Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:35, 12.07.2022

Barometru HR: Trei sferturi dintre companii și-au majorat bugetele pentru salarii în 2022

Trei sferturi dintre companiile din România, respondente la Barometrul de HR realizat în luna iunie de PwC România, au ajustat sau vor ajusta salariile cu inflația sau cu un procent situat între inflație și creșterea…

18:36, 07.07.2022

eMAG: Peste 130 de angajați au absolvit prima ediție a programului de accelerare în carieră Upgrade

După un an de la lansare, Upgrade , cel mai amplu program de dezvoltare accelerată inițiat de eMAG pentru a susține angajații aflați la început de drum în a se adapta la nevoile actuale de pe piața muncii, numără…

18:35, 10.06.2022

Adoption of Roadmap is key step in process of Romania joining OECD

The Government welcomes the adoption of Romania's Accession Roadmap to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development at the final session of the OECD Council ministerial meeting on Friday, June 10th,…

12:45, 20.05.2022

Ciolacu: „Începem să fim recunoscuţi drept o ţară dezvoltată, nu în curs de dezvoltare”. Argumentele liderului PSD

Președintele PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, susține că aderarea României la Organizația pentru Cooperare și Dezvoltare Economică (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD) arată că am depășit stadiul…

15:15, 17.05.2022

Finlanda lansează berea NATO. „Vom trimite prima cutie la președinte”

O berărie din orașul finlandez Savonlinna, sud-estul Finlandei, aproape de granița cu Rusia, a anunțat că va produce berea NATO. Berarul Petteri Vänttinen, 42 de ani, folosește denumirea franceză a Alianței, OTAN…

11:45, 29.04.2022

Foreign Ministry marks 25 years since Chemical Weapons Convention took effect

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention and since the establishment of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons…

12:30, 28.04.2022

Romania sets up main points of accession to OECD

Romania's Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday that a meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Coordination of Romania's Relations with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development…

23:05, 12.04.2022

OECD places Romania among donors with increasing volume allocated to assistance for development (ForeignMinistry)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published on Tuesday preliminary data regarding official assistance for development granted…

16:55, 03.04.2022

Foreign Ministry hails 55 years of Romania - Canada diplomatic relations

The Foreign Affairs Ministry hails the 55th anniversary, on April 3, 2022, of the establishment of Romanian-Canadian diplomatic relations, at embassy level, emphasising that the two countries share common goals…

19:40, 09.03.2022

Numerous children suffering from war anxiety counseled by Save the Children organisation's specialists in Mures

The Counseling Center for Parents and Children within Save the Children Mures organization has been confronted, since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, with a large number of children suffering from war…

16:45, 04.03.2022

Romania joins action to invoke OSCE Moscow Mechanism

Romania has joined a group of 44 Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) member states to invoke the OSCE Moscow Mechanism to assess the impact on human rights and the humanitarian situation…

08:45, 01.02.2022

US Deputy Secretary of State Sherman assures Romania of support for OECD accession

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Monday had a telephone conversation with Wendy Sherman, the US deputy secretary of state, with the US dignitary assuring Romania of US support for accession to the Organisation…

19:40, 28.01.2022

Caciu: The Ministry of Finance is currently involved in two analyses with the OECD

The Ministry of Finance is currently involved in conducting two analyses with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), one on the Codes on deregulating capital movements and invisible…

17:15, 28.01.2022

President Iohannis: Accession to the OECD as fast as possible is a priority to Romania

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday welcomed at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace the Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mathias Cormann, on which occasion he…

14:00, 28.01.2022

PM Ciuca:OECD's Economic Survey for Romania, our firm commitment to join this global organisation

The "Economic Survey for Romania" developed together with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) shows Romania's firm commitment to join this global policy forum and provides a multidimensional…

17:00, 27.01.2022

PM Ciuca: Romania's accession to OECD is a strategic goal after joining NATO and EU

Romania's accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a strategic goal after joining NATO and the EU, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday, ahead of a visit to Bucharest…

16:50, 27.01.2022

Intrarea în OCDE este obiectiv strategic, după NATO și UE, consideră premierul Ciucă

