Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:41, 21.09.2023

Iohannis: Solutions to manage export of Ukrainian grains to Romania, an authorization system, found

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that solutions have been found for the management of Ukrainian grain exports, namely the creation of an authorization system, so that Romanian farmers are not affected.…

20:36, 20.09.2023

Scriitori americani renumiți au dat în judecată OpenAI că le-a folosit cărțile pentru antrenarea ChatGPT: „Dacă nu impunem limite, o să continue să ne…

Un grup de 17 romancieri renumiți, între care George R.R. Martin (autorul seriei „Cântec de gheață și foc”, ecranizată de HBO sub titlul„Urzeala tronurilor”), John Grisham („Firma”, „Cazul Pelican”), George Saunders…

10:50, 18.09.2023

Local authorities slam Romanian government’s decision to drop EU funding for hospitals

Romania’s Health Ministry has dropped six of the 27 hospitals originally scheduled to be upgraded or expanded under the country’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan, with local officials either claiming the…

14:21, 13.09.2023

Senate approves draft on technical and financial assistance for Moldovan local public authorities

Senate approves draft on technical and financial assistance for Moldovan local public authoritiesThe Senate adopted on Wednesday, in plenary session, the legislative proposal on the establishment of a technical…

14:45, 09.09.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romanian authorities in close contact with Moroccan authorities and are ready to offer assistance

The Romanian authorities are in close contact with the Moroccan authorities and are ready to offer assistance, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Saturday.Following the devastating earthquake in Morocco,…

14:51, 25.08.2023

Steps to bring bogus surgeon Matteo Politi back to Romania from Italy

The Romanian authorities are working on taking back in custody fake Italian surgeon Matteo Politi, wanted internationally for several counts of fraud and who was caught in Italy following the cooperation between…

19:15, 14.08.2023

JusMin Gorghiu: Fugitive Darius Valcov to be handed over to Rahova Penitentiary

Former Finance Minister Darius Valcov, who fled a 6-year sentence for influence peddling and money laundering, is in the custody of the Romanian Police, after being taken over from Italian authorities on Monday…

18:15, 02.08.2023

CCR decision on special pensions - dishonest and lacking any institutional authority (Right Force Party)

The Right Force Party /Forta Dreptei maintains that the repeal of special pensions has become "a masquerade of complicity between the CCR [the Constitutional Court of Romania] and the PSD-PNL [Social Democratic…

13:20, 28.07.2023

Entry to Romania denied for rd. 22 tons of waste from Germany and the Netherlands

Authorities at the western Nadlac II Border Crossing Point denied entry to Romania to two semi-trailer trucks carrying approximately 22 tons of waste consisting of furniture, second-hand mattresses and used household…

14:00, 26.07.2023

Hellvig, fostul șef al SRI, geopolitician de mîna a doua, analist politic penibil

N-am cum să mă raliez la concluzia celor care apreciază ultima postare a lui Eduar Hellvig, fostul șef al SRI, care vrea să arate lumii că ar fi tocmai potrivit pentru funcția de Președinte al României! O iluzie…

12:05, 26.07.2023

Semi-trailer truck carrying 23 tons of waste from Germany turned away by border authorities

A semi-trailer truck carrying 23 tons of waste from Germany was turned away by border authorities at the western Nadlac II Border Crossing Point because the driver - a Polish national - could not provide the documents…

00:05, 24.07.2023

S-a dat ordin de evacuare în nordul insulei Corfu! Incendii masive mistuie insula - Este a doua insulă după Rodos, aruncată în haos - VIDEO

Potrivit oridnului de evacuare, oamenii trebuie să părăsească zonele Santa, Megoula, Porta, Palia Perithia și Sinies, se arată în alerta primită de cei aflați în zonă. Oamenii sunt îndemnați să se îndrepte spre…

08:00, 20.07.2023

Trei morți și șase răniți într-un atac armat la Auckland, cu câteva ore înainte de deschiderea Cupei Mondiale la fotbal feminin

Trei oameni au murit, inclusiv atacatorul, şi şase au fostă răniți, între ei și polițiști, după ce un bărbat a deschis focul în Auckland, cel mai mare oraş din Noua Zeelandă, joi, cu câteva ore înainte de meciul…

14:25, 14.07.2023

Romania: 40 firefighters go to Greece to support Greek authorities in monitoring fires

A contingent of 40 firefighters went to Greece to replace the forces that, in the last two weeks, supported the Greek authorities by monitoring the areas at risk of fire in the east of Athens."The first contingent,…

