Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

00:00, 21.01.2021

Jumătate dintre femeile din IT susţin că pandemia COVID-19 le-a întârziat progresul în carieră (Kaspersky)

Jumătate (50%) dintre femeile care lucrează în domeniul tehnologiei consideră că efectele pandemiei COVID-19 au întârziat progresul lor în carieră, iar într-o pondere similară s-au străduit să gestioneze munca…

15:51, 20.01.2021

Studiu: femeile din domeniul tehnologiei se confruntă cu bariere în calea progresului în carieră din cauza pandemiei

Aproape jumătate dintre femeile care lucrează în domeniul tehnologiei consideră că efectele pandemiei COVID-19 au întârziat progresul lor în carieră, în ciuda faptului că un procent similar considerând că egalitatea…

12:15, 20.01.2021

Jumătate dintre femeile din IT susţin că pandemia COVID-19 a întârziat progresul în carieră (Kaspersky)

Jumătate (50%) dintre femeile care lucrează în domeniul tehnologiei consideră că efectele pandemiei COVID-19 au întârziat progresul lor în carieră, iar într-o pondere similară s-au străduit să gestioneze munca…

12:11, 18.12.2020

Iohannis:It's paramount all political forces understand need to eliminate hate speech, chauvinist, extremist agenda

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Friday on the occasion of the Day of National Minorities in Romania, in which he points out that it is paramount that all responsible political forces understand the need…

11:26, 14.12.2020

Gov't Consultations/ Ciolacu: President must accept PSD nomination for PM

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated on Monday that the head of state must understand that "he lost" the parliamentary elections and must accept the nomination of the Social…

13:30, 29.11.2020

Iohannis: I understand that testing of volunteers with DSP Bucharest's Call center is voluntary action

President Klaus Iohannis stated that the volunteers working for the Call center of the Bucharest Public Health Directorate (DSP) at the National Arena were tested for COVID-19 "in a voluntary action". "I understand…

11:15, 25.11.2020

Romania, Spain consider Memorandum of Understanding between ministries of culture

Romania and Spain are considering drafting a Memorandum of Understanding between the ministries of culture, in the perspective of celebrating, next year, 140 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries,…

09:25, 18.11.2020

SRI head Hellvig denies any form of understanding or compatibility between SRI and communist Securitate

The director of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Eduard Hellvig, sent a message on Tuesday, 35 years since the death of dissident Gheorghe Ursu, stating that "between SRI [the Romanian Intelligence Service] and…

16:46, 17.11.2020

US Ambassador: One must understand corruption, murder and human trafficking days are over in Romania

US Ambassador in Bucharest Adrian Zuckerman told a Tuesday's news conference in Iasi that this year the Orban Government has made great efforts to ensure the rule of law which has been neglected in the past, in…

18:00, 09.11.2020

Acord de colaborare între Facultatea de Psihologie și Știintele Educației din cadrul UOC și Chicago School of Psychology din Los Angeles

Facultatea de Psihologie și Știintele Educației din cadrul Universității „Ovidius” din Constanța, prin Departamentul de Psihologie și Asistență Socială, a încheiat, recent, un acord de colaborare (Memorandum of…

17:15, 01.10.2020

PSD's Daniel Florea believes recount of all votes in Bucharest necessary

The mayor of Bucharest's District 5, Daniel Florea, believes that a recount of votes in the local elections on Sunday in all of Bucharest is necessary."I understand that there was a complaint sent to the City Electoral…

15:25, 24.09.2020

Este Ziua Libertatii de Miscare: Conexiunea miscare – acumulare de cunostinte influenteaza major caracterul (video)

Data de 24 septembrie marcheaza Ziua Libertatii de Miscare. Conexiunea miscare ndash; acumulare de cunostinte influenteaza major caracterulIn cartea sa "Understanding the Human Being ndash; The Importance of the…

17:06, 15.09.2020

Ministry of Justice announces additional funds allocated through Norwegian Financial Mechanism

The Ministry of Justice announced on Tuesday that it will benefit from an additional 3.7 million euros of funds targeted to justice through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.According to a press release sent to…

10:20, 03.09.2020

Cele mai bogate state ale lumii se confruntă cu probleme legate de competențele copiilor în materie de citit și matematică

Suicidul, nefericirea, obezitatea și abilitățile sociale și academice limitate au devenit caracteristici mult prea des întâlnite la copiii din țările cu venituri ridicate, potrivit ultimului raport publicat astăzi…

13:35, 23.08.2020

President Klaus Iohannis: 'The firm condemnation of fascism and communism is not a formality, but a necessary act'

