Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:00, 19.06.2023

Procter & Gamble îl numeşte pe Radu Maftei în funcţia de senior vice president pentru regiunea Europei de Sud-Est

”Începând cu 1 iulie, Radu Maftei preia funcţia de senior vice president pentru Europa de Sud-Est (SEE) în cadrul Procter & Gamble, poziţie din care va coordona afacerile şi operaţiunile companiei în 12 pieţe din…

17:15, 11.05.2023

Republicanii acuză clanul Biden, într-un raport parlamentar, de afaceri opace în străinătate şi de primirea a zece milioane de dolari din România şi China.…

Aceste acuzaţii fac parte dintr-o veche campanie împotriva unor afaceri controversate ale lui Hunter Biden, fiul preşedintelui democrat cu o viaţă agitată. Flashback: Biden never talked to Hunter about his overseas…

16:31, 11.05.2023

Republicanii acuză clanul Biden de afaceri opace în România şi China

Alesi republicani acuza membri ai familiei lui Joe Biden si asociati ai acestora de faptul ca au primit în cea mai mare opacitate aproape zece milioane de dolari de la întreprinderi straine - si anume din China…

23:20, 10.05.2023

Între 10 și 13 mai 2023, Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia organizează cea de-a XV-a ediţie a Conferinței internaționale a Facultății de…

Facultatea de Științe Economice din cadrul Universității „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia împreună cu Institutul de Studii Financiare organizează, în perioada 10 -13 mai 2023, cea de-a XV-a ediţie a manifestării…

12:21, 09.05.2023

PM Ciuca meets president of the Board of Audit and Inspection of the Republic of Korea Choe Jae-hae

PM Ciuca meets president of the Board of Audit and Inspection of the Republic of Korea Choe Jae-hae.Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca welcomed on Tuesday, at the Victoria Palace, a delegation of the Board of Audit and…

19:26, 04.04.2023

Azets Insight Romania își deschide punct de lucru la Aiud. Vezi ce posturi sunt scoase la concurs

Prezentă la Târgul de Joburi pe care l-am organizat în vara anului trecut, Azets Insight Romania a luat decizia de a deschide un punct de lucru în municipiul Aiud. Azets este lider în furnizarea de tehnologie și…

12:26, 04.04.2023

AIUD| O nouă companie deschide un punct de lucru în municipiu. Se fac angajări!

Prezentă la Târgul de Joburi pe care l-am organizat în vara anului trecut, Azets Insight Romania a luat decizia de a deschide un punct de lucru în municipiul Aiud. Azets este lider în furnizarea de tehnologie și…

09:25, 28.03.2023

USR submits amendments to repeal special state pensions, recalculate military pensions

The Save Romania Union (USR) says that it has submitted amendments to recalculate the former special state pensions of soldiers, police officers and other law enforcement employees on the principle of contribution…

14:46, 23.03.2023

Iohannis: EC should have taken into account Romania's sacrifices for facilitating Ukraine grain exports

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Thursday in comments on the amount proposed by the European Commission as compensation for Romanian farmers impacted by the rise in Ukrainian grain imports that it could be…

13:20, 15.03.2023

February unemployment in Bucharest accounts for 1.01pct

The unemployment rate registered in the records of the Capital's Municipal Agency for Employment (AMOFM) was 1.01% in February, with 12,402 unemployed, of whom 6,542 women, according to a press release issued by…

15:26, 01.03.2023

Ciuca: In a country with a seismic risk, accountability for resistance structure over time must be regulated

Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca declared, on Wednesday, that Romania is a country with seismic risk and a procedure will have to be implemented soon by which companies can be certified in specialized areas in construction…

19:01, 28.02.2023

Parliamentary inquiry committee into pandemic public procurements hears Court of Accounts president

The inquiry committee into health care pandemic public procurements heard on Tuesday Court of Accounts president Mihai Busuioc, who presented the public accounts watchdog's relevant report. Fii la curent cu cele…

17:05, 20.02.2023

Romanian farmers facing full warehouses, empty bank accounts

The war in Ukraine has had a negative influence on Romanian agriculture, with implications that cannot yet be quantified, and farmers are currently in an extremely delicate situation, "with full warehouses and…

19:40, 17.02.2023

Court of Accounts launches project that will implement measures related to Human Resources&Communication Strategies

The Romanian Court of Accounts launched on Friday the third project developed with the support of DG Reform, which aims to implement a set of measures related to the Human Resources and Communication Strategies,…