11:00, 13.07.2023

Marius Budai resigns as Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity (sources)

Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Marius Budai resigned on Thursday, government sources confirmed for AGERPRES.According to the cited sources, Marius Budai submitted his resignation with the Prime Minister's…

10:55, 13.07.2023

Sugar and potatoes, top increases in prices in 2023

Sugar and potatoes are the food products whose prices went up the most in the last year, while the price of oil is the only one to decrease, according to data published Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics.In…

10:25, 13.07.2023

US Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec: Romania continues to prove to the world it is realizing its potential

Romania continues to prove to the world that it is realizing its potential and respects its commitments, declared Wednesday evening, in Constanta, the ambassador of the United States of America to Romania, Kathleen…

11:26, 12.07.2023

Romanian students win six medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Japan

Romania's team ranked first among European countries and fourth in the ranking by nation, winning six medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Chiba, Japan."Five gold medals, one silver medal and a…

11:10, 12.07.2023

Romanian tenor Stefan von Korch on 27-city Chinese tour, alongside Spanish Orchestra Reino de Aragon

Young tenor Stefan von Korch, who has become a familiar presence at the National Opera House in Bucharest, Cluj or Iasi, will participate alongside the Spanish Symphonic Orchestra Reino de Aragon in a tour that…

10:25, 04.07.2023

Black Sea Oil&Gas seeking authorisation for first energy corridor Black Sea's Romanian sector

Black Sea Oil & Gas SA (BSOG), together with its partners in the Midia Natural Gas Development Project (MGD), Petro Ventures Resources and Gas Plus Dacia, has reported the start of the authorisation of an energy…

14:25, 24.06.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romanian authorities, closely monitoring situation in Russia, I am constantly informed by MApN and MAE

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Saturday that all Romanian authorities are closely monitoring the situation in Russia, in full cooperation with allies, Agerpres reports."All Romanian authorities are closely…

11:20, 15.06.2023

Two trailer trucks loaded with 44 tonnes of waste from Hungary denied entry into Romania

Authorities at the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point have denied the entry of two trailer trucks loaded with waste being brought from Hungary for Romanian companies, as they were found not to comply with the legal…

11:35, 14.06.2023

Arad border policemen apprehend 27 migrants hidden in a truck loaded with soft drinks

Authorities within the Nadlac Border Crossing Point (PTF) apprehended 27 migrants hiding in a truck driven by a Turkish citizen, transporting soft drinks to Austria.The truck was checked on the way out of the country…

15:45, 07.06.2023

Representatives of Bucharest Municipality will authorize teachers' protests

Representatives of Bucharest Municipality will authorize teachers' protests. The representatives of the Bucharest Municipality will authorize the teachers' protests, announced the general mayor of the Romanian…

23:26, 29.05.2023

O clădire de apartamente din Davenport, SUA, s-a prăbușit! Mai multe persoane, prinse sub dărâmături - VIDEO

Autoritățile se află în prezent la locul prăbușirii unei clădiri în Davenport, Iowa, după ce un bloc important de apartamente s-a prăbușit. Pentru moment nu se cunosc informații legate de cauzele care au dus la…

08:55, 15.05.2023

Over 1.277 million jobs filled in public institutions and authorities in March 2023 (Ministry of Finance)

The number of posts filled in Romania's public institutions and authorities was 1,277,054 in March 2023, by 470 more than in the previous month, 63.88% of them in the central public administration, according to…

15:20, 10.05.2023

Senate's Gorghiu: Romanian authorities assessing Republic of Korea's candidacy for hosting World Expo 2030

Senate's Gorghiu: Romanian authorities assessing Republic of Korea's candidacy for hosting World Expo 2030.The importance of cooperation in the context of the current geopolitical and economic challenges was highlighted…

13:40, 04.05.2023

Euro trades at 4.9295 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON CITESTE SI The government…

12:46, 04.05.2023

President Iohannis participates in festivities for coronation of King Charles III

President Klaus Iohannis will attend, on Friday and Saturday, in London, the celebrations for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.On Friday, the head of state will attend the reception offered…

10:20, 28.04.2023

Bucharest Court of Appeal rejects Euroins Romania request to suspend decision on withdrawal of authorization

The Bucharest Court of Appeal rejected, on Thursday, as unfounded, the request of Euroins Romania to suspend the Decision by which the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) ordered the withdrawal of the operating…