Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:51, 25.07.2023

Should we make reforms on time, we'll also have the money we expect from Recovery & Resilience Plan

A team set up at the level of the Ministry of Labour, by ministerial order, works on deadlines, paying attention to what we have to do on the targets and milestones of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan,…

13:10, 19.07.2023

Law on extension of protection order for victims of domestic violence to 12 months, promulgated

Law on extension of protection order for victims of domestic violence to 12 months, promulgated. President Klaus Iohannis has promulgated the law that provides for the extension of the protection order for victims…

13:55, 13.07.2023

JusMin Gorghiu: Government approves bill on extension of protective order to all forms of violence

The Government has approved the bill on the extension of the protective order to all categories of victims and all forms of violence, in addition to domestic violence, Justice Minister Alina Gorghiu announced on…

12:35, 11.07.2023

5 motive pentru care nu trebuie să ratezi Poezia la Bistrița, între 13 și 16 iulie

Poezia acaparează Bistrița, între 13 și 16 iulie, în oraș fiind invitați poeți și scriitori din Republica Moldova, Croația, Serbia, Spania, Polonia și România. Am încropit pentru voi, câteva motive pentru care…

16:25, 05.07.2023

PM Ciolacu: State control ordered at all elderly care homes

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Wednesday that a state control was ordered at all nursing homes."I discussed with two ministers, I think that a state control at all the elderly care homes is needed,…

22:30, 23.06.2023

Evgheni Prigojin acuză armata rusă că a bombardat taberele mercenarilor Wagner din Ucraina. Promisiune pentru Șoigu: „Această creatură va fi oprită”

Șeful și fondatorul grupului rus de mercenari Wagner, Evgheni Prigojin, a afirmat vineri, 23 iunie, că Ministerul rus al Apărării a lansat un atac cu rachete asupra unei tabere ale organizației sale paramilare.…

16:40, 20.06.2023

Former Foreign Minister Aurescu decorated by Moldovan president

President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu conferred on former Foreign Affairs Minister and current presidential advisor Bogdan Aurescu the Order of Honor.Maia Sandu took to Twitter on Tuesday to note that…

10:41, 19.06.2023

Noi performanțe extraordinare la powerlifting: sportivii CS Unirea Alba Iulia, 55 de medalii la campionatul național!

Sportivii CS Unirea Alba Iulia, conduși de președintele FRP, antrenor Ovidiu Pănăzan, au obținut, 55 de medalii la Campionatul Național de Powerlifting Clasic și Echipat, competiție destinată juniorilor și seniorilor,…

18:25, 13.06.2023

Ministry of Education submits for consultation draft order on establishing didactic teaching obligation for principals

Ministry of Education submits for consultation draft order on establishing didactic teaching obligation for principals. The Ministry of Education has submitted for consultation a draft order regarding the establishment…

10:15, 13.06.2023

A murit Treat Williams. Starul din „Everwood” şi „Hair”, 71 de ani, a fost implicat într-un accident de motocicletă

Treat Williams, vedeta din filemele Everwood si Hair, a murit dupa ce a fost implicat într-un accident de motocicleta. Actorul avea 71 de ani. Moartea actorului a fost confirmata pentru People luni seara, de agentul…

09:40, 13.06.2023

Actorul Treat Williams a murit la 71 de ani în urma unui accident de motocicletă

Treat Williams, un star al scenei, televiziunii și filmului, a murit într-un accident de motocicletă, a declarat familia sa luni seară. Avea 71 de ani. „Cu mare tristețe raportăm că iubitul nostru Treat Williams…

09:10, 13.06.2023

Treat Williams, vedeta din filemele Everwood şi Hair, a murit într-un accident de motocicletă. Actorul avea 71 de ani

Moartea actorului a fost confirmată pentru People luni seară, de agentul pe care îl are de 15 ani, Barry McPherson, scrie News.ro.„A fost ucis în această după-amiază. El vira la stânga sau la dreapta [şi] o maşină…

13:11, 09.06.2023

Court orders opening of Euroins Romania bankruptcy proceedings

Court orders opening of Euroins Romania bankruptcy proceedings. The Bucharest Tribunal has affirmed the merits of a request made by the Financial Oversight Authority (ASF) ordering the opening of the bankruptcy…

14:40, 08.06.2023

Base pay of healthcare, social workers, defence, public order personnel to increase from June 1

Base pay of healthcare, social workers, defence, public order personnel to increase from June 1. The base pay of healthcare and social workers, defence, public order and national security personnel will increase…

15:10, 06.06.2023

EduMin Deca, after meeting with unions: In order to remain on track, we must meet in the middle

