Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:46, 14.11.2019

Report on August 10 events, declassified

Interior Minister Marcel Vela announced on Thursday that a report on the August 10 riot police intervention in a street protest in Bucharest was declassified and sent to the Department for Investigating Organised…

09:17, 29.10.2019

Rebelii kurzi au furat chiloţii liderului terrorist al ISIS şi i-au dat americanilor să facă teste ADN

Turcia ar fi oferit asistenta logistica, Rusia a permis elicopeterelor SUA sa tranziteze zona supravegheata de soldatii rusi, iar Irakul ar fi contribuit esential la identificarea locatiei în care se ascundea cel…

10:33, 10.10.2019

PM Dancila tells President Iohannis to not interefere with judiciary independence

The message of Social Democrat leader, Premier Viorica Dancila for President Klaus Iohannis is that he should "let justice be independent", in the context of the statements made on Wednesday by the head of state…

17:25, 02.10.2019

Felix Banila's resignation sent to President Iohannis

Minister of Justice Ana Birchall on Wednesday sent to President Klaus Iohannis the resignation of Felix Banila from chief-prosecutor of the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT)."The…

13:06, 02.10.2019

DIICOT chief Banila: I resign from head of DIICOT; "Caracal" case is not a case I cannot handle

Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) chief-prosecutor Felix Banila on Wednesday announced he decided to resign, while claiming at the same time that he didn't fail in doing his job…

13:46, 01.10.2019

PM Dancila: He shouldn't use a tragedy as an electoral campaign theme

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Tuesday in Ploiesti that a tragedy shouldn't be used as an electoral campaign theme, referring to President Klaus Iohannis's statement, who requested the resignation of…

09:54, 01.10.2019

Chief prosecutor Banila tells President Iohannis that resignation could reveal cowardice

Chief Prosecutor with the Directorate for the Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) Felix Banila said on Tuesday that office resignation is a one-sided act of will, "but there are circumstances…

22:33, 30.09.2019

President Iohannis demands resignation of DIICOT Chief Prosecutor Felix Banila

President Klaus Iohannis demanded on Monday night the resignation of the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) Chief Prosecutor Felix Banila.In a press statement held at the Cotroceni…

13:13, 25.09.2019

DIICOT requests FBI aid for DNA examination in Luiza Melencu case (Caracal file)

The Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) has requested the aid of the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI, US) to conduct a genetic examination that would determine the genetic profile…

15:25, 23.09.2019

Actorul american Sid Haig a murit

Decesul lui Sid Haig a fost confirmat de soția actorului, Susan Oberg. "Sâmbătă, pe 21 septembrie, cealaltă jumătate a sufletului meu a trecut de pe acest tărâm, pe un altul. S-a întors, ca o stea luminoasă, în…

17:22, 10.09.2019

DefMin Les says Romania unwavering against terrorism

Defence Minister Gabriel Les said on Tuesday at the repatriation ceremony of posthumous Sub-Lieutenant Ciprian-Stefan Polschi and diplomat Vasile Raduna, both killed in Kabul, that Romania remains "unwavering"…

13:28, 06.09.2019

European investigation order filed with Italian authorities in Caracal case

Chief Prosecutor with Romania's Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) Felix Banila said on Friday that a European investigation order was filed with Italy's judicial authorities on…

13:34, 05.09.2019

PM Dancila extends condolences to family of the Romanian soldier killed in Kabul

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has sent condolences to the family of a Romanian soldier killed on Thursday in Kabul, Afghanistan, saying that Romania will continue to condemn and fight with all its might against…

13:34, 05.09.2019

Iohannis: I voice my entire compassion for the loss of the Romanian military's life

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday sent a condolence message following the terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, resulted in the death of a Romanian serviceman, and added that the Army is and will continue…

21:26, 04.09.2019

British ambassador: Kabul attack appaling, UK Embassy to work with Romanian authorities to establish relevant facts

British ambassador in Bucharest Andrew Noble says the UK's diplomatic mission will continue to work closely with the Romanian authorities on finding out details about the terrorist attack committed Monday night…

