Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:30, 22.04.2024

Șeful informațiilor militare israeliene a demisionat din cauza eșecului de a preveni atacul Hamas din 7 octombrie

Șeful informațiilor militare israeliene a demisionat din cauza eșecului de a preveni atacul Hamas din 7 octombrie

Generalul-maior Aharon Haliva, 56 de ani, seful Direcției de Informații Militare din Israel, a demisionat luni, 22 aprilie, relatează Associated Press, care citează Forțele Armate (IDF). Haliva este primul oficial…

10:00, 12.02.2024

Taylor Swift și-a sărutat iubitul, pe jucătorul Travis Kelce, pe teren, după ce Kansas City Chiefs a câștigat Super Bowl 2024

Echipa Kansas City Chiefs a iubitului lui Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, a câștigat, în ultimele momente, finala de la Super Bowl împotriva celor de la San Francisco 49ers. Cântăreața americană și jucătorul au sărbătorit…

09:45, 12.02.2024

Taylor Swift și-a sărutat iubitul, pe jucătorul Travis Kielce, pe teren, după ce Kansas City Chiefs a câștigat Super Bowl 2024

Echipa Kansas City Chiefs a iubitului lui Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, a câștigat, în ultimele momente, finala de la Super Bowl împotriva celor de la San Francisco 49ers. Cântăreața americană și jucătorul au sărbătorit…

22:50, 18.09.2023

SMap heads presents information on drone fragments discovered in Romania at NATO Military Committee conference

SMap heads presents information on drone fragments discovered in Romania at NATO Military Committee conferenceThe Chief of the Defense Staff (SMAp), General Daniel Petrescu, presented at the NATO Military Committee…

11:35, 27.02.2023

Lord of the Dance, la un sfert de secol de la lansare, prezintă un show aniversar grandios la București, pe 20 mai

București, 27 februarie – Dansatorul irlandez Michael Flatley a spus odată: „Toată lumea va spune: ‘Nu, nu se poate’. De fiecare dată când aud asta, știu că sunt aproape de succes”. Această filozofie a fost un…

13:46, 12.01.2023

Michael Flatley, creatorul spectacolului „Lord of the Dance”, diagnosticat cu o formă "agresivă de cancer". Anunțul postat pe Instagram

Postând o fotografie cu Michael Flatley privind marea, echipa sa precizează că nu va mai face niciun alt comentariu pe marginea acestui subiect şi cere oamenilor să se roage şi să-i dorească binele.Reamintim că…

09:00, 12.01.2023

Michael Flatley, creatorul spectacolului „Lord of the Dance”, diagnosticat cu o formă "agresivă de cancer". Anunțul postat pe Instagram

Postând o fotografie cu Michael Flatley privind spre mare, echipa sa precizează că nu va mai face niciun alt comentariu pe marginea acestui subiect şi cere oamenilor să se roage şi să-i dorească binele.Michael…

23:15, 11.01.2023

Michael Flatley, cunoscut pentru spectacolele de dans irlandez Riverdance, a fost diagnosticat cu o formă „agresivă” de cancer

Starul Riverdance, Michael Flatley, a suferit o intervenție chirurgicală și se află în prezent sub supravegherea strictă a medicilor, potrivit contului de Instagram al dansatorului și regizorului irlandezo-american,…

13:00, 12.12.2022

Chief of the Defense Staff, Daniel Petrescu, visits Georgia

The Chief of Defense Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, began, on Monday, a three-day visit to Georgia, at the invitation of his counterpart, Major General Giorgi Matiashvili, informs a press release from the Ministry…

19:31, 07.12.2022

Chief Prosecutor Bologa, on visit to United States, on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day

The Chief Prosecutor of of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Crin Bologa, will pay a visit to Washington on Thursday and Friday, at the initiative of the Romanian Embassy in the USA, where he will…

18:26, 22.11.2022

More than 30 sea mines neutralized in the western Black Sea basin

The Chief of Staff of the Naval Forces (SMFN), Rear Admiral Mihai Panait, said on Tuesday, during a meeting with foreign military attachés accredited in our country, that from February until now, after the attack…

20:11, 22.09.2022

Chief of Defense Staff receives in Chisinau "Consolidation of Brotherhood in Arms" medal

The Chief of the Defense Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, received, in Chisinau, the "Consolidation of the Brotherhood of Arms" medal, during the visit he made to the Republic of Moldova on Wednesday and Thursday,…

22:25, 16.09.2022

Chief of Defense Staff, at NATO Military Committee meeting, in Tallinn

The Chief of the Defense Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, is participating, from Friday to Sunday, in the meeting of the Military Committee of NATO, in the format of the Chiefs of Defense, organized in Estonia,…

