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Assets of optional pension funds top 2.8 bln lei as of November 27, 2020


As of November 27, 2020 optional pension funds held assets worth over 2.8 bln lei, up 15.26 percent YoY, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) announced.

Government securities account for the highest share of this amount, with 1.825 bln lei (64.10 pct), followed by stocks with 712.819 mln lei (25.03 pct) and units in collective investment undertakings with 93.556 mln lei (3.29 pct).

Assets of Pillar III pension funds totaled 2.847 bln as of November 2020 and were worth a net 2.843 bln lei.

There were 524,903 contributors to optional pension schemes as of November 2020.


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