Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

23:10, 07.02.2022

New batch of medicines for treatment of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, for hospitals

1,500 vials of 400 mg Tocilizumab and over 48,600 doses of Kineret will be distributed to approximately 300 health units that treat patients with COVID-19, with moderate and severe forms of the disease, according…

14:45, 21.01.2022

DefMin Dincu: There is no need to get ready for war now

Defence Minister Vasile Dincu said on Friday in western Timisoara that there is no need at this moment for Romania to prepare for war, because "it is not the case for Romania to go to war, as sometimes we see it…

19:30, 19.01.2022

HealthMin Rafila: Access to diagnosis, treatment or palliative care - crucial, all steps must be corroborated

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila declared on Wednesday that access to diagnosis, treatment or palliative care is crucial and all these stages must be "corroborated". "We've had experiences that weren't the happiest.…

14:55, 13.01.2022

Gov't passes decision establishing myocardial infarction, stroke diagnostic, treatment centres

A government decision approving over 230 centres for diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents was approved at a government meeting on Thursday, according to Prime Minister…

20:35, 12.01.2022

MS: Administration of oral antivirals against COVID-19, only on doctor's decision

Orally administered antivirals are effective in all viral variants of COVID-19, but they can only be administered to patients eligible for such treatment following a doctor's prescription, according to the specialists…

21:31, 08.01.2022

Ce se întîmplă cu organismul nostru cînd este foarte frig afară

Ce spune organismul nostru cînd tremurăm de frig? Și de ce în timpul iernii trebuie să protejăm capul, buzele și mîinile? Se pare că temperaturile scăzute au efecte diferite asupra diferitor părți ale organismului.…

13:01, 07.01.2022

Alexandru Rafila: We will have the first quantities of Molnupiravir by the end of the month

The Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, declared on Friday that the first quantities of Molnupiravir [medicine with which the patients infected with the new coronavirus are treated] could reach Romania by the…

15:45, 30.12.2021

PM Ciuca: Family doctors' involvement in COVID testing, treatment, vaccination information - measures to combat wave 5

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Thursday said that the getting family doctors involved in extending the testing capacity of patients, treating and monitoring of persons with mild forms of COVID-19, as well as in…

12:20, 08.12.2021

HealthMin Rafila: We develop bill on family doctors for outpatient treatment of people with COVID symptoms

The Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, stated on Wednesday that he is working, together with family doctors, on a bill that will allow extensive testing of people with COVID-19 symptoms, but also their outpatient…

15:46, 05.11.2021

MS: Remdesivir and Tocilizumab - distributed to hospitals treating patients with moderate to severe COVID-19

The Ministry of Health (MS) distributed, on Friday, 110 vials of 400 mg Tocilizumab to ten counties whose stock was depleted and 6,558 vials of Remdesivir in over 80 hospitals treating infected patients with mild…

06:00, 30.10.2021

Ce este acela Halloween? Pregătiri pentru „Sărbătoarea tuturor sfinților”

Ziua de 31 octombrie este cunoscută și în România, de ceva timp, ca fiind ziua de „Halloween” sau „Sărbătoarea tuturor sfinților”. O sărbătore de origin celtică, introdusă și în alte țări de imigranții irlandezi…

17:40, 29.10.2021

New batches of Remdesivir and Tocilizumab for hospitals treating moderate and severe cases of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health (MS) distributed 780 vials of Tocilizumab 400 mg, on Friday, to the public health directorates, under the subsequent contract the ministry has concluded with the manufacturing company. According…

16:06, 27.10.2021

PSD MP Mang: We ask for treatment protocols for population's massive information and antiviral medicines

PSD (Social Democratic Party) Deputy Ioan Mang asks medical specialists, the National College of Physicians, to formulate protocols for the treatment of COVID-19 at home, from the first symptoms, so that the population…

13:31, 22.10.2021

Trick or treat: de Halloween, Film Now aduce producții cu tensiune și emoții din care „scapă cine poate”

La finalul lunii octombrie, Film Now provoacă cinefilii să urmărească cele mai așteptate producții de Halloween, așadar, a patra săptămână este dedicată unui mix de senzații și genuri care nu pot fi ratate.

