Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:20, 05.04.2022

USR's simple motion: EnviMin Tanczos Barna - the main to blame for illegal logging

Environment Minister Tanczos Barna is the main to blame for illegal forest logging, the environmental damage, the state's inability to take advantage of green economy opportunities and the "arrogant contempt" wherewith…

08:15, 19.08.2021

Legenda corbului în imagini. Frescă unicat restaurată la Castelul Corvinilor

Povestea Corvinilor este de acum mai uşor de desluşit la Castelul Corvinilor, odată cu restaurarea frescei din Loggia Matia. Pe peretele „balconului” din aripa nordică a monumentului, vizitatorul zăreşte chipuri,…

19:00, 24.05.2021

Agent Green environmental NGO protests massive timber logging in Bucegi Natural Park

Activists of the environmental NGO Agent Green Association staged a protest today in Valea Cerbului - in the Bucegi Natural Park against the "massive" timber logging activities in this protected area, accusing…

20:45, 11.02.2021

WWF Romania: SUMAL 3.0, real reform needed to combat illegal logging

Given that the authorities have launched SUMAL 2.0 in an untested and incomplete form, which generates blockages in the market, WWF Romania requests the creation of a new SUMAL 3.0 and the start of a real reform.…

20:01, 28.12.2020

EnvMin Barna: New SUMAL to be our main weapon in fighting illegal logging

The SUMAL system will become Romania's main weapon in the fight against illegal deforestation, this being one of the most complex and efficient such systems in the world, Environment Minister Tanczos Barna said…

13:45, 27.08.2020

WWF Romania asking President Iohannis to send Forestry Code bill back to Parliament

WWF Romania representatives ask President Klaus Iohannis to not sign the Forestry Code bill into law, arguing that it doesn't solve the deeply ingrained problem of illegal logging."The bill amending the Forestry…

12:46, 24.08.2020

Police on illegal logging clampdown action in Maramures County

Starting today, police of the Public Order Directorate - Forest and Fisheries Stock Protection Service will be on a five-day action in the northern Maramures County aimed at preventing and combating illegal logging…

12:13, 26.06.2020

EnvirMin Alexe says new SUMAL will let us know at any time about logging operations

By rendering the Wood Material Tracking System (SUMAL) operational, we will be able, in real time, 24 hours a day, to have a very good management of the wood material and we will know, at any time, how much it…

14:36, 05.06.2020

Iohannis on World Environment Day: We have to stop illegal logging

In a message on June 5, World Environment Day, President Klaus Iohannis is sounding the alarm over illegal logging in Romania, urging all citizens to participate in reforestation programmes."We must put an end…

17:03, 10.04.2020

IGPR: 700 controls and more than 100 criminal files for illegal logging

Policemen have organised, over April 3-9, 700 controls to prevent and combat illegal logging, with 106 criminal files related to forest crimes resulting. The authorities conducted 700 control missions to prevent…

15:58, 08.04.2020

Ombudsman calling for logging to stop during state of emergency

Romania's Ombudsman on Wednesday posted an own petition on its website, calling attention to logging."The Ombudsman's Office has issued an own petition calling attention to massive deforestation of the country's…

10:44, 01.04.2020

Environment Ministry to withdraw authorizations of companies involved in illegal logging

The Ministry of Environment, through the Committee that authorizes economic operators for the logging activity, will withdraw the authorization of any company that is discovered to/or its employees are discovered…

11:34, 26.09.2017

Prospecțiuni S.A. Creditorii au aprobat în unanimitate Planul de reorganiare

Planul a fost aprobat de toate cele 5 categorii de creditori: garantati, salariali, bugetari, indispensabili si chirografari. Planul de reorganizare prevede plata integrala a datoriilor catre creditori intr-o perioada…

06:27, 11.05.2017

Castelul Corvinilor îşi schimbă înfăţişarea cu cinci milioane de euro de la UE

Aproape cinci milioane de euro vor fi oferiţi de Uniunea Europeană pentru restaurarea Castelului Corvinilor. Primăria a semnat contractul cu ADR Vest şi va urma să demareze licitaţiile pentru atribuirea lucrărilor,…

15:03, 08.09.2016

Top 15 oraşe cu cea mai bună mâncare din Europa: locul unde găseşti cele mai multe restaurante cu stele Michelin pe metrul pătrat

Când îşi planifică vacanţele şi nu ştiu ce destinaţie să aleagă, unii oameni se gândesc la itinerariile bazate pe locuri istorice faimose, însă ţin cont şi de experienţele gastronomice pe care le pot avea. Când…

16:44, 30.08.2016

Proiectul pentru Castelul Corvinilor – respins!

Proiectul depus de Primăria municipiului Hunedoara pentru obținerea de fonduri europene pentru Castelul Corvinilor a fost respins de ADR Vest. Proiectul fusese scris în proporție de 80 la sută de două firme angajate…

18:57, 14.01.2016

It’s official: Illegal logging is a threat to Romania’s national security

President Klaus Iohannis has enacted the law that included illegal logging in the national security threat, a Presidential Administration press release issued Saturday reads, Agerpres reports.The Senate adopted…

15:55, 13.01.2016

Illgal logging continues unimpeded in Romania

Illegal logging goes on at an alarming pace in this country, in spite of the Romanian authorities' alleged efforts to contain the situation. According to ecopolitic.ro, the forest crime ring has found new means…

22:35, 26.05.2011

Reamplasarea caloriferului în loggia integrată.

O solutie de modificare structurala a locuintei atrage dupa sine o serie de alte masuri care devin obligatorii.Acestea trebuie identificate si perfectionate pentru ca solutia initiala sa poata deveni viabila. Sa…