Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:45, 07.05.2024

Corpurile a trei bărbaţi, care probabil încercau să părăsească Ucraina, au fost găsite în Tisa, la frontiera cu România FOTO

Corpurile a trei bărbaţi, care probabil încercau să părăsească Ucraina, au fost găsite în Tisa, la frontiera cu România FOTO

Corpurile a trei bărbaţi, care probabil încercau să părăsească Ucraina, au fost găsite în râul Tisa, la granița de nord a României cu Ucraina, o cale folosită frecvent de către cei fug de mobilizarea militară,…

12:56, 07.05.2024

Florin Piersic Jr. revine în Bacău cu spectacolul “ROMANIAN PSYCHO”

Florin Piersic Jr. revine în Bacău cu spectacolul “ROMANIAN PSYCHO”

Florin Piersic Jr., una dintre cele mai apreciate figuri ale scenei de teatru din România, se întoarce în Bacău pentru a încânta publicul local cu spectacolul său „ROMANIAN PSYCHO”. Actorul, cunoscut pentru interpretările…

15:50, 06.05.2024

Over 120,000 people cross Romanias borders on first day of Orthodox Easter

Over 120,000 people cross Romania's borders on first day of Orthodox Easter

Approximately 120,150 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and over 37,200 means of transport transited the border points throughout the country on the first day of Orthodox Easter, the General Inspectorate of…

19:11, 29.04.2024

European Commission approves EUR 95.3 million restructuring state aid for airline TAROM

European Commission approves EUR 95.3 million restructuring state aid for airline TAROM

The European Commission on Monday approved, under EU State aid rules, Romania's plans to grant the Romanian state-owned flag carrier TAROM restructuring aid for up to EUR 95.3 million (RON 473.69 million), the…

06:05, 28.04.2024

Romanian Design Week: între 24 mai și 2 iunie publicul va admira 9 expoziții internaționale în cadrul formatului RDW Design Flags

Romanian Design Week: între 24 mai și 2 iunie publicul va admira 9 expoziții internaționale în cadrul formatului RDW Design Flags

RDW Design Flags revine anul acesta în programul festivalului Romanian Design Week, aducând în fața publicului o serie de expoziții, proiecte și creativi relevanți în domeniile lor, la nivel internațional.

20:06, 25.04.2024

Irina Bara through to Oeiras Ladies Open quarterfinals

Irina Bara through to Oeiras Ladies Open quarterfinals

Romanian tennis player Irina Bara advanced on Thursday to the quarterfinals of the $100,000 Oeiras Ladies Open ITF tournament (Portugal), after defeating Serbian Natalija Stevanovic 6-1, 6-1 in one hour and 19…

18:25, 25.04.2024

Romanian Design Week, între 24 mai şi 2 iunie, prezintă nouă expoziţii internaţionale în cadrul formatului RDW Design Flags

Romanian Design Week, între 24 mai şi 2 iunie, prezintă nouă expoziţii internaţionale în cadrul formatului RDW Design Flags

RDW Design Flags revine anul acesta în programul festivalului Romanian Design Week, aducând în faţa publicului o serie de expoziţii, proiecte şi creativi relevanţi în domeniile lor, la nivel internaţional. Dezvoltat…

13:35, 25.04.2024

MEP Nica: Without a plan for the steel industry, no commissioner will receive EP approval

MEP Nica: Without a plan for the steel industry, no commissioner will receive EP approval

MEP Dan Nica, head of the Romanian delegation in the group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), has called on a plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) for urgent measures…

09:46, 25.04.2024

European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen, visiting Bucharest

European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen, visiting Bucharest

European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen is visiting Bucharest on Thursday to discuss the EU's Global Gateway investment strategy with Romanian stakeholders.The European official is…

13:10, 24.04.2024

Switzerland-Romania Chamber of Commerce elects Adriana Cioca its chair

Switzerland-Romania Chamber of Commerce elects Adriana Cioca its chair

Romanian and Swiss entrepreneurs and investors, members of the Switzerland-Romania Chamber of Commerce (CCE-R), have a new board of directors consisting of eight members, elected at a general assembly meeting on…

09:51, 24.04.2024

Romanias Perijoc, Nechita secure medals at European Boxing Championships in Belgrade

Romania's Perijoc, Nechita secure medals at European Boxing Championships in Belgrade

Romanian boxers Lacramioara Perijoc and Claudia Nechita on Tuesday secured medals for themselves at the 2024 EUBC Elite Men and Women European Boxing Championships in Belgrade, after progressing to the semi-finals.

10:41, 23.04.2024

New edition of BVBs Made in Romania programme kicking off today

New edition of BVB's Made in Romania programme kicking off today

A new edition of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) Made in Romania programme designed for the Romanian entrepreneurial companies and aiming to identify 15 companies that change the face of the local economy day…

22:16, 22.04.2024

Iohannis Pesach message: Wisdom and courage are needed in face of violence and hatred

Iohannis' Pesach message: Wisdom and courage are needed in face of violence and hatred

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Monday on the occasion of Pesach, in which he appreciates the important contribution to the fulfillment of the common good of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania…

15:30, 22.04.2024

CultMin Turcan: We have tens of millions euros debts to foreign film production companies

CultMin Turcan: We have tens of millions euros debts to foreign film production companies

Culture Minister Raluca Turcan said on Monday that, due to the failure to honour commitments, the Romanian state has to pay debts worth tens of millions of euros to large foreign production companies that have…

