Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:15, 10.11.2022

Candidat democrat reales în SUA, chiar dacă a murit de o lună: „Alegătorii au continuat să-și arate încrederea în el”

Democratul Anthony „Tony” DeLuca, 85 de ani, cel mai longeviv reprezentant în Camera Reprezentanților al statului Pennsylvania, a câștigat clar, cu peste 85% din voturile exprimate, deși politicianul a murit pe…

13:51, 10.11.2022

Doi politicieni democrați morţi, realeși în Congresul SUA

În cursul alegerilor americane de la jumătatea mandatului, doi politicieni democrați au fost realeși în Congresul SUA, deși au murit în luna octombrie, potrivit Fox News .Unul dintre aceștia, Anthony DeLuca, care…

20:05, 02.11.2022

IGPF: Meeting of the heads of border authorities from member states of the Salzburg Forum

Representatives of the Border Police from the member states of the Salzburg Forum met on Wednesday at the headquarters of Romania's General Inspectorate of the Border Police (IGPF), the discussions targeting the…

16:00, 26.10.2022

AUR says its representative was abusively removed from MP observers list to US mid-term elections

The leader of AUR (Alliance for the Union of Romanians) lawmakers, Antonio Andrusceac, said on Wednesday that the party's representative had been "abusively" removed from the list of lawmakers who are going to…

18:15, 17.10.2022

PM Ciuca - new meeting at Gov't with representatives of energy area

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca will have a new meeting on Monday evening, at the Victoria Palace, with representatives of institutions in charge with energy area and various activity sectors, the Government informs,…

09:10, 28.09.2022

PM Ciuca meets President of the House of Representatives in the Diet of Japan

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had a meeting with President of the House of Representatives in the Diet of Japan Hosoda Hiroyuki, within the visit he is paying to Japan. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

20:50, 26.09.2022

Head of Romanian Police: Speculations of some union representatives about purchase of BMW vehicles, totally unfounded

The head of the Romanian Police, Benone Matei, said on Monday that the criticisms in the public space regarding the purchase of 100 BMW special vehicles that will be part of the Police are 'unfounded' and 'brought…

19:01, 21.09.2022

Authorization to build new T4 terminal at Iasi International Airport was signed

Representatives of the Iasi County Council, Iasi City Hall and STRABAG SRL met, on Wednesday, at the headquarters of the Iasi municipality to make public the issuance of the construction permit for the fourth terminal…

17:15, 20.09.2022

PM Ciuca discusses tax reform with representatives of Coalition for Development of Romania

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had, on Tuesday, at the Victoria Palace, a meeting with the representatives of the Coalition for the Development of Romania, in which context topics such as tax reform, Romania's accession…

09:40, 20.09.2022

ForMin Aurescu meets with representatives of main international Jewish organizations, in context of UN General Assembly

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu had a meeting, on Monday, with the representatives of the leadership of the main international Jewish organizations, on the sidelines of the work of the 77th session of…

20:21, 14.09.2022

Culture minister Romascanu in Chisinau addresses 'Art of embroidered Romanian blouse' file, submitted to UNESCO

The Minister of Culture, Lucian Romascanu, attended on Wednesday, in Chisinau, a meeting dedicated to the file "The art of the embroidered Romanian blouse", submitted to UNESCO on March 29, 2021 by Romania and…

17:46, 07.09.2022

Parliament/ SIE representatives attend meeting of parliamentary committee on Ukrainian conflict

Romania's security in the context of the conflict in Ukraine represents a priority objective for the parliamentary committee controlling the activity of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE), a context in which…

08:30, 07.09.2022

Consumer's watchdog this week launched new invitation to Blue Air company to check measures compliance

The National Authority for Consumer Protection has launched this week a new invitation to Blue Air representatives to discuss compliance with the measures ordered, ANPC president Horia Constantinescu announced…

15:30, 01.09.2022

UNICEF's Anna Riatti says highly impressed with Romania's response to Ukrainian crisis

UNICEF representative to Romania Anna Riatti, speaking on Thursday at a press conference delivered together with UNHCR representative Pablo Zapata and Bucharest City Deputy Mayor Horia Tomescu on the occasion of…