11:05, 14.02.2023

Romania sees increase in foreign investments

Foreign direct investments in Romania rose to €10.7 billion in 2022, from €8 billion in the previous year, central bank data showed Monday, Euractiv reports. The additional funds from foreign investors could not…

13:30, 13.02.2023

Romania's balance of payment current account deficit widens by 52.0pct in 2022

In January-December 2022, the deficit in Romania's balance-of-payments current account reached EUR 26,571 million, up from EUR 17,473 million y-o-y, according to a press statement released by the National Bank…

13:05, 03.02.2023

Recently launched online platform for criminal record certificates issuance registers 14,314 new accounts

Users of the platform for the online issuance of criminal record certificates created 14,314 new accounts in the first 48 hours since the platform became operational, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

10:55, 02.02.2023

7,684 user accounts opened for online issuance of criminal record certificates

Users of the platform for the online issuance of criminal record certificates created 7,684 new accounts in the first 24 hours after the platform became operational on Wednesday morning, told Agerpres. Fii la curent…

20:25, 19.12.2022

Reduction to 5 years of retention period of data recorded in accounting

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Monday, with 233 votes "in favor" and 26 abstentions, a draft law that provides for the reduction from 10 to 5 years of the retention period for data recorded in accounting,…

15:45, 05.12.2022

Parliament decides to revoke Niculae Badalau from the Court of Accounts

The Plenary of the Parliament decided, on Monday, with 308 votes in favor and one abstention, to revoke Niculae Badalau from the position of advisor to the Court of Accounts and vice-president of the audit authority,…

11:25, 16.11.2022

Funcţie de gestionare a dispozitivelor, adăugată de Netflix

Dispozitivele care au acces la acelaşi cont Netflix vor putea fi gestionate într-un mod centralizat cu ajutorul noilor opţiuni lansate de platforma de streaming. Netflix anunţă „Manage Access and Devices”, o nouă…

08:10, 16.11.2022

Aveți Netflix? Schimbarea anunțată de compania de streaming

Dispozitivele care au acces la acelaşi cont Netflix vor putea fi gestionate într-un mod centralizat cu ajutorul noilor opţiuni lansate de platforma de streaming. Netflix anunţă „Manage Access and Devices”, o nouă…

13:26, 14.11.2022

Romania's current account deficit reaches 20.18 billion euros in first nine months (BNR)

The current account of Romania's balance of payments was running a deficit of 20.181 billion euros, in the period January - September 2022, compared to 12.640 billion euros in the same period of the previous year,…

08:25, 10.11.2022

PSD's Ciolacu: The President has to take into account the protocol of the coalition

National chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday that he will not refuse the position of prime minister when he has to take it, as written down in the protocol of the parties…

21:10, 31.10.2022

Instagram a căzut pentru mii de persoane – Utilizatorii au fost anunțați că le sunt suspendate conturile

Mii de utilizatori Instagram întâmpină probleme la logarea în conturile lor din cauza unei pene misterioase. Mulți au apelat la celelalte rețele de socializare pentru a se plânge că au fost blocați de pe populara…

18:10, 17.10.2022

Court of Accounts must improve report drafting (Judy England-Joseph)

Our training, of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the World Bank (WB), is focused on how the Court of Accounts makes reports more accessible to the reader, focusing on the reader of the report, not…

14:50, 14.10.2022

Current account deficit hits almost 17 billion euros in first eight months

The current account of the balance of payments recorded, in the period January - August 2022, a deficit of 16.986 billion euros, compared to 10.742 billion euros in the period January - August 2021, the National…

13:00, 13.10.2022

EduMin Deca: We take into account that curriculum at school's decision to become curriculum at pupils' decision

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announced on Thursday that she is taking into account the transformation of the curriculum at the decision of the school into the curriculum at the decision of the pupils…

20:10, 12.10.2022

AUR: Court of Accounts report advances figure of 100 million euros for irregularities during pandemic

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) spokesman, Deputy Dan Tanasa, stated on Wednesday that, according to an information received from the Court of Accounts, irregularities amounting to over 100 million…

15:31, 28.09.2022

USR notifies Management Authority, OLAF, EU Public Prosecutor's Office, Court of Accounts in case of BMW purchases

Save Romania Union (USR) notified the Management Authority, the European Anti-Fraud Office, the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the Court of Accounts in the case of the auction held by the Romanian Police…