08:50, 21.04.2024

Magdalena, nascuta la Constanta, isi cauta familia biologica. Emotiile ma coplesesc

Magdalena, nascuta la Constanta, isi cauta familia biologica. Emotiile ma coplesesc

Magdalena s a nascut in Constanta in anul 2002, iar la varsta de noua luni a fost adoptata. Acum, isi cauta familia biologica prin intermediul paginii de Facebook "The never forgotten Romanian children ndash; Copiii…

18:30, 19.04.2024

MEP Nica calls on European Commission to take immediate measures to protect steel production in Europe

MEP Nica calls on European Commission to take immediate measures to protect steel production in Europe

MEP Dan Nica, head of the Romanian delegation with the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D), has called on the two vice-presidents of the European Commission,…

20:00, 18.04.2024

Romanias Covaliu becomes worlds junior mens sabre champion

Romania's Covaliu becomes world's junior men's sabre champion

Romanian fencer Vlad Covaliu of CS Dinamo Bucharest on Thursday won the gold medal in the individual junior men's sabre event at the 2024 Junior and Cadet Fencing World Championships in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

22:00, 17.04.2024

Two groups of Romanian citizens stranded at Dubai International Airport

Two groups of Romanian citizens stranded at Dubai International Airport

Two groups of Romanian citizens, whose flights have been cancelled, are stranded at Dubai International Airport, due to the extreme weather phenomena affecting the territory of the United Arab Emirates, informs…

17:51, 17.04.2024

Revolut releases in Romania its first ever loan refinancing solution

Revolut releases in Romania its first ever loan refinancing solution

Digital bank Revolut on Wednesday released a loan refinancing solution, for the first time globally, on the Romanian market.The first Romanian clients have already been invited by the digital bank to apply for…

18:30, 16.04.2024

IMF revised downwards its Romania 2024 growth estimates

IMF revised downwards its Romania 2024 growth estimates

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised downwards its estimates for the growth of the Romanian economy in 2024, from 3.8% estimated in October to 2.8%, according to the latest "World Economic Outlook"…

15:35, 15.04.2024

Authorities and organisations in Romania and Ukraine working to ensure equal rights for national minorities

Authorities and organisations in Romania and Ukraine working to ensure equal rights for national minorities

Romanian and Ukrainian authorities and organisations are working together to ensure equal rights for national minorities in the two countries, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said at the end of his meeting with the…

08:30, 15.04.2024

We are concerned about the security situation in the Middle East, says ForMin Odobescu

We are concerned about the security situation in the Middle East, says ForMin Odobescu

Foreign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu said on Sunday, in the context of Iran's attack on Israel, that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact with Romanian embassies in the region.''We are deeply concerned…

22:00, 12.04.2024

Foreign Ministry recommends avoiding travels to Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran due to security developments in region

Foreign Ministry recommends avoiding travels to Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran due to security developments in region

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) recalls the recommendation addressed to Romanian citizens to avoid any travel to the State of Israel, Palestine, the Lebanese Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran, in…

20:50, 12.04.2024

I have not taken any decision that would harm Romania and Romanians, says PM Ciolacu

I have not taken any decision that would harm Romania and Romanians, says PM Ciolacu

The head of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Friday, in northeastern Suceava, that he did not take, during his government, any decision "that would harm Romania and…

14:55, 11.04.2024

Iohannis: 2023 statistics show that 30% of Romanians fall within minimum level of financial literacy

Iohannis: 2023 statistics show that 30% of Romanians fall within minimum level of financial literacy

Statistics from 2023 show that 30% of Romanians fall within the minimum level of financial literacy, which is not the direct consequence of recent developments, but the effect in time of financial training deficits,…

14:30, 11.04.2024

Mountaineer Adrian Ahritculesei sets out on Everest expedition

Mountaineer Adrian Ahritculesei sets out on Everest expedition

Mountaineer Adrian Ahritculesei, known for being the first Romanian man to complete the "Seven Volcanoes Circuit," will leave Thursday afternoon for Nepal, on an expedition in which he has set out to conquer the…

14:16, 11.04.2024

Modelul TRANSAVIA „de la Bob la Furculiță și Înapoi”, premiat pentru Inovație în Sustenabilitate

Modelul TRANSAVIA „de la Bob la Furculiță și Înapoi”, premiat pentru Inovație în Sustenabilitate

Proiectul „De la bob la furculiță și „înapoi”, dezvoltat și implementat de TRANSAVIA,  liderul industriei avicole din România, a fost premiat cu Locul I în categoria Inovare în Sustenabilitate în cadrul Galei Companiilor…

12:35, 11.04.2024

PM Ciolacu: Official data prove vision proposed at my term takeover was correct

PM Ciolacu: Official data prove vision proposed at my term takeover was correct

Investments increase the economy and, in particular, investments in large infrastructure are the solution to reduce the gaps in less developed areas, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said, stressing that official…

12:16, 11.04.2024

More than 70,000 Romanians diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (specialists)

More than 70,000 Romanians are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, inform specialists who say that identifying symptoms in the early stages of onset and diagnosing the condition before the manifestations become…

15:40, 10.04.2024

Minibus with migrants, stopped by authorities before exiting Romania

Minibus with migrants, stopped by authorities before exiting Romania

A minibus driven by a young man who was hiding 11 migrants was stopped by the authorities from leaving the country through the Nadlac border crossing point and the Romanian driver is under criminal investigation.