16:25, 25.08.2022

SportsMin Novak: I'm glad Romanian rhythmic gymnastics is regaining its position among representative sports

Minister of Youth and Sports Eduard Novak said on Thursday in Cluj-Napoca that he is happy that Romanian rhythmic gymnastics is regaining its position among Romania's representative sports. Fii la curent cu cele…

17:11, 19.08.2022

A representative of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, persona non grata in Romania

The Romanian authorities have decided to declare as persona non grata on the territory of the country a representative of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bucharest, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE)…

18:46, 16.08.2022

USR representatives request doctoral theses of PM and Minister Cimpeanu to be analysed by CNATDCU

Representatives of Save Romania Union (USR) are requesting that the doctoral theses of Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and Minister of Education Sorin Cimpeanu be analysed by the National Council of Attestation of…

23:55, 25.07.2022

Prime Minister discusses with representatives of university consortia about bills on Education laws

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met on Monday at the Victoria Palace, with the representatives of the university consortia to discuss the "structural reform" of higher education through the bills on Education laws.…

16:41, 09.06.2022

Premier Ciuca, Alliance for Tourism representatives address HoReCa2 aid scheme implementation

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met on Thursday, at the Victoria Palace, with the representatives of the Alliance for Tourism, the sides addressing the budgetary perspectives regarding the implementation of the HoReCa…

16:36, 08.06.2022

Gov't spokesman Carbunaru discusses with OSCE representative Ribeiro importance of freedom of expression and media

Government spokesman Dan Carbunaru discussed on Wednesday with OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Teresa Ribeiro the importance of freedom of expression and the media, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu…

10:16, 27.05.2022

Perfect collaboration with private environment combats corruption (FBI representatives)

Experts from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for Romania and Moldova warn that "the number of threats is increasing whether we are talking about IT, banking or real estate" and, "very often, the private…

23:06, 20.05.2022

TVR representatives say they are investigating accusations brought by EBU

The Romanian National Television Channel TVR is currently carrying out an investigation into the accusations brought by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), but disapproves the manner in which the entire situation…

14:15, 17.05.2022

PM, Sheep Breeders' Association representatives discuss sheep husbandry development

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and Minister of Agriculture Adrian Chesnoiu met on Tuesday at the Victoria Palace of Government with the representatives of the Sheep Breeders' Association to look at the opportunities…

14:45, 13.05.2022

MAE: 10 representatives of Romanian Embassy in Moscow declared personae non gratae

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) announces that the Russian Federation has declared ten persons employed by the Romanian Embassy in Moscow to be personae non gratae, as a reaction to the similar gesture made…

08:55, 13.05.2022

Romania's representative, wrs, qualifies for Eurovision Song Contest final, with Llamame

Romania's representative at Eurovision, wrs, has qualified on Thursday for the final of the European song contest, after the vote through SMS and on the official site of the competition, Agerpres reports. Fii la…

09:45, 12.05.2022

Romania's representative, wrs, enters the Eurovision Song Contest on Thursday

Romania's representative at Eurovision, wrs, will perform on Thursday in the second semifinal of the European song contest, organized at the Sala Pala Olimpico in Turin, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele…

15:31, 05.05.2022

ANAT representatives request Greek Minister of Tourism to completely eliminate restrictions for Romanians

The complete elimination of restrictions for Romanian tourists and supplementing access corridors, as well as customs staff for traffic fluidity in border crossing points were one of the topics discussed by the…

21:20, 02.05.2022

wrs, Romania's Eurovision representative: I do not feel intimidated, I feel challenged

Romania's representative to the 2022 Eurovision, wrs, has left for Turin on Monday, where the European song contest will take place. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

08:40, 26.04.2022

Conference dedicated to opportunities financed by PNRR, organized on Tuesday in hybrid system

Representatives of central and local authorities, government officials, private companies and stakeholders in the economy will participate on Tuesday in a conference dedicated to the opportunities and financing…

13:50, 18.04.2022

Holy Light to be brought from Jerusalem, on Saturday evening

The Holy Light will be brought from Jerusalem, on Saturday evening, by the Representative of the Romanian Patriarchate to the Holy Land, V. Rev. Archimandrite Teofil Anastasoaie, and will be offered to the diocese…