Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:00, 22.03.2024

Ucraina primește curent electric din România, după atacul Rusiei care a lăsat un milion de ucraineni în beznă

Ucraina primește curent electric din România, după atacul Rusiei care a lăsat un milion de ucraineni în beznă

Ucraina primeşte curent electric din România, după cel mai amplu atac rusesc asupra instalaţiilor sale energetice de la începutul războiului. Peste un milion de oameni au rămas în beznă. Ucraina primește asistență…

17:55, 06.02.2024

AgriMin Barbu is glad EC president decides to withdraw provisions on limiting plant protection products

The Minister of Agriculture, Florin Barbu, appreciates the decision announced by the head of the European Commission, to withdraw the bill on the reduction in pesticide consumption, which put Romanian farmers at…

10:35, 12.01.2024

GDP estimate growth stays at 0.9 pct in Q3 2023

GDP estimate growth stays at 0.9 pct in Q3 2023The Gross Domestic Product increased by 0.9 pct in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter, on seasonally adjusted series, while, at nine months,…

08:30, 15.12.2023

Ministry of Internal Affairs's budget supplemented to settle accommodation and food expenses with Ukrainian refugees

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI)'s budget for the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations has been increased by 165 million RON, which is intended to settle accommodation and food expenses for Ukrainian…

19:10, 07.12.2023

Inteligența artificială și deep fake-urile, tot mai utilizate în fraudele online din România. Expert: „Cum e posibil, dacă dai 1.200 de lei, să faci 500…

Inteligența artificială și deep fake-urile, filmulețe false în care personaje reale sunt alterate digital, au început să fie tot mai folosite în fraudele online, au avertizat mai mulți experți în securitate cibernetică,…

20:05, 04.12.2023

Târg de Crăciun la DAS Târgu Mureș

Marți, 5 decembrie, Direcția de Asistență Socială (DAS) Târgu-Mureș organizează, în parteneriat cu ONG-urile din Municipiu, un târg de Crăciun, desfășurat în intervalul orar 10:00-14:00 la sediul DAS Tg. Mureș.…

08:45, 19.06.2023


1848 - Romanian 1848 Revolution: Provisional Government is arrested following conspiracy between nobles and colonels Ioan Odobescu and Ioan Solomon. Following actions of the masses, the Provisional Government is…

17:40, 14.06.2023

Special pensions outlays under new provisions to get close to contributory system

Special pensions outlays under new provisions to get close to contributory system. The retirement age will increase in the case of all categories of special pensions, and the time against which the calculation…

15:45, 16.05.2023

PNL's Ciuca: We'll ageee to merging elections with the observance of constitutional provisions

National Liberal Party (PNL) Chairman Nicolae Ciuca said on Tuesday that the party's structures are analysing each hypothesis of merging the elections, following which the specialists of the coalition parties will…

14:55, 13.04.2023

Ionannis: Presidential Administration to keep within budget provisions approved by budget law

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the Presidential Administration will fall within the budget provisions that have been approved by the budget law.Klaus Iohannis was asked what measures the Presidential…

15:20, 29.03.2023

Solidarity contribution is established, provisions for determining share of energy activities in turnover

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Wednesday, the draft law establishing the solidarity contribution for companies that are active in the extraction of crude oil, natural gas, coal, the manufacture of coke oven…

10:10, 09.12.2022

Net investments in the national economy, up 13.3 pct in Q3 (provisional data)

Net investments in the national economy totaled 39.356 billion RON, in Q3, 2022, up 13.3 percent compared to Q3, 2021, according to provisional data published on Friday by National Institute of Statistics (INS).…

19:01, 28.11.2022

NATO2022Bucharest/Stoltenberg: A message of the meeting should be the need to step up provision of air defence systems

Russian President Vladimir Putin is "trying to use winter as a weapon of war" against Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday, adding that he expects one of the messages of the NATO foreign…

16:45, 07.11.2022

Bucharest Prefect to challenge in administrative litigation provisions of mayor Armand, after Integrity watchdog notification

The Bucharest Prefect, Toni Grebla, announces that after being officially notified by the National Integrity Agency, he will challenge in administrative litigation the provisions by which the mayor of District…

12:11, 03.10.2022

President Iohannis: We need zero tolerance for plagiarism, education laws must include explicit provisions

