Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:20, 13.12.2023

Toosii a lansat “IDGAF”. Ascultă noul single aici

Toosii a lansat “IDGAF”. Piesa introspectivă documentează durerea pe care a îndurat-o, dar și numeroasele triumfuri pe care le-a obținut pe parcurs. Pentru a marca această ocazie specială, artistul lansează un…

20:15, 10.01.2023

Pharma companies: There are sufficient stockpiles of ibuprofen, paracetamol, antivirals, antibiotics in Romania

About 20 local and international pharma companies said on Tuesday at a meeting with officials of the Romanian Ministry of Health and the National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices that there are sufficient…

13:20, 29.12.2022

Ciuca: Not perfect governmental activity, but with sufficient achievements to be opportunely used

National Liberal Party Chairman, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, on Thursday said that the governmental activity, this year, was not "perfect," there were not only achievements, there were also moments in which he…

20:55, 02.08.2022

There is at present sufficient amount of wheat on market to cover needs of bakery industry, for export (Agrimin)

There is at present a sufficient amount of wheat on the market to cover the needs of the bakery industry and the quantities contracted for export, Minister of Agriculture Petre Daea said on Tuesday at a meeting…

22:01, 30.03.2022

Romania has sufficient food stocks, there is presently no problem in this regard

Romania has enough food stocks, there is presently no problem in this regard, said the government spokesman, Dan Carbunaru, when asked if the Government is considering a limitation of exports of food. Fii la curent…

12:20, 09.03.2022

Romania produces enough to cover domestic consumption, it has sufficient raw material stocks (AgriMin)

Romania produces enough to cover domestic consumption and has the capacity to support itself in terms of food, and there are currently enough stocks of raw materials, announced the Minister of Agriculture, Adrian…

16:06, 09.05.2021

PM Citu: Pandemic showed how important European solidarity is

Prime Minister Florin Citu states, in a message sent on the occasion of Europe Day, that the pandemic showed how important European solidarity is, emphasizing that Romania's membership to the European Union means…

11:40, 24.03.2021

PM Citu: Strict observance of current measures, in parallel with vaccination, would be sufficient to avoid zonal quarantine

Prime Minister Florin Citu called on Wednesday for the representatives of the local authorities to continue to be involved in the firm application of the current health protection measures, emphasizing that the…

14:52, 16.04.2020

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: There isn't sufficient trust in this Government

The MPs of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) votes in favor of the decree of the president to extend the state of emergency by 30 days, but believe that the Government must take firm measures in…

09:03, 29.08.2019

Simina, primele declaraţii după divorţul de What’ Up. „Credeam că nu sunt sufficient de bună”

Simina și-a aniversat împreună cu prietenii apropiați, cei 30 de ani, afişând o siluetă de invidiat după divorțul de What' Up. Aceasta a vorbit despre această perioadă din viața ei. Întrebată cum se simte la 30…

11:17, 27.08.2018

Tariceanu, at diplomatic Annual Reunion: Sufficient evidence that in Romania street movements are not autonomous

Senate President Calin Popescu Tariceanu declared on Monday that there is sufficient evidence to prove that in Romania, street movements are not autonomous, but rather "resonance boxes of political groups which…

21:17, 21.05.2018

EU Commissioner Cretu says Romania not prepared enough to access European funds with quality projects

European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu stated on Monday in Bacau that Romania hasn't been sufficiently prepared to access European funds for quality projects ever since January 2007, when it joined…

11:54, 15.10.2015

VIDEO. Ciocanul lui Thor, varianta revăzută și adăugită

Utilizatorul youtube ce deţine canalul Sufficiently Advance, şi care se descrie ca fiind pasionat de transformarea obiectelor imaginare în obiecte reale, a venit cu genială idee de a crea un Mjolnir, arma cea mai…

18:06, 05.08.2014

10 semne care arată că ai nevoie de fier

1. Oboseala este unul dintre simptomele care apar când ai lipsă de fier. Corpul foloseşte fierul pentru a face hemoglobina, substanţa din celulele roşii, care transportă oxigenul. Când nu mai ai sufficient, începi…

22:50, 01.06.2013

Cardinalul Angelo Scola, fostul favorit la scaunul papal, va fi numit Doctor Honoris Causa la Cluj

Conducerea Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca îi va acorda, miercuri, 5 iunie 2013, la ora 12.00, în Aula Magna, titlul de Doctor Honoris Causa Eminenţei Sale Angelo Cardinal Scola, Arhiepiscop de Milano. Distincţia…