Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:53, 29.04.2018

Luptator la Sharks Gym Constanta: Alex Filip, infrangere in gala Golder Fighter, din Bulgaria. Prima repriza o castigase clar! (galerie foto)

Cunoscutul luptator constantean Alex Filip, de la Sharks Gym Constanta antrenor, Daniel Asaftei , a pierdut lupta sustinuta in gala Golder Fighter, de la Varna, in care s au intalnit echipele Romaniei si Bulgariei.Alex…

22:35, 11.04.2018

La multi ani!: Aniversari, astazi, in sportul constantean. De la Stefan Orza, la Cosmin Pascovici!

Mai multi reprezentanti ai sportului din Constanta actuali sau fosti isi serbeaza astazi zilele de nastere. Sa le uram "La multi ani ldquo;, in ordinea varstei pe care o implinesc, lui Stefan Orza, luptator la…

22:59, 26.03.2018

Bombardament: Alex Filip, victorie spectaculoasa la Superkombat. Italianul Gennaro Coriolano n-a prins finalul primei reprize!

Prima gala Superkombat din 2018, "Superkombat Dreamldquo;, desfasurata in Bucuresti, la Magic Place Grant, i a adus o victorie spectaculoasa luptatorului constantean Alex Filip, de la Sharks Gym antrenor, Daniel…

22:15, 05.03.2018

Clubul Sharks Gym a deschis o filiala la Mangalia: Alex Filip va evolua in gala Golden Fighter 4 din Bulgaria

Cunoscutul luptator constantean Alex Filip, de la Gym Sharks, va evolua intr o gala in Bulgaria, la Varna, Colden Fighter 4 Bulgaria vs Romania. Adversarul lui Alex Filip si celelalte partide ale evenimentului…

22:45, 11.01.2018

Luptatorul MMA Catalin Casaru, de la Sharks Gym Constanta: Pustiul dinamita“ va evolua din nou intr-o gala in Republica Moldova

Neinvins in circuitul artelor martiale mixte MMA , luptatorul Catalin Casaru, de la Sharks Gym Constanta antrenor, Daniel Asaftei , va evolua din nou, in Republica Moldova, intr o gala "Eagles Fighting Championshipldquo;.La…

16:28, 08.01.2018

Matt Hendricks de la Winnipeg Jets şi Brendon Dillon de la Sharks și-au împărţit pumni şi picioare

Jucătorii echipelor din Liga Profesionistă Nord-Americană de Hochei pe gheață nu se dezmint. Acestora repede și deseori le sare țandăra și între ei au loc încăierări epice, ceea ce face deliciul spectatorilor din…

21:25, 23.12.2017

Cel mai valoros luptator MMA din Romania, Ion Pascu, a sustinut un seminar la Constanta

Cel mai bun luptator MMA arte martiale mixte din Romania, Ion Pascu, originar din Constanta, dar care se pregateste actualmente in Irlanda, a sustinut astazi un seminar la Constanta, in colaborare cu clubul Sharks…

22:22, 12.12.2017

Cel mai bun luptator MMA din Romania. Pregatit de antrenorul lui Conor McGregor!: Bombardierul“ Ion Pascu, seminar la Constanta (galerie foto)

Considerat cel mai bun luptator MMA din Romania, Ion Pascu, originar din Constanta, dar care se pregateste actualmente in Irlanda, se va afla pe litoral pe 23 decembrie, pentru un seminar despre artele martiale…

22:44, 07.11.2017

Show pe 1 decembrie!: Robert Orbocea, de la Sharks Gym Constanta, lupta in main-event-ul galei Urban Legend 3

Editia a treia a galei Urban Legend se va disputa pe 1 decembrie, la Sala Sporturilor din Constanta, fiind programate, cu incepere de la ora 20.00, 19 lupte, patru de MMA Strike si 15 pe reguli K 1. Ca si la precedentele…

23:04, 05.11.2017

Luptator la Sharks Gym Constanta: Catalin Casaru, invingator in gala Eagles Fighting Championship-7“, de la Chisinau (galerie foto + video)

O noua victorie inregistrata de un sportiv al nou infiintatului club de sporturi de contact Sharks Gym Constanta Este vorba de Catalin Casaru, cel care a participat in gala MMA "Eagles Fighting Championship 7ldquo;,…

22:53, 01.11.2017

Eduard Chelariu, de la Sharks Gym Constanta, invitat sa lupte si in organizatia King of Kings

Chiar daca a pierdut meciul din Austria cu slovenul Samo Petje, luptatorul constantean Eduard Chelariu a impresionat la acea gala, Final Fighting Championship, ramanand in atentia promotiilor din strainatate. In…

22:29, 30.10.2017

Pregatire cu Alex Filip, la Sharks Gym Constanta: Micii fotbalisti de la Academia Farul fac si antrenamente de kickboxing (galerie foto)

Grupa 2006 de la Academia de Fotbal Farul Constanta are un antrenament diversificat, pe langa sesiunile de pregatire de fotbal participand si la antrenamente la kickboxing, care ii ajuta mult la meciurile din campionat…

22:28, 30.10.2017

Madalin Parvulescu si Stefan Orza, de la Sharks Gym Constanta, aur la Cupa Europeana de Kempo (galerie foto)

Nou infiintatul club de sporturi de contact din Constanta Sharks Gym si a inceput in forta activitatea.Dupa ce Eduard Chelariu a participat in Austria, la gala Final Fight Championship, unde a luptat cu redutabilul…

12:05, 22.10.2017

Eduard Chelariu, invins de Samo Petje la gala Final Fight Championship din Austria

Luptatorul constantean Eduard Chelariu, de la clubul Sharks Gym, a fost declarat invins, prin decizie unanima, in meciul de kickboxing cu slovenul Samo Petje, de la gala Final Fight Championship, desfasurata la…

13:08, 17.05.2017

Noi nume anunţate pentru ediţia din acest an a Revolution Festival

Organizatorii Revolution Festival au anunţat un nou val de trupe care vor fi prezente la cea de-a treia ediţie a manifestării, care va avea loc în perioada 1 – 3 iunie, la Muzeul Satului Bănăţean din Timişoara.…

17:34, 01.05.2017

Where to Find Affordable Lodging in New York City

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

Luxury Hotel Debuts in French Alps

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

3 Great Weekend Trips From Mexico City

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

Hotel Debuts in Costa Rica: Andaz Peninsula Papagayo

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

Top 10 Things to Do in Napa Valley (Besides Drink Wine)

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

Romantic Getaway: Long Weekend in Montréal

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

5 Must-Have Experiences on Grand Cayman Island

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

10 Best Caribbean All-Inclusive Resorts for 2015

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

5 Ways to Unwind in Aruba

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

17:34, 01.05.2017

Cuba’s Top 12 Experiences

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

18:53, 28.04.2017

7 Reasons Cruising Is a Great Way to See the World

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

18:53, 28.04.2017

Choose Your Own Adventure: Machu Picchu

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

18:53, 28.04.2017

Could Shanghai Disneyland Be Cooler Than Walt Disney

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

18:53, 28.04.2017

Are You Already Wearing the Hottest Brands in Your City?

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…

18:53, 28.04.2017

How to Choose the Right Cruise for You

Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are. But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s…