Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:06, 20.05.2024

Poliţiştii maramureşeni, prezenţi la evenimentul Maramureș Car Show

Poliţiştii maramureşeni, prezenţi la evenimentul Maramureș Car Show

La Sighetu Marmației, în acest weekend a avut loc cea de-a doua ediție a evenimentului Maramureș Car Show. Alături de sigheteni și alți vizitatori, la eveniment au fost prezenți și polițiști, pentru păstrarea unui…

21:06, 15.05.2024

Informații despre circulația autovehiculelor cu ocazia expoziției auto-moto „Maramureș Car Show”

Informații despre circulația autovehiculelor cu ocazia expoziției auto-moto „Maramureș Car Show”

Primăria Municipiului Sighetu Marmației aduce la cunoștință publicului că în intervalul 17 mai, ora 17:00, până la 19 mai, ora 24:00, cu ocazia desfășurării expoziției auto-moto „Maramureș Car Show”, vor exista…

08:50, 06.05.2024

Maramureș: O mașină a ars ca o torță după ce a lovit poarta unui restaurant

Maramureș: O mașină a ars ca o torță după ce a lovit poarta unui restaurant

O mașină a unui bărbat din Maramureș a ars ca o torță după ce a lovit poarta unui restaurant de la marginea DN 18, în Baia Sprie. Șoferul a reușit să iasă la timp din autoturismul care a fost complet distrus de…

10:46, 11.04.2024

Cross-border bridge between Romania and Ukraine over Tisa River to be completed in November

Cross-border bridge between Romania and Ukraine over Tisa River to be completed in November

The construction works on the cross-border bridge between Romania and Ukraine over the Tisa River is progressing at a very good pace, so that this project will be completed in November this year, Maramures County…

15:21, 10.03.2024

EXCLUSIV FOTO - Nimeni nu e mai presus de LEGE Deputatul USR de Maramureș Cristian Brian, prins în trafic cu ITP-ul expirat

EXCLUSIV FOTO - Nimeni nu e mai presus de LEGE Deputatul USR de Maramureș Cristian Brian, prins în trafic cu ITP-ul expirat

În cadrul acțiunilor de azi noapte efectuate de polițiștii din cadrul Serviciului Rutier Maramureș a fost oprit în trafic și deputatul USR de Maramureș, Cristian Brian. Acesta conducea un autoturism Audi înmatriculat…

09:30, 04.01.2024

CIFRELE ZILEI – Un apel pe minut la 112 în prima zi a anului în Maramureș

Între 31 decembrie 2023 și 02 ianuarie 2024, la nivelul județului Maramureș, operatorii Serviciului de Telecomunicații Speciale ai Serviciului de urgență 112 au preluat și procesat nu mai puțin de 1.493 de apeluri.…

17:20, 30.11.2023

Searches in Baia Mare in case file of Catalin Chereches' flight from the country

Searches in Baia Mare in case file of Catalin Chereches' flight from the countrySeveral seraches were carried out on Thursday in Baia Mare municipality, in the case of Mayor Catalin Chereches' flight from the country.…

15:35, 25.10.2023

Ce să pui în aluatul găluștelor cu prune ca să iasă delicioase. Secretul lui chef Nicolai Tand

Chef Nicolai Tand a dezvăluit secretul celor mai gustoase găluște cu prune. Celebrul bucătar a spus exact ce trebuie să pui în aluat pentru ca acesta să fie unul de excepție. Ce să pui în aluatul găluștelor cu…

10:36, 19.10.2023

Cum salvezi vinetele când devin amare. E mai simplu decât credeai

Gospodinele iscusite trebuie să știe cum salvezi vinetele când devin amare. Salata de vinete reprezintă pentru mulți români o adevărată delicatesă a verii. Câteodată, salata noastră devine însă amară, însă totul…

13:15, 28.09.2023

Ce baroni locali PSD ar dispărea după reforma Ciolacu

Reforma propusă de liderul PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, a stârnit discuții aprinse în rândul baronilor locali ai PSD. Vezi lista celor 20 de baroni locali care vor trebui să se reprofileze. Conform hărții noastre interactive,…

11:35, 03.06.2023

Cu Roger Federer ”ați ajuns la destinație!” Marele tenisman fi noua voce de la Waze

Retras oficial din activitatea sportivă anul trecut, Roger Federer  va continua să fie prezent în viețile admiratorilor săi și prin vocea sa. Elvețianul, unul dintre cei mai mari jucători de tenis din istorie a…

12:05, 27.10.2022

Resumption of rail traffic between Romania and Ukraine, analyzed with military authorities in Transcarpathia

The re-opening of rail traffic between Romania and Ukraine through the Campulung la Tisa border point was analyzed with the representatives of the military administration from the Transcarpathia region, the Prefect…

