformation on regional energy cooperation disagrees with spirit of Romanian-Hungarian strategic partnership (officials)

Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) says spreading misinformation regarding Romania's actions in regional energy cooperation runs contrary to the spirit of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and…

18:04, 29.06.2018

International Danube Day/Romania-Bulgaria dialogue as Deputy PM Stanescu, Regional Development Minister Nankov discuss bilateral cooperation

Joint programs and projects, bilateral cooperation on transportation and regional development, the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), and the Presidency of the Council of the EU were the major topics discussed…

20:37, 28.06.2018

Liberal head on embassies' letter regarding criminal law: Sounds alarm of unprecedented gravity

The letter of the 12 ambassadors on criminal legislation triggers an alarm signal of never seen before gravity, Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban said on Thursday.  "The letter of the ambassadors…

19:56, 28.06.2018

At meeting with EC deputy head Timmermans, Senate Chairman Tariceanu says it's time to lift CVM

Senate Chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu met on Thursday in Brussels with European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, with talks focusing on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), risks…

22:28, 26.06.2018

Afacere cu fonduri europene: COOPerativa FOTO, atelierul de fotografie din judetul Prahova

COOPerativa FOTO este un atelier fondat de Bogdan Grigore si Maia, sotia lui, dupa ce au obtinut fonduri europene de 50.000 de euro prin Programul National de Dezvoltare Rurala. Maia a adus in echipa experienta…

23:17, 25.06.2018

Superior Council of Magistrates delegation meet EC experts under CVM assessment visit

The members of the Superior Council of Magistrates (CSM) met on Monday with the European Commission experts who are in Bucharest on an assessment mission under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM),…

09:57, 25.06.2018

JusMin about CVM assessment mission: We are ready, we've made a report on progress

Minister of Justice Tudorel Toader said discussions with the representatives of the delegation to carry out an assessment mission in Bucharest within the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) were starting…

11:55, 22.06.2018

#tradiţIE/Hunedoara: O cooperativă a femeilor din Haţeg rezistă pe piaţă de aproape 50 ani prin iile pe care le produce

O cooperativă ce reuneşte mai multe femei din oraşul Haţeg rezistă pe piaţă din anul 1971 prin costumele populare şi, în special, prin iile pe care acestea le cos după tehnicile tradiţionale, modele culese de la…

21:04, 20.06.2018

Campanie DAJ Ilfov, în cadrul „Programului Tomata”

Asocierea fermierilor, un izvor de prosperitate Anul acesta, Programul de sprijin pentru tomate cultivate în sere și solarii a căpătat amploare, la nivelul județului Ilfov. Dacă în 2017 în program se înscriau 209…

22:24, 15.06.2018

Visan, unul dintre initiatorii propunerii legislative, despre beneficiile legii cooperatiei

Pe 13 iunie a.c. a fost votata in Camera Deputatilor legea pentru modificarea si completarea Legii contabilitatii nr 82 1991, modificarea si completarea Legii societatilor nr. 31 1990, precum si pentru modificarea…

23:16, 14.06.2018

Homeland security expert: Romania - among privileged US dialogue and cooperation partners and security, intelligence exchange

Romania is among the United States' privileged partners of dialogue and cooperation on security and intelligence exchange, Frank Cilluffo, director of the George Washington University's Center for Cyber and Homeland…

21:24, 14.06.2018

Prime Ministers Dancila, Skvernelis, discuss in Vilnius about enhanching commercial exchanges and sectoral cooperation

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, on a working visit to the Republic of Lithuania, had a meeting on Thursday with Lithuanian counterpart Saulius Skvernelis, the objectives of the talks targeting the opportunities…

19:58, 13.06.2018

DefMin Fifor, Lockheed Martin officials talk about cooperation opportunities in producing equipment in Romania

National Defence Minister Mihai Fifor on Wednesday welcomed at the ministry's seat a delegation of the Lockheed Martin company, the talks being focused on the implementation stage of the endowment programmes carried…

10:05, 10.06.2018

Metal-Clasic Societate Cooperativa Mesesugareasca are un nou cenzor. Alte decizii importane, adoptate in adunarea generala

In Monitorul Oficial a fost publicata hotararea adunarii generale a membrilor cooperatori din Metal Clasic Societate Cooperativa Mesesugareasca din data de 14.03.2018. Adunarea generala a membrilor cooperatori…

18:35, 06.06.2018

A cântat cu zâmbetul pe buze, dar cu lacrimi în ochi şi cu o ambulanţă lângă scenă

S-a întâmplat în centrul orașului Botoșani, unde artistul de muzică populară Radu Ille a urcat pe scenă în cadrul festivalului național "România în Sărbătoare". Deși câteva ore înainte să ajungă la scenă a stat…

11:19, 06.06.2018

VIDEO EXCLUSIV/ Radu Ille, concert cu ambulanța lângă scenă. A cântat, deși era abia operat la rinichi

Recent operat la unul dintre rinichi, și acuzând ”dureri severe” în zona spatelui, solistul de muzică populară Radu Ille a susținut un recital  cu zâmbetul pe buze, dar cu lacrimi în ochi și cu ambulanța lângă…

13:23, 05.06.2018

Romanian Academy President Ioan Aurel Pop on US visit, discusses leveraging cooperation with American institutions

President of the Romanian Academy Ioan Aurel Pop, who was on a visit to the US June 1 - 5, met with senior officials of the US National Archives, the Library of Congress, the Woodrow Wilson International Center…

22:06, 29.05.2018

Asocierea în cooperative, în avantajul agricultorilor

Pentru agricultorii care decid să se asocieze în cooperative şi în grupuri de producători legislaţia actuală prevede o serie de scutiri de impozite şi alte facilităţi. Conform legii, cei care se vor înscrie sau…

14:03, 18.05.2018

Croat PM: Statement of intent on cooperation in defence to contribute to enhanced defence of Croatia and Romania

Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic on Friday stated, after his meeting with Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, that the signing of the Statement of Intent between the two governments regarding…

11:13, 16.05.2018

Minister delegate Negrescu: Romania is ready to be part of EU 'hard core'

Romania is ready to join the "hard core" of the European Union and to participate by concrete actions in the relaunch of the community project having as ultimate goal a Union closer to its citizens, Minister delegate…