Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:05, 22.02.2024

Over 70 persons rescued off the mountains by Salvamont in past 24 hrs

Over 70 persons rescued off the mountains by Salvamont in past 24 hrs

As many as 71 persons were rescued, in the last 24 hours, by mountain rescuers, 24 of them being rushed to the hospital, Salvamont Romania announced on Thursday. In the past 24 hours, the National Dispatch received…

12:25, 03.02.2024

17 people rescued off the mountains in the last 24 hours

17 people rescued off the mountains in the last 24 hours

A total of 17 people have been rescued in the last 24 hours by mountain rescuers, 5 of whom were taken to hospital, the Mountain Rescue Service Salvamont Romania announced on Saturday.In the last 24 hours, 17 calls…

11:35, 29.01.2024

Mountain rescuers, border police start searching for two Ukrainians stuck in Maramures Mountains

Mountain rescuers, border police start searching for two Ukrainians stuck in Maramures Mountains

Mountain rescuers and border police officers this morning started a joint mission for the recovery of two Ukrainian citizens stuck in the Maramures Mountains, according to head of the Maramures County Mountain…

11:05, 22.01.2024

More than 80 people rescued from mountains in the last 24 hours, 36 of them taken to hospital

More than 80 people rescued from mountains in the last 24 hours, 36 of them taken to hospital

More than 80 people rescued from mountains in the last 24 hours, 36 of them taken to hospitalMore than 80 people have been rescued in the last 24 hours by mountain rescuers, 36 of whom were taken to hospital, Mountain…

11:11, 13.01.2024

34 people rescued in last 24 hours, 18 transported to hospital

34 people rescued in last 24 hours, 18 transported to hospital

A number of 18 people arrived at the hospital in the last 24 hours, after being rescued by mountain rescuers, Agerpres reports.According to the Salvamont National Rescue Service, 34 people were rescued in the last…

13:35, 11.01.2024

18 people of whom 5 rushed to hospital, rescued from the mountain in the last 24 hours

18 people of whom 5 rushed to hospital, rescued from the mountain in the last 24 hours

18 people of whom 5 rushed to hospital, rescued from the mountain in the last 24 hours In the last 24 hours, 18 people were rescued by mountain rescuers, five of them being transported to hospital, Salvamont Romania…

10:55, 08.01.2024

27 people rescued off the mountain in the last 24 hrs

27 people rescued off the mountain in the last 24 hrs

27 people rescued off the mountain in the last 24 hrsMountain rescuers brought 27 people to safety in the last 24 hours; of these, nine were handed over to the Ambulance Service or the Mobile Emergency Resuscitation…

10:20, 28.12.2023

More than 50 people rescued off the mountain in the last 24 hrs

More than 50 people were rescued from the mountain in the last 24 hours, and almost half of them were taken to hospital for medical care, the Mountain Rescue Service Salvamont Romania announced on Thursday."In…

18:00, 23.08.2023

Imagini cu școala distrusă de bombardamentele rusești din regiunea Sumî: „Anul școlar nu va începe niciodată pentru unii”

Patru angajați ai școlii au fost uciși și alte patru persoane au fost rănite, miercuri, într-un atac rusesc asupra unei școli din orașul Romni, din nord-estul Ucrainei, a declarat ministrul de interne, Ihor Klimenko,…

08:45, 09.08.2023

26 persons rescued by Salvamont in past 24 hrs, one found dead

As many as 26 people were rescued, in the last 24 hours, by mountain rescuers with the Salvamont Romania.The Salvamont National Dispatcher informs on Wednesday morning that, in the last 24 hours, 10 calls were…

12:20, 12.07.2023

Chief Salvamont Hunedoara: Noise similar to airplane produced by meteorite over Jiu Valley

The meteorite that passed, on Tuesday evening, over the towns of Lupeni and Uricani in Jiul Valley, produced a strong light and a noise similar to an airplane, the Salvamont teams from the two areas, but also from…

11:40, 15.06.2023

IGSU: 32 RO-ALERT messages sent in the last 24 hours; over 1,500 emergencies handled

Rescuers have handled 1,577 emergencies, provided medical assistance to over 1,300 people and sent 32 RO-ALERT warning messages in the last 24 hours."Rescuers have managed 1,577 emergency situations, with the most…

10:36, 17.02.2023

Key developments in the aftermath of the Turkey, Syria quake

Rescuers have pulled more survivors from the debris of the February 6 earthquake that devastated parts of Turkey and Syria even as the window for finding people alive is closing fast, according to AP News. Here’s…

09:01, 16.02.2023

Romanian rescuers return from Turkey

Romania's first RO-USAR urban search and rescue team that participated in search and rescue missions in Turkey following a 7.8-magnitude earthquake there on February 6 returned to Romania on Wednesday night. Fii…

11:25, 15.02.2023

(VIDEO) Marea salvare a venit după 205 ore!