20:21, 04.07.2022

Chief of Defence Staff participates in SACEUR Change of Command Ceremony

The Chief of Defence Staff (SMAp), general Daniel Petrescu, took part in the Change of Command Ceremony of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), between general Tod. D. Wolters and general Christopher…

19:11, 25.02.2022

Defence Staff chief speaks with LANDCOM commander about future land forces deployments in Romania

The Chief of the Defence Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, met on Friday with the commander of the NATO Allied Land Command (LANDCOM), Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier Jr., in the context of the documentation…

17:05, 12.02.2022

Senior defence officials with Romanian, U.S. Army discuss about Black Sea security situation

The Chief of the Defence Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, had a telephone conversation with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Army, General Mark A. Milley, the main topic addressed being…

23:00, 10.02.2022

Chief of Defence Staff - meeting with NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe

The Chief of the Defence Staff (SMAp), General Daniel Petrescu, and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Tod D. Wolters, on Thursday met at the headquarters of the 57th Air Base Mihail Kogalniceanu,…

11:25, 09.12.2021

PM Nicolae Ciuca welcomes Natalia Gavrilita, PM of Republic of Moldova, at Victoria Palace

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca received on Thursday at the Victoria Governmental Palace, Natalia Gavrilita, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, on an official visit to Bucharest, within a ceremony with…

16:26, 03.11.2021

Chief of Defence Staff - on official visit to Poland until Friday

The Chief of the Defence Staff, Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, pays an official visit to the Republic of Poland from Wednesday to Friday, at the invitation of the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed…

16:56, 20.09.2021

Chief of Defence Staff atttends NATO Military Committee, in Greece, discusses terrorism, hybrid warfare

The Chief of the Defence Staff, Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, attended the Meeting of the Chiefs of Defence of the NATO Military Committee, which took place in Athens, Greece, from Friday to Sunday, agerpres…

17:45, 16.09.2021

Chief of Defence Staff - at NATO Military Committee in Greece

The Chief of Defence Staff, Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, will participate, during the period of September 17-19, in the meeting of the heads of defence within the NATO Military Committee, which will take…

18:55, 06.05.2021

In rem criminal case opened in bear shooting in Ojdula area; poaching, use of weapon under investigation

An in rem criminal case has been opened in the shooting of a bear in the Ojdula area, the facts investigated being for poaching and the use of a weapon, the representatives of the Covasna County Police Inspectorate…

09:06, 24.03.2021

Spanish Navy Admiral General, on official visit to Romania, meets counterpart Petrescu

The Chief of the Defense Staff (SMAp), Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, is meeting on Wednesday, at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense (MApN), with his counterpart from the Kingdom of Spain,…

21:20, 15.12.2020

Annual meeting of Chief of Defense Staff with Defense Attachés accredited in Bucharest

he Chief of the Defense Staff, Lieutenant-General Daniel Petrescu, participated, on Tuesday, in the annual meeting with the Defense Attachés accredited in Bucharest, held at the "Carol I" National Defense University,…

08:51, 27.11.2020

Chief of Defence Staff - tests positive for COVID-19

The Chief of Defence Staff, Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, tested positive for the novel coronavirus infection on Thursday, without showing symptoms of the disease, the Ministry of National Defence announced.…

18:45, 23.11.2020

Biden, fan al formaţiei The Chieftains, îi va invita pe muzicienii irlandezi să cânte la ceremonia sa de învestire

Joe Biden pretuieste radacinile sale irlandeze. Scranton, orasul sau natal, este înfratit cu Ballina, oras portuar pe coasta vestica irlandeza parasita de Edward Blewitt, strabunicul sau, în 1851.  Fan al formatiei…

18:35, 23.11.2020

Joe Biden va invita trupa irlandeză The Chieftains să cânte la ceremonia sa de învestire

Ceremonia de preluare a mandatului de către Joe Biden, pe 20 ianuarie 2021, va avea accente irlandeze. Originar din insulă după străbunic, preşedintele ales al SUA a invitat formaţia de muzică tradiţională The…

19:35, 04.08.2020

DIICOT reopens investigation into Gendarmerie chiefs in August 10 case

The Chief Prosecutor of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), Giorgiana Hosu, partially overturned on Tuesday the solution to close the August 10 court case and ordered the reopening…

18:57, 22.05.2019

Oportunități de studiu în Japonia și Zilele Filmului Japonez la UPT

Reprezentanții Universității Politehnica Timișoara transmit că au pregătit mai multe evenimente dedicate familiarizării persoanelor interesate cu cultura japoneză. Joi, 23 mai, începând cu ora 16:00, în Sala Polivalentă…

16:23, 09.01.2019

#Romania2019.eu/ Romania takes over EU military Committee head

The Chief of the Defence Staff, General Nicolae Ciuca on Wednesday attends in Brussels the takeover ceremony of the mandate of the European Union Military Committee (EUMC) presidency, a release sent to AGERPRES…