Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:15, 09.05.2024

Second-hand goods from Belgium, Germany and Italy found to be waste at western border

Second-hand goods from Belgium, Germany and Italy found to be waste at western border

Approximately 35 tonnes of second-hand products, as declared in the documents, brought from Belgium, Germany and Italy, were found to be waste, following checks made by the Romanian authorities at the western border.

08:15, 09.04.2024

EU agrees on tougher restrictions on Ukrainian farm imports

EU agrees on tougher restrictions on Ukrainian farm imports

EU states and the European Parliament on Monday agreed tougher restrictions on some Ukraine farm imports, European Union presidency holder Belgium said, according to France24. The accord extends the duty-free access…

19:45, 03.04.2024

Romania is deeply committed to advancing all EUs priorities for the period 2024-2029

Romania is deeply committed to advancing all EU's priorities for the period 2024-2029

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday said Romania is deeply committed to advancing all the European Union's priorities for the period 2024-2029 and that the country can contribute significantly to this process.…

18:45, 03.04.2024

European Council President Charles Michel, welcomed at Cotroceni Presidential Palace

European Council President Charles Michel, welcomed at Cotroceni Presidential Palace

European Council President Charles Michel was welcomed on Wednesday at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace by President Klaus Iohannis, and the two officials will hold a working meeting dedicated to the preparation…

12:55, 29.03.2024

Romania to compete in inaugural season of European teqball competition

Romania to compete in inaugural season of European teqball competition

Romania, alongside seven other nations, will be competing in the inaugural season of the League of Nations European teqball - a combination of football and table tennis - competition for national teams to be organised…

21:40, 20.03.2024

Royal Family pays visit to Saint Nicholas Church in Brussels

Royal Family pays visit to Saint Nicholas Church in Brussels

Custodian of the Romanian Crown, Her Majesty Margareta, and His Highness Prince Radu on Wednesday visited the Church of Saint Nicholas in Brussels, which is also the seat of the Representation of the Romanian Patriarchate…

19:25, 15.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu reiterates need to continue supporting Ukraine, Moldova at meeting with EU ambassadors

ForMin Odobescu reiterates need to continue supporting Ukraine, Moldova at meeting with EU ambassadors

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a meeting, on Friday, with the ambassadors of the European Union member states accredited in Bucharest, on which occasion she emphasized the need to continue…

14:15, 12.03.2024

EU should consider joint borrowing for defence, economic security says Spain

EU should consider joint borrowing for defence, economic security says Spain

The European Union should consider jointly borrowing to finance investment in economic security and defence, Spain‘s Finance Minister Carlos Cuerpo said on Tuesday, joining France, Belgium and Estonia in calls…

11:45, 07.03.2024

Vladimir Putin: ”Belgia a apărut pe harta lumii ca stat independent, în mare parte datorită Rusiei”

Vladimir Putin: ”Belgia a apărut pe harta lumii ca stat independent, în mare parte datorită Rusiei”

Președintele rus Vladimir Putin a făcut o nouă declarație falsă miercuri, când a susținut că Belgia își datorează existența Rusiei, iar publicația Politico notează ironic că pseudo-istoricul rus Putin a predat…

13:25, 27.02.2024

EU’s toughest ESG proposal revived as Italy considers backing it

European Union member states will make a new push Wednesday to win agreement on the bloc’s strictest ESG law this week in a last-minute deal aimed at bypassing German objections, Bloomberg reports.  Belgium, which…

11:55, 23.02.2024

Europe has growth challenge as inflation defeated, says Le Maire

Europe’s new battle is achieving economic growth as inflation has been defeated, according to French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, Bloomberg reports.  “In two years, the European Central Bank and the finance…

14:10, 21.02.2024

EU targets nearly 200 entities with new sanctions over Russia’s war in Ukraine

EU members approved a 13th package of Ukraine-related sanctions against Russia on Wednesday, banning nearly 200 entities and individuals accused of helping Moscow procure weapons or of involvement in kidnapping…

15:55, 20.02.2024

Cluj university to coordinate international project redefining Euro-African ties

Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) of Cluj-Napoca has won, as associate coordinator, a European project redefining Euro-African relations in the XXI century, along with challenges and solutions for equitable, democratic…

11:10, 19.02.2024

Scheduled events for February 19, 2024

SENATE: - Senate president Nicolae Ciuca visits Spain, has meetings with counterpart Pedro Rollan, chairs of the Defence and Foreign Affairs' committees of the Spanish Senate, visits the EU Satellite Centre, meets…

14:35, 13.02.2024

Port of Antwerp disrupted by Belgian farmers’ protests

Operations at the port of Antwerp, one of Europe‘s biggest container ports, were seriously impacted on Tuesday as hundreds of farmers on tractors blocked the roads around the port to demand better pay and working…

11:20, 12.02.2024

Scheduled events for February 12, 2024

EXECUTIVE:- PM Marcel Ciolacu to hold consultations with the representatives of the Concordia trade unions confederation DIPLOMACY:- Secretary of state for European Affairs Daniela Gitman participates in the informal…