EduMin Deca, after meeting with unions: In order to remain on track, we must meet in the middle. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, voiced her conviction, on Tuesday, after the meeting with trade unionists…

17:15, 25.05.2023

Noutățile lunii iunie pe SkyShowtime – Star Trek: Strange New Worlds și un blockbuster horror

SkyShowtime anunță principalele titluri ale lunii iunie, iar capul de afiș îl ține noul sezon din Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, care va fi disponibil în exclusivitate pe platforma de streaming din data de 16 iunie.…

21:10, 24.05.2023

WWII veterans, French Gendarmerie Director-general decorated by President Iohannis

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Wednesday the decrees for the decoration of several WWII veterans, of French Gedarmerie Director-general, General Christian Rodriguez, and of the Dublin-based Romanian Community…

19:55, 24.05.2023

ANPC president signs 11 orders to stop deceptive practices by banks, another 8 banks to follow

President of the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) Horia Constantinescu announced on Wednesday having signed 11 orders to stop deceptive practices by banks, and that another 8 banks would be sanctioned…

19:40, 22.05.2023

Celebration of Balkan Romanianness Day, patron saints of Romanian Orthodox Church in Zagreb

The Balkan Romanianness Day was celebrated on Sunday, together with the patron saints of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Zagreb, Romania's Embassy to Croatia informs in a message posted on the website of the Ministry…

16:05, 15.05.2023

Senate's Gorghiu: PNL admitted there may be exceptions to coalition protocol, provided all parties agree

The National Liberal Party (PNL) has admitted, "in order to harmonise" the positions of all members of the governing coalition, that there may be certain exceptions to the protocol, provided that all parties agree…

15:50, 25.04.2023

Romania can contribute to development of risk analyses in order to reduce PFAS substances in food products (AgriMin)

Agriculture Minister Petre Daea: Romania can contribute to development of risk analyses in order to reduce PFAS substances in food products.Romania is aware that PFAS are a serious threat and can commit to a contribution…

15:35, 21.04.2023

Support for technocratic ministry of entrepreneurship, tourism

Romania's National Association of Travel Agencies (ANAT) supports keeping up the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism even after the next ministerial rotation, but with specialists in the area at the helm in…

12:00, 13.04.2023

New orders in manufacturing industry, up 6.6pct in the first two months of 2023

New orders in the manufacturing industry as a whole (domestic and foreign market) increased, in the first two months of the year, in nominal terms, by 6.6pct, compared to the similar period in 2022, according to…

22:26, 05.04.2023

Zelenski, decorat de președintele Andrzej Duda cu Ordinul Vulturul Alb, „cea mai veche și cea mai înaltă distincție poloneză” - VIDEO

Ordinul Vulturul Alb este „cea mai veche și cea mai înaltă distincție poloneză” și este acordat unor „persoane remarcabile”, a declarat Duda în prezența lui Zelenski și a primelor doamne ale celor două țări, relatează…

15:00, 05.04.2023

Zelenski, decorat de președintele Andrzej Duda cu Ordinul Vulturul Alb, „cea mai veche și cea mai înaltă distincție poloneză” - VIDEO

Ordinul Vulturul Alb este „cea mai veche și cea mai înaltă distincție poloneză” și este acordat unor „persoane remarcabile”, a declarat Duda în prezența lui Zelenski și a primelor doamne ale celor două țări, relatează…

17:31, 24.03.2023

PM Ciuca: Gov't to strenghten support to local farmers and producers in order to increase processing of agricultural products

The Government will intensify its support to local farmers and producers in order to increase the processing, transformation and refining of agricultural products in Romania, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said at…

11:50, 24.03.2023

ASF pulls down draft regulation capping RCA policy rates in order to examine submitted observations

The Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) pulled down a draft regulatory act on mandatory civil liability car insurance (RCA) fees in order to carry out an analysis of the submitted observations, ASF spokesman…

20:05, 22.03.2023

Romania, Turkey sign protocol on gendarme training, order, security, forensics cooperation

On Wednesday, the Romanian government approved the completion of negotiations and the signing of a protocol with the government of Turkey on training gendarmes from the two countries and co-operation in the areas…

11:05, 22.03.2023

Xi, Putin pledge to shape new world order, no peace in sight for Ukraine

China‘s President Xi Jinping and Russia‘s President Vladimir Putin set their sights on shaping a new world order as the Chinese leader left Moscow on Wednesday, having made no direct support for Putin’s war in…

11:20, 21.03.2023

Danube Delta, Black Sea ban on fishing pike perch, European perch, makerel kicks off

In the Danube Delta, the prohibition of fishing for pike perch, European perch and makerel species has begun, and the Northern pike specimens can be caught by recreational fishermen/athletes only in the "catch&release"…