Salvatorii din sudul Turciei au scos de sub dărâmături o femeie de 35 de ani care a petrecut 205 ore după cutremur sub ruinele casei. Femeia a fost salvată din dărâmăturile unei clădiri de o echipă ucraineană marți.…

14:05, 12.02.2023

Turkey earthquakes: Romanian rescuers save man from collapsed six-story building

Romanian rescuers in Turkey managed to pull alive a man from the wreckage of a six-story fully collapsed building, the General Emergency Management Inspectorate (IGSU) informed on Sunday. Fii la curent cu cele…

14:26, 07.02.2023

DEZASTRU umanitar uriaș în Turcia și Siria! OMS avertizează: 23 de milioane de oameni afectați de cutremure, inclusiv copii - Imagini sfâșietoare

Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (OMS) avertizează că 23 de milioane de persoane, dintre care 1,4 milioane de copii, ar putea fi afectate de cutremurele din Turcia și Siria.Anunțul înfiorător vine de la Adelheid…

11:15, 07.02.2023

Turkish rescuers race against time in cold weather

Emergency teams are racing against time to rescue victims trapped in the rubble after 10 Turkish cities were struck by two massive earthquakes on Monday. The death toll in Turkey and neighboring Syria has already…

03:20, 07.02.2023

Cutremur puternic în Turcia și Siria, urmat de o replică de 7,6. Numărul morților a trecut de 3.500. Erdogan a decretat șapte zile de doliu. Video

Un cutremur devastator a fost raportat în Turcia, luni dimineață. Seismul, urmat de o replică puternică, a fost resimțit în întreaga regiune, dar și în Siria și Liban. Cutremur devastator în Turcia. Aproape 100…

09:36, 06.02.2023

63 emergency interventions in the last 24 hours, with over 90 people saved by mountain rescuers

Over 60 emergency interventions were performed by the mountain rescuers in the last 24 hours, on this occasion 91 people were saved, informs Salvamont Romania on Monday morning. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

09:25, 27.01.2023

Mountain rescuers receive 17 emergency callouts in the past 24 hours, 17 saved

Salvamont Romania informs on Friday morning that, in the last 24 hours, the national dispatch center has received 17 callouts requesting the emergency intervention of the mountain rescuers. Fii la curent cu cele…

15:05, 17.01.2023

Ukraine presidential adviser offers resignation over Dnipro missile remarks

Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych tendered his resignation on Tuesday after causing a public outcry by suggesting a Russian missile that killed at least 44 people in the city of Dnipro had been…

17:00, 16.01.2023

Anchetatori francezi de la BEA trimişi în Nepal, în ancheta cu privire la prăbuşirea avionului de tip ATR-72 aparţinând companiei Yeti Airlines în timp…

Tragic plane crash in . At least 72 people have been confirmed dead in plane crash. Ya Allah Jannat Naseeb farma Live life to the fullest as long as you are alive because death is unexpected! — Bakhtawar Shah (@Shah_Bakhtawar1)…

12:20, 16.01.2023

(VIDEO) Groaza de la Dnipro: 35 de morţi

Un atac rusesc a lovit sâmbătă un imobil de locuinţe din oraşul Dnipro. UPDATE Bilanţul bombardamentului rus care a distrus sâmbătă un imobil în oraşul Dnipro din estul Ucrainei a urcat la 35 de morţi, printre…

15:06, 15.01.2023

(VIDEO) Imagini teribile în Dnipro

UPDATE Un atac rusesc a lovit sâmbătă un imobil de locuinţe din oraşul Dnipro, în estul Ucrainei. Bilanţul atacului cu rachete efectuat sâmbătă de forţele ruse asupra unui bloc de apartamente din oraşul ucrainean…

08:06, 15.01.2023

Zelenski, un nou apel către Occident, după atacul din Dnipro : „Soldații noștri le așteaptă atât de mult”

Volodimir Zelenski, președintele ucrainean, a declarat, sâmbătă seară, în tradiționalul său discurs adresat compatrioților săi, că atacurile rusești asupra țintelor civile ar putea fi oprite doar dacă partenerii…

19:16, 09.01.2023

(VIDEO/FOTO) Imagini teribile din regiunea Harkov

Un atac al Rusiei asupra Shevchenkove din regiunea Harkiv (Harkov) a avut consecințe oribile.   Aftermath of #Russia ‘s attack on Shevchenkove, #Kharkiv region. pic.twitter.com/IONkLzuVvw — NEXTA (@nexta_tv) January…

12:35, 08.01.2023

Mountain rescuers have saved 19 persons in past 24 hrs

The Salvamont National dispatcher received, in the last 24 hours, 19 calls requesting the emergency intervention of the rescuers. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

09:50, 28.12.2022

Mountain rescuers recieve 22 calls in last 24 hours, 21 people rescued, seven rushed to hospital

The National mountain rescuers Salvamont dispatcher received, in the last 24 hours, 22 calls requesting emergency intervention, Agerpres informs. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

13:55, 17.10.2022

LIVE UPDATE Ultimele știri despre războiul din Ucraina, ziua 236: Folosirea de către Rusia a dronelor kamikaze este o „escaladare” care îngrijorează Occidentul 

Locuitorii din capitala Ucrainei, Kiev, s-au trezit în această dimineață în zgomotul exploziilor. Primarul Kievului, Vitali Klitschko, a declarat că cel puțin o persoană a fost ucisă în capitală, în timp ce ministrul…