12:15, 05.10.2021

Gov't approves dispensing antiviral drug Favipiravir for outpatient treatment of mild COVID cases

The government approved by emergency ordinance the release of antiviral drug Favipiravir for the outpatient treatment of mild COVID cases, acting Health Minister Cseke Attila announced on Monday. "This is an emergency…

17:55, 16.09.2021

ForMin Aurescu: I express my confidence that foundations of Romanian-Hungarian relationship will guide us to strengthen constructive partnership

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) celebrates, on Thursday, 25 years since the signing of the Treaty of Understanding, Cooperation and Good Neighbourliness between Romania and the Republic of Hungary (Timisoara,…

15:40, 08.09.2021

Adiss, first company operating in water treatment and purification listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange

Adiss becomes the first company in the field of water treatment and purification listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, on the AeRO market, BVB announced on Wednesday. "We are glad to see today the 18th company…

18:35, 30.08.2021

HealthMin Mihaila: Medical leave of burn victims for entire necessary treatment and recovery period

The Minister of Health, Ioana Mihaila, declared on Monday, at the end of the Government meeting, that the ordinance based on which patients with burns will be able to benefit from medical leave for the entire period…

14:40, 20.08.2021

HealthMin: Additional sick leave for post-op, post-treatment recovery of burn victims

Health Minister, Ioana Mihaila, stated, on Friday, that next week could see the adoption of the amendments necessary so that patients in need of post-operative recovery and treatment due to burns may benefit from…

17:20, 13.07.2021

Petromidia fire survivor transferred to Germany dies

One of the two persons injured in a recent explosion followed by fire at the Petromidia oil refinery who were transferred to Germany lost his life on Tuesday, Rompetrol has announced. "Deeply saddened, we want…

18:45, 28.06.2021

Vladimir Putin had a conversation, via videoconference, with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping

Vladimir Putin had a conversation, via videoconference, with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping in the run-up to the 20th anniversary of the signing of the bilateral Treaty of Good-Neighbourliness…

21:30, 10.06.2021

Premier Citu: DSP-registered recovered Covid patients treated at home are eligible for Covid certificate

Prime Minister Florin Citu, speaking today at a press conference in Timisoara, said that recovered Covid patients who were treated at home can still get the Covid digital certificate, provided that they are registered…

18:45, 03.06.2021

The conference on future of Europe must lead to change of the treaties, Romanian MEPs believe

The Conference on the Future of Europe must lead to a change in the European Union's treaties, although this is unlikely to happen during the current term of the European Parliament, and the process that begins…

17:51, 03.06.2021

4 IUNIE: Conferinţa Internaţională Treaties of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920), ediţia a II-a

4 IUNIE: Conferinţa Internaţională Treaties of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920), ediţia a II-a 4 IUNIE: Conferinţa Internaţională Treaties of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920), ediţia a II-a Vineri,…

20:46, 02.06.2021

President Iohannis: Functionality of Schengen Area - seriously affected; accession a major political objective for Romania

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday said that joining the Schengen Area "remains a major political goal for Romania," although the health crisis has seriously affected the Area. "With regard to Schengen, in the…

19:40, 02.06.2021

European Commission recommends Romania to correct excessive deficit by 2024

The European Commission on Wednesday recommended a Council recommendation for the correction of Romania's excessive deficit by 2024. Since 2020, Romania, unlike other member states, has been subject to the Excessive…

16:50, 26.05.2021

Parliament ratifies Council Decision amending EURATOM Treaty

The joint Parliament plenum adopted today by a vote of 378 to 2 and three abstentions the bill on the ratification of the Council Decision amending the EURATOM Treaty. The scope of the bill is the ratification…

15:35, 17.05.2021

PNL Chairman blasts PSD's push to link parliamentary debate on PNRR with ratification of EURATOM decision

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban said on Monday that putting up the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) for parliamentary debate would be "very complicated" and that he doesn't…

08:30, 10.05.2021

MAY 10 IN HISTORY: 1877 - Independence Day celebrated in Bucharest; Navy Petty Officer Day

MAY 10 IN HISTORY: 1877 - Independence Day celebrated in Bucharest; Navy Petty Officer Day 10 May - National Holiday Navy Petty Officer Day 1595 - Representatives of the ruler of Wallachia, Mihai Viteazul (Michael…

15:25, 30.04.2021

MAE: We believe European project will be truly fulfilled only after Western Balkan countries' accession

We strongly believe the European project will truly be fulfilled only after the accession of the states in the Western Balkans, said, on Friday, the Romanian and North Macedonian Foreign Affairs Ministry, on the…