Intrarea în OCDE este un obiectiv strategic al României, consideră premierul Nicolae Ciucă. El s-a referit, joi, la admiterea României în Organizaţia pentru Cooperare şi Dezvoltare Economică (OCDE). În limba engleză,…

19:15, 26.01.2022

AmCham: Romania's inclusion among the six countries to begin discussions for OECD accession is a success

AmCham welcomes Romania's success of being one of the six candidate countries with which the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has decided to open accession discussions, saying that…

20:56, 28.12.2021

Memoranda approved by Gov't on cooperation with OECD Economic Department, sale of 'Petrila Mine Historical Complex'

The Executive on Tuesday approved two memoranda regarding the continuation of the collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Economic Department and, respectively, the…

10:05, 26.12.2021

A murit arhiepiscopul Desmond Tutu, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru Pace şi simbol al luptei împotriva apartheidului

Simbol al luptei împotriva apartheidului în Africa de Sud, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru pace în 1984, arhiepiscopul Desmond Tutu a murit la vârsta de 90 de ani. Decesul lui a fost confirmat…

20:55, 09.11.2021

Head of Romania's power suppliers organisation puts to rest concerns over possible countrywide blackout

A nationwide blackout is very unlikely because there are automations in place to prevent such an incident, president of Romania's Power Suppliers Association (AFEER) Laurentiu Urluescu told a conference organized…

13:30, 18.10.2021

Despre organizația viitorului - un nou mod de lucru, cu Delia Rotaru, VP People & Organisation eMAG

Despre organizația viitorului - un nou mod de lucru, cu Delia Rotaru, VP People & Organisation eMAG Despre organizația viitorului - un nou mod de lucru, cu Delia Rotaru, VP People & Organisation eMAG Despre…

18:30, 30.08.2021

Meal tickets worth 100 RON for people who get vaccinated

The Minister of Health, Ioana Mihaila, declared on Monday, at the end of the Government session, that an ordinance was adopted, one which states meal tickets for people who are vaccinating against COVID, as well…

17:50, 11.08.2021

International Telecommunication Union chooses Romania to host 2022 summit

On Wednesday, the Romanian government approved the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the International Telecommunication Union on the hosting, organisation and funding of the International…

18:50, 27.07.2021

Grecia oferă o recompensă pentru informații legate de uciderea lui Kostis, faimoasa focă a insulei Alonissos

O recompensă de 18.000 de euro este promisă oricui poate oferi informaţii despre ucigaşul lui Kostis, faimoasa focă-călugăr a insulei grecești Alonissos, anunță site-ul greekcitytimes.com, citat de News.ro. Banii…

11:01, 15.06.2021

Student Council:Anti-bullying working groups are no solution to school violence, but teacher and counsellor training

The National Student Council considers that the solution to school violence is not the creation of anti-bullying working groups, as the Education Ministry plans, but the training of teachers and school counsellors…

15:05, 28.05.2021

ANALIZĂ Europa renunță la agenda sa de consolidare fiscală la nivel european

Agenda Uniunii Europene (UE) privind reforma impozitării companiilor, publicată recent de Comisia Europeană (CE), este prezentată ca fiind una „nouă şi ambiţioasă”, „adaptată exigenţelor viitorului” şi care are…

11:16, 28.05.2021

Consolidarea fiscală, veriga lipsă din noua viziune a UE asupra impozitării companiilor (OPINIE)

Agenda Uniunii Europene (UE) privind reforma impozitării companiilor, publicată recent de Comisia Europeană (CE), este prezentată ca fiind una „nouă și ambițioasă”, „adaptată exigențelor viitorului” și care are…

15:50, 23.04.2021

A number of 36 county organisations support Ludovic orban for new term as head of PNL

PNL (National Liberal Party) leader Ludovic Orban on Friday stated in Craiova that a number of 36 county organisations of the PNL voted in support of his candidacy for a new term in office as leader of this party.…

18:36, 15.04.2021

ForMin Aurescu, OECD's SecGen designate Cormann talk about Romania's accession to organisation

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu had a telephone call on Thursday with the Secretary-General designate of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mathias Cormann, on Romania's…