11:26, 04.09.2019

USR's Barna: I firmly condemn this attack and terrorist phenomenon that continues to make victims

Leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna has sent a message of condolences for the Romanian citizens who died in the terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, adding that the efforts to fight terrorism must…

22:31, 03.09.2019

President Iohannis condemns deadly terrorist attack in Afghanistan, offers condolences to bereaved family

President Klaus Iohannis sent on Tuesday a message of condolence to the family of the representative of Romania's diplomatic mission who was killed in the terrorist attack committed in Kabul, Afghanistan, and which…

22:31, 03.09.2019

JusMin Birchall: We must focus efforts in preventing and combating terrorism

Justice Minister Ana Birchall sent a condolence message to the family of the Romanian who died following the terrorist attack in Kabul, adding that such attacks are deeply condemnable."I found with deep sorrow…

21:22, 03.09.2019

Premier Dancila firmly condemns bloody terrorist attack in Afghanistan

Premier Viorica Dancila firmly condemned the terrorist attack in Kabul, in which a representative of Romania's diplomatic mission to the capital of Afghanistan was killed and another one was injured."I firmly condemn…

20:58, 03.09.2019

One Romanian dead, another seriously injured in terrorist attack in Kabul

A representative of the diplomatic mission of Romania in Kabul has died, and another was seriously injured following the terrorist attack that occurred Monday night, in Kabul, Afghanistan, the Romanian Ministry…

17:47, 02.09.2019

Bone fragments found in metal barrel ash at Dinca's home belong to Alexandra Macesanu

The bone fragments found in the ash from the metal barrel at the home of Gheorghe Dinca, the defendant in the Caracal case, contain the DNA of Alexandra Macesanu, the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime…

06:54, 30.08.2019

Imagini incredibile arată epava unei nave de război care stă „îngheţată în timp” de 170 de ani

Guvernul canadian a publicat imagini incredibile ale epavei lui HMS Terror, nava de război a marinei regale britanice care s-a scufundat în 1845, în timpul misiunii sale în regiunea arctică menită a descoperi o…

20:03, 29.08.2019

Forensic investigations at presumed teen murderer's address wrap up

The Directorate for Investigating of Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) on Thursday reported that the forensic investigations at the house of Gheorghe Dinca, a suspected murderer of a teen girl, have been completed…

13:37, 29.08.2019

Leaders of Maramures child slavery ring had police, local administration accomplices (sources)

The leaders of the Maramures ring that brought young Germans to Romania under the guise of a re-education program had accomplices in the police, the mayoralty and social assistance service, who tipped them off…

12:14, 29.08.2019

Five persons in preventive arrest in slavery case in Maramures

Five persons were placed in remand in the case in which a group led by a family of Germans is accused of holding in slavery and obligating German youths to execute exhausting works in the households of locals,…

22:42, 28.08.2019

Four detained in Romania over enslaved German teens

Prosecutors with Romania's Directorate for Investigating of Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) have apprehended four people, including a German citizen, in a case in which a group is accused of forcing young…

08:45, 14.08.2019

PM Dancila: Ordinances for emergency situations are ready, campaign against human trafficking, to be launched

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila declared on Tuesday in southern Craiova that after the case in Caracal the ordinances regarding emergency situations are being prepared and a campaign against human trafficking will…

20:44, 05.08.2019

DIICOT: Bone fragments and ash in bag, suspect Dinca says they belong to Luiza

The investigators found burnt bone fragments and ash in a bag, that Gheorghe Dinca, the main suspect in the Caracal murder case, claims belong to the girl who disappeared in April, Luiza Melencu, the spokesperson…

14:41, 03.08.2019

Caracal case/DIICOT: Lab tests show genetic profile of a single person - Alexandra Macesanu

The lab tests conducted so far in the Caracal case showed the genetic profile of a single person - Alexandra Mihaela Macesanu, the result being based on the scientific comparison of the genetic profile of the sample…

20:26, 02.08.2019

Investigators find Alexandra's phone and other bone fragments

Investigators found on Friday in Caracal Alexandra Macesanu's phone, after defendant Gheorghe Dinca was taken out on the field, Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) spokeswoman Mihaela…