Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:27, 27.11.2018

President Iohannis to Romanians in France: I urge you to be more united, stay as much involved in modernising Romania

On Monday, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis urged Romanians in France to be more united and stay involved as much as they are now in helping modernise Romania."I am well aware of the aspirations and the difficulties…

17:56, 19.04.2018

Italy's PM Gentiloni: Integration of the Romanian community in Italy is currently satisfactory

The levels of integration of the Romanian community in Italy have improved over time and are now satisfactory, Italy's Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Thursday on a visit in Bucharest. "Our relationships…

12:04, 12.01.2018

Football business restore the people business if can confidence

Perhaps the earlier go route spooked him a little bit. That’s really the most important thing to him, Snyder said. The camp was a reprieve from wrangling pigs, and after his mission, he figured he’d study New Cheap…

12:03, 12.01.2018

Intercepted by kessel pass atlanta kessel

Saturday’s game was Kessler’s sixth game with at least 300 passing yards and four passing touchdowns. What’s impressive about the Falcons roster is that while the team MLB Authentic Jerseys has 18 pending free…

11:02, 05.01.2018

The Rise of Dissertation Methodology Chapter

This process is very useful if you’re interested in putting quantitative data into a true world context or reflect various perspectives on a subject. It’s however, important to be aware that the selection of method…

23:31, 02.01.2018

Donald Trump despre sancțiunile împotriva Coreei de Nord. „Omul rachetă vrea să discute cu sud-coreenii, pentru prima dată”

Donald Trump despre sancțiunile împotriva Coreei de Nord. Președintele Statelor Unite a declarat că sancțiunile internaționale dictate împotriva regimului de la Phenian încep să aibă un impact major. Liderul nord-corean…

12:13, 29.12.2017

Donald Trump ironizează încălzirea globală făcând referire la valul de frig din State Unite

Președintele Donald Trump, în vacanță în Florida, a scris pe Twitter un mesaj în care a sugerat că schimbările climatice ar putea fi un lucru bun, referindu-se la orașele americane aflate sub zăpdă în această perioadă…

15:46, 23.11.2017

Censure motion debate in Parliament, pro-motion manifestations surrounding Parliament Palace

The censure motion "PSDragnea [Social Democratic Party, led by Liviu Dragnea], mother to all in the campaign, plague at rule" is a demarche with strong enough arguments to convince any parliamentarian with still…

16:16, 02.10.2017

Dragnea, on ROBOR increase: discussion with BNR management, necessary

The Chamber of Deputies' Speaker Liviu Dragnea says that the increase in the ROBOR index is an important topic, and that is why a discussion on this issue with the management of the Central Bank and, eventually,…

12:28, 06.07.2017

Cele 5 optiuni pe care le are Trump in criza nucleara din Coreea de Nord

Presedintele american, Donald Trump, trebuie sa rezolve problema Coreei de Nord, mai ales dupa ce Phenianul a lansat o racheta balistica intercontinentala chiar de Ziua Nationala a SUA. Astfel, amenintarea nucleara…

14:40, 11.03.2016

Mihai Gâdea and Adrian Ursu, in the Senate. The  Antena 3 representatives  denounce the abuses: "Romania is a country led by appointed people not by the…

On Thursday, the Senate held a debate on press freedom. The debate was attended by the  Antena 3 representatives , who denounced the  state abuses against media outlets. "Perhaps we are not the only…

22:53, 07.03.2016

Can it be safe and secure to get essays through the internet

Can it be safe and secure to get essays through the internet Shopping an issue on the internet, as being a choice of other around the web choices, is a good progressive practicality that can help to avoid wasting…

12:37, 06.01.2016

Secrets and techniques for Titles: Make a reservation for Titles, Post Titles, plus more !

Secrets and techniques for Titles: Make a reservation for Titles, Post Titles, plus more ! What deciding and design denote and the reasons you requirement them Top reasons to be set up Perhaps you have acquired…

12:13, 30.12.2015

Academic Essay Topics

Wisdom of the ages. Source: History Don’t you she n’t just loved by? You pull a greeting card from its package and her eyes that are bespeckled view straight into your spirit. Who is this woman, this woman of pursed…

11:27, 10.11.2015

Dan Voiculescu, touching message conveyed on his personal blog: Maybe in such times we become kinder

Dan Voiculescu conveyed via his personal blog a message of condolences to the families of the victims involved in the Club Collective tragedy and called on all of us to be kinder. These days I am very sad because…

12:00, 07.05.2015

Pregăteşte-te pentru examenul de BAC la engleză. Vezi AICI câteva exemple de teste

PUBLIKA.MD te invită să exersezi şi să-ţi verifici cunoştinţele prin efectuarea unor teste, drept exemple pentru BAC 2015.  Teste pentru exersare 2015. Limba engleză I. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of…

09:51, 22.03.2014

Sechestru asigurator asupra reţelei de distribuţie de gaz din Sighet

  Hotărârea luată , în şedinţa din 20 martie, este definitivă şi este favorabilă victimelor celor două deflagraţii. „Instanţa admite cererea formulată de părţile civile Borlescu Neli Alexandra, Maris Ioana…

12:36, 21.03.2014

Reteaua de gaz din Sighetu Marmatiei, pusa sub sechestru

Reteaua de distributie a gazelor naturale din Sighetu Marmatiei, aflata in proprietatea firmei Berg Sistem Gaz, a fost pusa sub sechestru in urma unei hotarari a Tribunalului Maramures. Totul a pornit de la exploziile…

12:28, 04.07.2013

Roxana Nemes a luat, la Neatza, taurul de coarne!!!

Roxana Nemes a fost prezenta in aceasta dimineata la "Neatza cu Razvan si Dani", unde a facut un adevarat spectacol in stil american. Blonda a venit imbracata intr-o tinuta asemanatoare idolului ei, Marilyn…

13:26, 14.06.2013

“Condamnat la viață”, condamnat la scandal

Când faci un efort pentru filmul tău, să-i aduci pe Gerard Depardieu și Harvey Keitel, ca să-i garantezi niște portițe internaționale, respectiv îți amanetezi casa pentru el, orice om rațional s-ar aștepta ca oamenii…

17:50, 20.02.2012

Senatorul Bârlea s-a interesat de sanatatea ranitilor de la Sighet

Gheorghe Mihai Bârlea, senator PDL de Maramures, s-a interesat de situatia în care se afla persoanele care au fost ranite în cele doua explozii de la Sighetu Marmatiei si care au fost spitalizati în capitala. Împreunã…