19:11, 05.07.2022

Seven Polish tourists and driver of bus involved in accident on DN 18, hospitalized in Borsa

Eight Polish citizens - seven tourists and the driver of the bus involved in an accident on DN 18, in the commune of Moisei - northern Maramures County, were hospitalized for medical care at the City Hospital in…

22:40, 25.02.2022

Baia Mare county hospital ready to provide medical assistance to Ukrainian refugees

The Baia Mare County Emergency Hospital (SJU) is ready to provide medical assistance to Ukrainian refugees arriving in Maramures County, the hospital's administration said on Facebook on Friday. Fii la curent cu…

15:35, 25.02.2022

Humanitarian, spiritual aid offered to Ukrainian refugees, as soon as they enter Romania

The representatives of some Christian associations in the Maramures County are waiting at the Sighetu Marmatiei border crossing point for the refugees coming from Ukraine offering them food and water, priest Adrian…

13:20, 25.02.2022

Over 3,000 Ukrainian refugees could be accommodated in Maramures County, refugee camp, set up in Sighetu Marmatiei

More than 3,000 Ukrainian refugees could be accommodated in various places in Maramures County, Ionel Bogdan, President of the County Council (CJ), told a news conference on Friday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent…

12:50, 06.02.2022

Three Egyptian migrants, found hidden in minibus at Petea Border Crossing Point

Border guards from Satu Mare Border Police, together with workers from the Petea Border Crossing Point, found hidden in a minibus three citizens from Egypt, whom the driver, a Romanian citizen, from Maramures,…

12:50, 28.01.2022

Country north, mountain areas bracing for blizzard, sunshine and mild temperatures in Bucharest

Visibility on all national, county and communal roads in the northern Maramures County is below 50 meters due to heavy snowfall - the snow layer is 41 cm thick at the Firiza weather station, spokesman of the County…

12:41, 03.01.2022

INHGA: Code Yellow for floods in seven river basins, until Thursday afternoon

The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (INHGA) issued a Code Yellow warning for flood on Monday, valid until Thursday afternoon in seven river basins in Transylvania, Maramures and Crisana, agerpres…

14:06, 12.12.2021

New Omicron variant case confirmed in Romania

A new case of infection with the Omicron strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was confirmed in Romania, the Strategic Communication Group announced on Sunday, agerpres reports. According to the GCS, the patient is aged…

18:31, 21.09.2021

GCS: 35 cities, 234 rural towns exceed 3 per thousand inhabitans COVID-19 incidence rate

A number of 35 cities and 234 rural towns reported a cumulative incidence of COVID-19 cases, for 14 days, higher than or equal to 3 per thousand inhabitants, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on…

14:00, 04.08.2021

GCS: One death caused by COVID-19 in the past 24hrs

One death has been reported in the past 24 hours in patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Strategic Communication Group reported on Wednesday. According to GCS, it is about a man hospitalized in a hospital…

18:15, 18.07.2021

PNL's Ludovic Orban: I've been, am and will be a warrantor of PNL's unity

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ludovic Orban, affirmed, on Sunday, in northwestern Baia Mare, at the conference for the election of the president of the Maramures County branch, that he is a…

17:25, 07.05.2021

Romania registers 350 active outbreaks of African swine fever

A number of 350 outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) were active in Romania on Friday, affecting 153,397 animals, informs the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA). Of the 350 active…

15:40, 04.03.2021

Coronavirus/ Five counties still in red zone

Five counties remain in the red zone, most cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections per thousand inhabitants being in Timis - 5.35, increasing from the previous day from 5.24, and in Cluj - 3.40, in a small decrease from…

14:26, 28.02.2021

GCS: Timis and Maramures counties - still in red zone

Timis County remains in the red zone, with 4.95 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections per thousand inhabitants, increasing compared to the previous day, as well as Maramures County where the incidence rate is 3.14, the…

15:36, 25.02.2021

Coronavirus/ Timis and Maramures counties, in red zone

Timis County remains in the red zone, with 4.45 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections per thousand inhabitants, on the increase compared to the previous day, and Maramures County re-enters the red zone, with an incidence…

14:21, 24.02.2021

Coronavirus latest/ Maramures County stays in red zone, Bucharest sees highest daily case count

Timis County stays in the red high-risk Covid infection zone, with a 14-day cumulative infection rate of 4.18 cases per thousand population, up from 4.1 the day before, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced…

14:45, 21.02.2021

Coronavirus latest/Timis County stays in red high-risk infection zone

Timis County stays in the red high-risk Covid infection zone, with a 14-day cumulative infection rate of 3.99 cases per thousand population, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Sunday. Maramures…

15:25, 18.02.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: Maramures County leaves red zone; Bucharest - 2.19pct infection rate

Timis County stays in the red zone, with 3.86 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections per thousand inhabitants, slightly higher than the previous day (3.84), the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Thursday,…