Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:12, 08.09.2017

Commissioner Cretu says transports situation worrying, Romania needs investments in transports badly

Romania badly needs investments in transports, on Friday said the European Commissioner for Regional Development, Corina Cretu, adding that situation in this field is worrying. "Situation in transports is worrying,…

12:15, 23.08.2017

Deputy PM Shhaideh, German ambassador Meier-Klodt discuss deepening bilateral dialogue, cooperation

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds Sevil Shhaideh on Tuesday welcomed German ambassador in Bucharest Cord Meier-Klodt, saying that the relationship…

19:09, 28.03.2017

Gala Bute case: Gheorghe Nastasia gets suspended four-year in prison

The High Court of Cassation and Justice on Tuesday handed a suspended four-year in prison sentence to former General Secretary with the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism Gheorghe Nastasia, under court…

12:44, 15.03.2017

Deputy PM Shhaideh: A 30 percent rise in local elect pay, no major impact upon finances

The pay rise for the local elect will have no major impact upon the national finances, on Tuesday told a press conference in northeastern Iasi, the Deputy Prime Minister Sevil Shhaideh, Minister of Regional Development,…

15:08, 17.02.2017

Vice PM Shhaideh says plug not pulled on regionalization project, but Constitution revision required

The plug has not been pulled on the regionalization project, but the revision of the Constitution is first needed in order to proceed with its implementation, Sevil Shhaideh, Vice PM and minister of Regional Development,…

14:02, 21.12.2016

Dragnea: Sevil Shhaideh is Social-Democrats` nominee for Premier

Sevil Shhaideh who, among others, has served a brief stint as Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration in 2015, is the Social-Democrats' proposition for Premier, Chairman of the Social Democratic…

14:28, 10.10.2016

Dincu: Technologies developed in Japan on seismic resistance intersting for Romania

The technologies developed in Japan concerning the design concept and methods for seismic resistance represent a real interest for Romania, underlined on Monday Deputy Prime Minister Vasile Dincu, the Minister…

16:23, 15.09.2016

Romanian, Bulgarian officials debate on EU Strategy for the Danube Region

Deputy Prime Minister and Regional Development and Public Administration Minister Vasile Dincu met at the Victoria Palace Bulgarian Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova to discuss mainly strategic and operational…

13:29, 08.12.2015

Government sets aside school rehabilitation funds

More than 28 hundred schools lacking a fire safety permit will undergo repairs until September 2016, the Regional Development Minister announced. Vasile Dâncu said the government had already earmarked 800 million…

19:10, 19.03.2015

Un fost ambasador american critică iniţiativa SUA privid furnizarea de arme în Ucraina: "ţara are nevoie de ajutor economic. Mai e loc pentru diplomaţie"

Mark Taplin, fost ambasador american timp de 35 de ani specializat pe probleme europene, a făcut o analiză a situaţiei din Ucraina în cadrul conferinţei cu tema “US Views on Russia in the Context of Regional Developments”…

13:50, 17.03.2015

Pozitia Rusiei in contextul dezvoltarii regionale, analizata la Cluj de un specialist american

Poziţia Rusiei în contextul dezvoltării regionale, analizată la Cluj de un specialist american Un specialist american va dezbate joi, la Cluj, poziţia Rusiei în contextul actual al dezvoltării regionale. Prelegerea…

20:15, 13.01.2014

Primăria Timişoara organizează licitaţie pentru elaborarea strategiei culturale. Cât costă şi când ar putea fi gata proiectul

Primăria Timişoara anunţă că a fost lansată licitaţia publică pentru dezvoltarea strategiei culturale pentru Timişoara şi organizarea a trei dezbateri publice pe tema Capitală Culturală Europeană din cadrul proiectului…