12:50, 02.02.2024

Fermierii au aprins focul în fața Parlamentului European! Tensiuni la cote maxime în ziua summit-ului european extraordinar - VIDEO

În mediul online au apărut primele imagini cu incendii cu focul aprins și baricadele construite de fermierii belgieni, care protestează în fața Parlamentului European de la Bruxelles.Proteste au loc, zilele acestea,…

08:15, 02.02.2024

(VIDEO) Momentul în care Poliția dă cu gaze lacrimogene Bruxelles

Circa 1.000 de tractoare blocau joi dimineaţă străzile din Bruxelles, unde a fost organizat summit-ul Uniunii Europene, pe fondul nemulţumirilor fermierilor faţă de politica europeană în acest domeniu. ‘Sunt 1.000…

16:51, 01.02.2024

(VIDEO) Glasul tractoarelor la summitul UE de la Bruxelles

Circa 1.000 de tractoare blocau joi dimineaţă străzile din Bruxelles, unde are loc un summit al Uniunii Europene, pe fondul nemulţumirilor fermierilor faţă de politica europeană în acest domeniu, transmite AFP.…

15:45, 01.02.2024

EPPO searches in Bucharest, several counties in case of European IT fraud

Seven home searches were carried out, at the request of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), in several locations, as part of an investigation into a fraud of two million euros involving IT projects,…

12:30, 01.02.2024

(VIDEO) Glasul tractoarelor la summit-ul UE de la Bruxelles

Circa 1.000 de tractoare blocau joi dimineaţă străzile din Bruxelles, unde are loc un summit al Uniunii Europene, pe fondul nemulţumirilor fermierilor faţă de politica europeană în acest domeniu, transmite AFP.…

11:36, 01.02.2024

President Iohannis: The European Union wants to provide this significant aid to Ukraine

AGERPRES special correspondent to Brussels, Belgium, Oana Ghita reports:The European Union wants to provide "significant" aid to Ukraine, President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday. He added that it is about financial,…

10:10, 01.02.2024

Fermierii au aprins focul în fața Parlamentului European! Tensiuni la cote maxime în ziua summit-ului european extraordinar - VIDEO

În mediul online au apărut primele imagini cu incendii cu focul aprins și baricadele construite de fermierii belgieni, care protestează în fața Parlamentului European de la Bruxelles.Proteste au loc, zilele acestea,…

13:25, 30.01.2024

President Iohannis to attend extraordinary European summit

President Klaus Iohannis will be in Brussels, Belgium, on Wednesday and Thursday to attend a memorial ceremony organised by the European Commission in memory of Jacques Delors and an extraordinary European summit,…

07:17, 29.01.2024

(VIDEO) Disperare și în Belgia. „Sfârşitul nostru va însemna foamea voastră”

Protestele fermierilor din Europa cuprind și Belgia .  Agricultori belgieni au blocat duminică autostrada E42 din Belgia, o mobilizare ce se alătură mişcărilor de protest ale agricultorilor din Franţa, Germania…

07:10, 29.01.2024

(VIDEO) „Sfârşitul nostru va însemna foamea voastră”

Protestele fermierilor din Europa cuprind și Belgia .  Agricultori belgieni au blocat duminică autostrada E42 din Belgia, o mobilizare ce se alătură mişcărilor de protest ale agricultorilor din Franţa, Germania…

21:50, 28.01.2024

Agricultorii belgieni au blocat o autostradă din sudul țării: „Sfârşitul nostru va însemna foamea voastră” | VIDEO

Agricultorii belgieni au blocat duminică, 28 ianuarie, autostrada E42 în sudul Belgiei, o mobilizare ce se alătură mişcărilor de protest ale agricultorilor din Franţa, Germania şi alte state membre ale Uniunii…

13:50, 26.01.2024

Dozens of tons of waste brought from Netherlands, Belgium and Hungary, blocked from entering Romania

Dozens of tons of waste brought from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Hungary were blocked by the authorities in western Arad and Bihor from being introduced into the country, finding that the shipments were illegal.Three…

14:25, 24.01.2024

Marius Copil qualifies for the round of 16 of the Ottignies-Louvain-La-Neuve challenger tournament in Belgium

Marius Copil qualifies for the round of 16 of the Ottignies-Louvain-La-Neuve challenger tournament in BelgiumThe Romanian tennis player Marius Copil qualified, on Wednesday, for the round of 16 of the 148,625 USD…

14:15, 24.01.2024

Peste o tonă de cocaină, confiscată în portul rus Sankt Petersburg. Drogurile erau ascunse în saci de cafea provenind din Belgia

Peste o tonă de cocaină, a cărei valoare este estimată la 135 de milioane de euro, a fost confiscată în portul rus Sankt Petersburg, la inspecţia unor saci de cafea din Belgia, relatează AFP, citată de News.ro."Peste…