Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

00:34, 02.09.2018

PSD's Senator Andronescu: 10 August event to be handled with responsibility, we must change attitude towards Diaspora

The protest on 10 August in Bucharest "must be handled with all responsibility", said the Social democrat Senator Ecaterina Andronescu on Saturday, at the ruling party, PSD, reunion of the National Executive Committee…

15:17, 28.08.2018

Ambassador Andrew Noble: We are working towards new strategic partnership between the UK and Romania

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Romania, Andrew Noble, announced on Tuesday that a new strategic partnership between his country and Romania is in the works, specifying that the current one needs to be…

00:17, 29.07.2018

Hungary's Orban at Baile Tusnad: The EU has a primitive policy towards Russia

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday at the Baile Tusnad Summer University, the central Romanian county of Harghita that, in his opinion, the European Union is pursuing a "primitive" policy towards…

12:26, 16.07.2018

JusMin Toader: If requested, JM will contribute to complete a point a view towards Venice Commission

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader declared on Monday that if requested, the Ministry of Justice will contribute to forming an official point of view, that will be sent to the Venice Commission.Tudorel Toader was…

12:08, 28.06.2018

Protest in Victoriei Square ends without incidents

The protest that started with the people who came marching from the Parliament Palace towards the Victoriei Square ended on Wednesday evening without any incidents. The traffic hasn't been stopped during the period…

23:18, 17.06.2018

MEP Valean: It's unacceptable to start shooting bears only because we lack any other solution

I find it "unacceptable" that in Romania bears are to be shot down only because we lack any other solutions, said on Sunday in northeastern Iasi the Liberal Member of the European Parliament Adina Valean in a press…

08:53, 16.05.2018

Unless emphasis shifted to corruption prevention, anti-graft campaign in Romania, to fail (SAR report)

The anti-graft campaign in Romania will fail unless the emphasis is not shifted towards preventing corruption, says the Analysis and Forecast Annual Report - Romania 2018 launched by the Romanian Academic Society…

19:47, 15.05.2018


În perioada 07-11 mai 2018, Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi „Transilvania” Cluj-Napoca a fost gazda întâlnirii transnaţionale de proiect Erasmus+ 2017-1-DE03-KA219-035556_2 ”Europe(an) matters - a survey on attitudes…

14:52, 15.05.2018

StateSec Ciamba reconfirms Romania's commitment towards principles and norms of OSCE Code of Conduct

Secretary of State for Euro-Atlantic Bilateral and Strategic Affairs with the Romanian Foreign Ministry (MAE) George Ciamba, who participated on Tuesday at the opening of the regional seminal on the Code of Conduct…

20:54, 12.05.2018

President Iohannis: It would be a disaster to abandon Romania's journey towards Europe and modernity

President Klaus Iohannis, who paid a visit on Saturday to the "Inochentie Micu Klein" National College in Blaj, said it would be a disaster for Romania to abandon its journey towards Europe and modernity. "Blaj…

08:24, 03.05.2018

Portul Internaţional de la Turkmenbaşi - deschis miercuri în prezenţa preşedintelui Turkmenistanului

Portul Internaţional de la Turkmenbaşi a fost deschis miercuri, în cadrul unei ample ceremonii, în prezenţa preşedintelui Turkmenistanului, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, acesta remarcând, într-o conferinţă conexă…

18:56, 27.04.2018

Iohannis: BNR cannot be taken over politically

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Friday that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) wishes to politically take over the National Bank of Romania (BNR). "BNR's role is a very clear and BNR's main attribute is its independence…

00:12, 06.01.2018

CSM head: My message is of unity for my colleagues and openness towards the other state powers

The newly elected head of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Simona Marcu, on Friday sent a message of unity to the magistrates and another one of openness towards the other state powers.  "I would like first…

12:57, 10.12.2017

Președintele Legislativului Andrian Candu participă la o conferință internațională în domeniul securității rutiere, organizată de BERD

Președintele Parlamentului Andrian Candu participă la conferința internațională Obiectivele Globale pentru dezvoltare Durabilă pentru securitatea rutieră, organizată de Banca Europeană pentru Reconstrucție și Dezvoltare…

21:16, 05.12.2017

Nicolae Medforth-Mills: Today I lost my best friend; Romania has lost its King

Nicolae Medforth-Mills, the grandson of King Mihai, said that Romania lost its King and one of Europe's greatest leaders of the twentieth century, a symbol of the devotion towards his country, adding that he lost…

13:34, 04.12.2017

MARȚI: Conferință de lansare a proiectului ”Erasmus +” implementat de ISJ Alba – TECHnical partNership towards Innovation and Cooperation for VET

Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Alba, prin inspectorul școlar general prof. Marcela Eugenia Dărămuș, derulează în perioada 4-7 decembrie 2017, în calitate de coordonator și gazdă a primei întâlniri de proiect, conferința…

16:10, 20.11.2017

Senior official Paun: Romania should follow the European trend towards patient-centered healthcare policies

Romania should follow the European trend towards patient-centered healthcare policies and ensure the sustainability of the healthcare system, senior adviser Diana Paun said on Monday.  "We are fast approaching…

11:52, 09.11.2017

Over 1,5K protesters throwing with toilet paper rolls towards gov't seat

The number of people protesting in front of the gov't seat on Wednesday night against the adoption of the Emergency Ordinance (OUG) regarding the amendments to the justice package laws reached over 1,500, the protesters…

16:29, 12.10.2017

US Ambassador Klemm: Investment in Craiova proves Ford's trust in Romania and labour force here

The US Ambassador in Bucharest Hans Klemm on Tuesday stated in Craiova that the 200 million euros worth investment made by the Ford Group for the production of EcoSport in Craiova proves how much this company trusts…

17:23, 23.02.2017

(INTERVIU) Erasmus +: Reuniune transnațională de proiect la Liceul Teoretic „Vasile Alecsandri”

Erasmus +: Reuniune transnațională de proiect la Liceul Teoretic „Vasile Alecsandri”! Astăzi, de la ora 10.00, Liceul Teoretic „Vasile Alecsandri” a găzduit o importantă reuniune transnațională a unor profesori…

17:14, 23.02.2017

(INTERVIU)Erasmus +: Reuniune transnațională de proiect la Liceul Teoretic „Vasile Alecsandri”

Erasmus +: Reuniune transnațională de proiect la Liceul Teoretic „Vasile Alecsandri”! Astazi de la ora 10.00, Liceul Teoretic „Vasile Alecsandri” a găzduit o importantă reuniune transnațională a unor profesori…

17:12, 07.12.2016

Hunor: Budapest reactions are fair and show responsibility towards Hungarians in Romania

The president of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), Kelemen Hunor declared on Wednesday, in a press conference, that the recent reactions of officials in Budapest are fair and show responsibility…

12:32, 30.11.2016

Proiectul timişorean Nadayana a lansat un nou videoclip, pentru piesa „Sunday Movie” VIDEO

După lansarea primului videoclip oficial, la piesa „Towards the Light”, proiectul timişorean de world music Nadayana le oferă melomanilor un nou videoclip, pentru melodia „Sunday Movie”. Fondat de Claudiu Lazarciuc…

14:32, 20.10.2016

Romania`s ambassador to UN: More empathy is needed towards migrants

More empathy is needed in relation with the migrants and it's time to specify the difference between refugees and migrants, said Ioan Jinga, Romania's ambassador to the United Nations, in an interview with the…

13:52, 28.09.2016

Eurodeputata Claudia Țapardel a transmis Comisiei Europene că succesul industriei turismului depinde de crearea unei strategii la nivel european

Cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Turismului, eurodeputata PSD Claudia Țapardel a organizat la Parlamentul European o Recepție la Nivel Înalt cu titlul „Towards a stronger Tourism Policy for European Growth and Jo...

11:28, 26.09.2016

„New Technologies in Education and Research”, articole ISI acceptate spre publicare în volumul ICVL 2016

Proiectul ICVL (International Conference on Virtual Learning), proiect de educație și de cercetare de la Universitatea din București, fondat în anul 2006, are ca obiective promovarea și implementarea metodelor…

12:37, 23.07.2016

Muzică de meditaţie made in Timişoara. S-a lansat primul videoclip al proiectului Nadayana VIDEO

Proiectul timişorean Nadayana a lansat primul videoclip la piesa „Towards the Light”, melodie care a fost inclusă pe albumul de debut care poartă numele de „Nine”. Nadayana este un proiect de world-music contemporan…

09:23, 20.05.2016

Finante Banci - ASF a prezentat stadiul evoluției proiectului STEAM

Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara (ASF) a realizat un bilant de parcurs al  derularii proiectului STEAM (Set of actions Towards Establishing and Acknowledgment of the emerging Market status) al carui principal…

18:28, 19.05.2016

ASF are un pachet de priorități pentru ca piața de capital românească să obțină statutul de piață emergentă

Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară (ASF) are un pachet de priorități pentru obținerea statutului de piață de capital emergentă pentru România, în cadrul proiectului STEAM (Set of actions Towards Establishing…

17:38, 17.03.2016

Comănescu a exprimat la Berlin poziția României pentru un consum energetic sustenabil și eficient

Ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Lazăr Comănescu, a exprimat joi, la Berlin, angajamentul României pentru implementarea procesului de tranziție către o economie competitivă, bazată pe un consum energetic sustenabil…