Politicians who again fail to listen to the voice of the people demonstrate that they did not understand that the victory against totalitarian and dictatorial regimes was paid with the price of many who fought…

13:00, 10.08.2020

FOTO Larisa Iordache și iluzia optică - Nu este topless

Un costum de baie de culoarea pielii poate produce multe iluzii optice. Larisa Iordache a reușit să le capteze atenția fanilor cu ultima postare de pe Instagram. Cunoscută drept o persoană activă pe Instagram,…

19:03, 24.07.2020

HealthMin Tataru: Population must understand we are going through difficult moment

Minister of Health, Nelu Tataru, stated on Friday, in northeastern Iasi, that we are not in the situation of reinstating the state of emergency due to the novel coronavirus, but reiterated that the next weeks will…

18:39, 17.07.2020

PM Orban says prosecutors' decision on August 10 case saddens him

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Friday that he was saddened by the decision of prosecutors with the Directorate for Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) in the August 10 case and that he…

10:12, 13.07.2020

Rally in Victoriei Square, planned, I don't understand why they protested, says PM Orban

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Sunday evening that the rally in Victoriei Square "was planned" and said he did not understand the reason for the protest."Unfortunately, we are facing a very strange campaign.(...)…

17:01, 10.07.2020

LabMin Alexandru: Don't understand public sector's high wage differences for same work, competence

Minister of Labor, Violeta Alexandru, claims the necessity of evaluating performance in administration, showing that she does not understand why there are big wage differences for the same level of labor and the…

23:16, 06.07.2020

Pactul pentru muncă, investiţia în educaţie, prioritate pentru România ajunge în Constanţa

Importanța învățământului şi adaptarea la nevoile reale ale economiei au fost subiectele principale ale dezbaterilor PACTUL PENTRU MUNCĂ organizate până acum şi deschid agenda subiectelor ce vor fi discutate în…

22:09, 12.06.2020

Nuclearelectrica BoD mandated to terminate negotiations with China's CGN for Cernavoda Units 3 and 4

The Board of Directors of the National Company Nuclearelectrica SA (SNN) was mandated to initiate procedures for the termination of negotiations with China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), as well as of the legal…

20:15, 30.05.2020

Donald Trump a vorbit cu familia bărbatului ucis de polițiști, caz de a pus pe jar statul Minnesota

Donald Trump a anunţat că a discutat cu familia lui George Floyd, un afroaamerican a cărui moarte, după o arestare violentă, la Minneapolis, a provocat revolte în Statele Unite, relatează AFP, potrivit news.ro.Preşedintele …

16:27, 21.05.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: PNL didn't understand that real partnership between citizen, authorities is needed

Interim Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu stated on Thursday that, not even now, did the National Liberal Party (PNL) understand that "endless restrictions and limitations" do not represent…

20:21, 18.05.2020

PM Orban to the Opposition: It's clear that you don't understand anything from the EU

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday told the Opposition representatives that they don't understand anything from the European Union, and that they should be ashamed for talking about several thousand Romanians…

12:23, 06.04.2020

Crown Custodian Margareta says abiding by stay-at-home rule, understanding situation seriousness are paramount

Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Princess Margareta, calls on the population to further abide by the stay-at-home rule and understand the seriousness of the situation caused by the coronavirus, mentioning some…

14:59, 19.03.2020

Iohannis, to prefects and heads of decentralized institutions: Please be active, situation is serious

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday forwarded to the prefects and the heads of the decentralized public institutions to be active, showing that the situation is serious."Please (...) be very active! Do everything…

17:28, 17.03.2020

BNR's Vasilescu: Public, entire Romanian society should understand first urgency is banks not to fall

The public and the entire Romanian society should understand that the first urgency is that banks don't fall, and after this urgency comes solidarity, National Bank of Romania (BNR) Strategy Consultant Adrian Vasilescu…

21:28, 10.03.2020

PM-interim Orban: June 28, most probable date of local election; PSD doesn't understand democracy

Prime Minister-interim Ludovic Orban on Tuesday stated, in the beginning of the Government meeting, that June 28 is the most probable date for the local election. Moreover, he reproached PSD (Social Democratic…

10:47, 21.02.2020

Trump a criticat Academia Americană de Film pentru premiul acordat lui Parasite. "E normal, nu ştie să citească"

Preşedintele Donald Trump a participat joi la un miting al susţinătorilor săi si nu a dezamăgit, având din nou un discurs pe cât de gustat de fani, pe atât de contestat de adversari. „Cât de prost au ieşit Oscarurile…