Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:10, 15.04.2024

Minister Intotero: Five years it is too late for the creation of addiction centres

Minister Intotero: Five years it is too late for the creation of addiction centres

Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities Natalia Intotero said on Monday in Brasov that she has not yet received an actual reply to the lack of state-run centres for the treatment of young addicts and…

15:05, 12.02.2024

Minister Intotero: There is still a lot to do in Romania in terms of equality of opportunity

Romania has taken steps in the field of equal opportunities, but still has a lot to do, said, on Monday, the Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Natalia Intotero, at the launch conference of the…

07:15, 12.11.2023

Până când se mai compensează facturile la energie. Anunț oficial de la Minister

Românii primesc o veste bună de la Minister. Sebastian Burduja anunță până când se mai compensează facturile la energie. Potrivit acestuia, schema de compensare plafonare a fost necesară în vârful crizei energetice.…

20:11, 18.11.2021

Testarea salivară a elevilor îi scoate pe profesori în stradă!

Pichetarea Prefecturii Neamț este următoarea acțiune de protest pe care sindicaliștii din învățământ au decis-o în semn de nemulțumire față de testarea la covid a elevilor cu probe de salivă în școli. Gabriel Ploscă,…

17:26, 09.09.2019

Minister Intotero inquiring into number of returned Romanian children, their school enrollment

The Ministry of Romanians Abroad has asked the Ministry of National Education for data from each county about the number of children of Romanians who have returned to Romania and their school enrollment rate for…

20:14, 29.08.2019

Minister Intotero, Cyprus's president discuss Romanian community in Cyprus

On a working visit to Cyprus on Thursday, Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia-Elena Intotero had a meeting with Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiadis to discuss the Romanian community in Cyprus, the bilateral…

08:24, 22.08.2019

Minister Intotero voices concern over Leipzig Police asking hoteliers to report any Romanian guests

Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero has said she is surprised and worried that police in the German city of Leipzig have asked local hoteliers to report any Romanian guests. "I have learned with surprise…

15:58, 02.03.2019

Deputy PM Ana Birchall: 'Globalization - enormous potential to bring prosperity, if managed in accordance with fundamental principles'

Globalization has an "enormous" potential to bring more prosperity, development and stability, provided it is managed in accordance with fundamental principles such as transparency, dialogue, peaceful settlement…

14:42, 02.03.2019

Minister Intotero - visit in Chisinau; meetings with PM and Culture minister

The intensification of joint projects in the fields of education and culture, as well as the continuation of the efforts to support the European path of the Republic of Moldova are topics that were on the agenda…

12:39, 21.02.2019

Minister Intotero meets representatives of Brisbane's Romanian community

The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia-Elena Intotero had a meeting with representatives of the Romanian community of Brisbane, Australia, who indicated their interest in keeping cultural and linguistic ties…

19:07, 30.01.2019

Brexit and Romanian community discussed by Minister Intotero with British Ambassador

Brexit, the Romanian community in the UK and a better information with respect to this topic, as well as events organised by Romania while holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union were…

11:27, 21.08.2018

LIVE TEXT/Carmen Dan, audiată la Comisia de apărare a Camerei Deputaţilor: „Nu avem nimic de ascuns”

Ministrul Afacerilor Interne, Carmen Dan, s-a prezentat marţi, 21 august, la audieri în Comisia de apărare a Camerei Deputaţilor. La ședință participă și Raed Arafat, șeful Departamentului pentru Situații de Urgență…

23:24, 26.06.2018

Minister for Romanians Abroad Intotero discusses with British officials on situation of Romanian community in UK

Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero had meetings on Monday with British government officials and representatives of the local authorities on her visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern…

14:16, 21.06.2018

Minister Intotero: Working to identify best policies for homeward-bound Romanians to come back

The authorities are directing their efforts towards identifying "the best policies" for Romanians in the diaspora who want to return home to do so, Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero told AGERPRES in…

15:36, 30.05.2018

Romanian language, culture and civilisation classes -among topics tackled by Minister Intotero in Italy

Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia-Elena Intotero asked the authorities of the Piedmont region in Italy for support so that more Romanian children living there benefit from Romanian language, culture and civilisation…

13:26, 29.05.2018

Minister Intotero: Romanian-tuition education, essential beyond the borders

Romanian-language tuition is essential abroad, given that Romania has a second generation of children born abroad, Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia-Elena Intotero said on a working visit to Italy she started…

16:18, 10.05.2018

Minister Intotero attends convention in France of Romanian Orthodox Metropolitanate's Congress

Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero paid a working visit to Paris, France to attend a convention of the Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan Bishopric of Western and Southern Europe.  According…

15:56, 20.04.2018

Minister Intotero in Chisinau says MRP's main objective is promoting and extending use of Romanian language

Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia-Elena Intotero, who is paying a working visit to the Republic of Moldova, had a series of meetings on Thursday with representatives of the administration, denominations in…

12:33, 26.03.2018

Inspectorii școlari generali, plângere la DNA

Povestea inspectorilor școlari generali demiși în august, anul trecut, printr-un ordin semnat de ministrul Liviu Pop, nu se încheie. După ce mai mulți dintre ei au contestat ordinul, iar instanța le-a dat câștig…

13:05, 19.10.2015

Gunoaiele de sub preșul Inspectoratului Școlar

Motto: Din bube, mucegaiuri și noroi, iscat-am frumuseți și… reguli noi În această vară, învățământul nemțean și-a arătat fața lui hâdă, așa cum io cunoaște toată lumea din sistem, dar nimeni nu vorbește despre…

21:20, 26.01.2012

Raed Arafat este asteptat la Brasov

Subsecretarul de Stat In Ministerul Sanatatii, Raed Arafat, vine saptamana viitoare la Brasov sa lamureasca situatia Unitatii de Primiri Urgente (UPU) din Victoria. Prefectura acuza conducerea Consiliului Judetean…