Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:07, 17.05.2019

Iohannis: Ruling party has turned Europhobic speech in main message of EP election campaign

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that the ruling party is using a Europhobic speech in the EP election campaign, deeming it as "condemnable, reprehensible.""I have been hearing a political speech lately…

12:53, 09.05.2019

EPP Summit in Sibiu/Weber: Ruling parties in Romania play no part in their parties at European level

The EPP candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission, Manfred Weber, said on Thursday that the representatives of ruling parties in Romania are playing no part in their European-level parties.  Here,…

19:46, 17.04.2019

Ruling PSD's National ExecComm demands ministries' reorganisation, less bosses in counties, says leader Dragnea

The National Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed. n.) on Wednesday adopted a decision calling on the Gov't members to re-organise ministries within 45 days so as to cut down…

12:04, 17.04.2019

Parliament passes referendum bill, including recommendation that President Iohannis observe constitution, court rulings

Parliament on Wednesday passed, 263 to 9 and one abstention, a bill on the request of President Klaus Iohannis for holding a national consultative referendum on issues of national interest on May 26 that includes…

13:54, 06.03.2019

PSD's Dragnea says ruling coalition needs to clarify discontent with JusMin Toader

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), major at rule, Liviu Dragnea said on Wednesday that the situation of Justice Minister Tudorel Toader will be discussed together with Prime Minister Viorica…

20:05, 07.02.2019

Police union: Interior Ministry does not observe final court rulings

The leader of the National Union of Police and Contractual Staff (SNPPC) Dumitru Coarna said on Thursday that the Ministry of the Interior (MAI) refuses to apply the court rulings on the recouping of police officers'…

12:28, 06.02.2019

Ruling coalition meets again to discuss about 2019 budget

A new meeting of the ruling coalition on the 2019 state budget topic takes place on Wednesday at the Palace of Parliament.  President of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu came to Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber…

16:28, 22.01.2019

Iohannis: 'PSD's bad ruling can be seen in exchange rate'

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday about the depreciation of the leu against the euro, that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) is ruling "badly" and this is also reflected in the exchange rate."Of course…

12:27, 21.01.2019

Ruling coalition meeting, scheduled on Monday (sources)

Social Democratic Party (PSD) chairman Liviu Dragnea and Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) chairman Calin Popescu Tariceanu will meet on Monday, political sources inform. According to the sources, among…

19:11, 07.12.2018

President Iohannis on dispute over ministerial appointments: I'll wait for Constitutional Court ruling

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that he is waiting for the ruling of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on the government's complaint to his handling the new ministerial picks for Transport and Regional…

16:35, 24.10.2018

President Iohannis says he does not want to enter pact with ruling coalition or other parties

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that he does not want a pact with any political party that attended consultations with him at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, as he just wants to be a mediator for…

17:34, 15.10.2018

Liberal’s Orban: Tudorel Toader minister of ruling parties’ criminals

Chairman of the Opposition's National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban on Monday said referring to the move of the Justice minister regarding the nomination of the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA)'s…

15:26, 18.07.2018

CCR rulling in spirit of CJEU verdict, does not affirm same-sex marriage

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) upheld on Wednesday the challenge regarding the right to free movement and residence of married same-sex couples, in the spirit of the June relevant ruling of the European…

15:53, 12.07.2018

DNA: In June, 73 defendants sentenced through 28 final court rulings

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) announces that in June,as many as 73 defendants were sentenced in the cases handled by anticorruption prosecutors, through 28 final court rulings.  According to a DNA…

16:55, 11.07.2018

Prosecutors' criticism of various court final acquittal rulings sparks heated debate in CSM plenary

The plenary meeting of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) this Wednesday was the scene of heated debates over a Judicial Inspection report, the bone of contention being the criticism of anticorruption prosecutors…

09:56, 22.06.2018

Ruling PSD leaders react to Liviu Dragnea's being sentenced to jail in Supreme Court first ruling

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, also Executive President of the Social Democratic Party (PSD, main at rule, ed. n.) deems that the ones asking for the resignation of the party's leader Liviu Dragnea, ahead of a…

17:08, 20.06.2018

ICCJ sentences former senator Dan Sova to 3 years in prison in CET Govora case;court ruling is final

The High Court of Justice and Cassation (ICCJ) sentenced on Wednesday former senator Dan Sova to 3 years in prison in the "CET Govora" case for influence peddling. The the court ruling is final.