We need zero tolerance for plagiarism, and the new education laws must include explicit provisions on preventing and punishing this toxic phenomenon of the educational environment, said President Klaus Iohannis…

10:45, 04.07.2022

(VIDEO) Cel puţin șase oameni, dintre care și români, au murit în Alpi după prăbuşirea unui gheţar

Sase oameni au murit, noua sunt raniti si 16 sunt dati disparuti în Italia, dupa ce un ghetar din Alpi s-a prabusit. Printre cei disparuti sunt si cetateni români. Uriasul bloc de gheata s-a rupt din cauza temperaturilor…

09:50, 13.05.2022

LabMin Budai: Today's and tommorrow's pensions as well will be impoverished by Recovery Plan provisions

Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Marius Budai says that not only the national confederations, but the European one too, have understood that the provisions of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience…

17:10, 24.03.2022

Provisions excluding right to refuse hearing as witness persons living with defendant found unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on Thursday ruled as unconstitutional an article in the Code of Criminal Procedure that excludes from the right to refuse to be heard as witness persons who have established…

11:51, 22.03.2022

Defense Minister Vasile Dincu: EU-NATO cooperation is key to implementing Strategic Compass provisions

EU-NATO coordination and cooperation are key to implementing the provisions of the EU's Strategic Compass, National Defense Minister Vasile Dincu said as he attended on Monday the Foreign Affairs Council meeting…

12:20, 16.02.2022

PM Ciuca: Until CCR decision on mask wearing is published in Official Journal, legal provisions stay in force

PM Nicolae Ciuca said that the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) will be put into practice, in regards to the CCR decision on the unconstitutionality of the government emergency ordinance on…

15:30, 21.10.2021

Republic of Moldova reaches provisional IMF loan deal worth $564mln

The Republic of Moldova has reached a provisional loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) worth about $564mln over 40 months, according to RFE/RL. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova,…

14:51, 12.10.2021

1,852 fines in last 24 hours for breaking provisions regarding pandemic, three criminal cases prepared

The Police and Gendarmerie have issued 1,852 fines, with a total value of 335,300 RON, as a result of violation of the provisions of Law 55/2020 regarding certain measures for preventing and countering the effects…

18:20, 05.10.2021

Speaker Orban: Reinstating Citu as PM would run contrary to the Constitution

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that Florin Citu can no longer be voted in office by Parliament as the prime minister, since that would be "a decision contrary to the constitutional…

14:35, 04.10.2021

PM Citu: There is will in Parliament to allow acces to restaurants, cinema halls based on negative test

The PNL (National Liberal Party) chair, Prime Minister Florin Citu, said on Monday that there is will in Parliament to change the provisions so that access to restaurants and cinema halls is allowed to people with…

11:36, 30.09.2021

INS estimates increase in unemployed number by 8,000 in August against July

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in August was 5.2%, up 0.1% from July, according to provisional information released by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on Thursday. Thus, the estimated number…

13:55, 24.06.2021

Court says lack of public funding for Romanian Academy of Scientists unconstitutional

The Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) found on Thursday that the provisions of the 2021 National Budget Law under which the Romanian Academy of Scientists was to secure its own funding this year were unconstitutional.…

18:50, 17.06.2021

In objection to court, PSD calls removing Ombudswoman Weber from office unconstitutional

Parliament Decision 36/2021 for the removal from office of Ombudswoman Renate Weber is unconstitutional as it violates the provisions regarding the principle of legality and the five-year office tenure, reads a…

17:05, 15.06.2021

Ombudsman: Rejection of activity reports violates constitutional and legal provisions

The Ombudsman maintains that the rejection by Parliament of the activity reports for the years 2018 - 2020 violates the constitutional and legal provisions. In a release sent on Tuesday to AGERPRES the Ombudsman…

15:01, 04.06.2021

PNL's Orban: No special pensions are currently paid to mayors, as they are officially postponed

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Ludovic Orban, the national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL), said on Friday that no special pensions are currently paid to mayors, mentioning that he, during his term…

16:05, 28.05.2021

PSD says CNSU decision applicable as of 1 June contains discriminiatory provisions, requests immediate removal

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) says that the decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU), applicable as of 1 June contains "discriminatory" provisions and requests their immediate removal,…