12:33, 19.06.2018

PMP: Objective of ruling coalition is for Romania's criminal legislation to be subordinated to PSD

The objective of the ruling coalition is for Romania's criminal legislation to be subordinated to the ruling party, the Social Democratic Party (PSD), reads a People's Movement Party (PMP) press release issued…

21:43, 12.06.2018

Ruling PSD says Constitutional Court's authority undermined by President Iohannis's irresponsible statements

The main ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) believes that the recent statements made by President of Romania Klaus Iohannis in reference to the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) regarding…

14:35, 05.06.2018

President Iohannis: Constitutional Court's ruling cannot be discussed via referendum

A ruling of the Constitutional Court (CCR) cannot be discussed via referendum, on Tuesday said President Klaus Iohannis, but specified that there are more and more politicians who question certain aspects of the…

22:08, 31.05.2018

PNL's Orban: CCR ruling in Kovesi case, the character of a coup; it cannot be taken into account

The Wednesday's CCR ruling referring to the removal from office of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) head has the character of a coup, on Thursday said the PNL (National Liberal Party, opposition) chairman…

22:43, 30.05.2018

Traian Basescu reacts to Constitutional Court ruling on Kovesi case: Court takes justice back to 2004

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) has taken justice back to 2004, wiping out 14 years of progress in the strengthening of justice independence, Traian Basescu, Senator and Chairman of the People's Movement…

09:27, 17.05.2018

JusMin Toader unveils ruling by Denmark's Supreme Court on Romania's detention facilities

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader has announced in a Facebook post a ruling by the Supreme Court of Denmark that Romania can be removed from the list of countries with human rights issues in connection with inmate…

16:38, 10.05.2018

PNL's Orban accuses anti-discrimination watchdog of turning into political repression instrument at ruling coalition's orders

The National Liberal Party (PNL) disproves the decision of the National Council against Discrimination (CNCD) to fine President Klaus Iohannis and announces that it will initiate a bill to change the statutes of…

16:18, 10.05.2018

UPDATE PM Dancila: Under no circumstance will I resign, not as long as I have party leader's, ruling coalition's support

Prime Minister, Viorica Dancila, addressing on Thursday a meeting of the Social-Democrat pensioners, said that she will not resign as long as she has the support of the leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD)…

21:52, 05.05.2018

JusMin Toader on possible suspension of President: It is not within my competence, I do not consider myself political person

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said on Saturday in Sinaia that he is not within his competence to discuss the prospect of a suspension of the President but of the leaders of the ruling majority alliance. Asked…

21:34, 26.01.2018

Ruling programme: Population to pay 10 taxes, companies maximum 40, from 2019, VAT to drop

The number of taxes, rates and commissions with general application in Romania will be no higher than 50 as of January 2019, so that the population will only have to pay at least 10 taxes, while the companies will…

21:34, 26.01.2018

2018-2020 ruling programme /Health: 8 regional hospitals, 1 republican, ambulances in each commune, new Health law

The gov't is committed to backing several major investments such as the erection of 8 brand new regional hospitals and a republican hospital in Bucharest, the modernisation of most of the county hospitals and the…

17:09, 21.11.2017

Romania's live animal exports in breach of EU legislation, ECJ rulings (NGO)

Romania risks being sanctioned for breaching European regulations and rulings of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as regards the conditions of its live animal exports, Gabriel Paun, director for the European…

15:43, 17.11.2017

President Iohannis on Dragnea's new case: Criminally investigated persons should not be ruling the state

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Thursday, when asked if Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber Liviu Dragnea should resign in the context of his new case with the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), that persons…