Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:49, 10.03.2020

Iohannis in videoconference with EU heads of state or government on coronavirus, today

President Klaus Iohannis is participating on Tuesday in a videoconference with the heads of state or government of the European Union member states on measures regarding the management of the new coronavirus (COVID-19),…

14:29, 10.03.2020

Italienii luptă cu tancurile împotriva coronavirusului. Imagini de război pe străzile oraşelor din Peninsulă VIDEO

Şase prizoneri au fost ucişi în urma revoltelor prizonierilor, nemulţumiţi că dreptul la vizite le-a fost suspendat, din cauza epidemiei de coronavirus. Imaginile de mai jos au fost surprinse în oraşul Palermo,…

14:25, 10.03.2020

The world is trying to learn from China how to stop the coronavirus outbreak

The number of case in China has dropped from 2000 to several tens a day, and the country is recovering, so the rest of the world try to learn from the Chinese model how the coronavirus outbreak could be stopped.…

09:25, 10.03.2020

Road and rail transport towards and from Italy suspended from March 10

The interim Minister of Internal Affairs, Marcel Vela, announced, on Monday, that from March 10, road and rail transport towards and from Italy will be suspended. "We approve the suspension of road transport of…

13:56, 09.03.2020

IntMin Vela announces suspension of flights to and from Italy until March 23

Acting Interior Minister Marcel Vela announced on Monday the suspension of flights to and from Italy until March 23. According to him, the decision was taken within the National Committee for Special Emergency…

09:09, 09.03.2020

ADTI draws public authorities' attention to danger for taxi drivers to get infected with COVID-19

The Association for the Rights of Independent Taxi Drivers (ADTI) draws the attention of the public authorities to the imminent danger for the taxi drivers operating in the Henri Coanda Bucharest International…

14:53, 07.03.2020

Lider al unui partid politic italian, testat pozitiv pentru noul coronavirus

Russia Today scrie că Nicola Zingaretti ar fi recunoscut că a fost testat pozitiv pentru noul coronavirus. Mărturisirea vine în momentul în care Italia se confruntă cu o criză fără precendent în materie de sănătate…

16:30, 06.03.2020

Eighth coronavirus case - woman, aged 51

Authorities announce the confirmation of a new case of infection with the new coronavirus in Romania - the eighth - a woman, aged 51 from Olt County.According to a release sent by the Strategic Communication Group,…

16:30, 06.03.2020

Three Romanians amongst COVID-19 infected persons in Italy

Three Romanian citizens are amongst the persons infected in Italy with COVID-19, on Friday informs the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE), according to data released by the Embassy of Romania in Rome and the consular…

10:57, 06.03.2020

Eurostat: Malta, Italy, Greece and Romania have the highest gender employment gaps in the EU

The employment rate for women aged between 20-64 recorded in the European Union (EU), in 2018 was by 12 percentage points (pp) less than that of men of the same age, showed data published on Friday by the European…

22:17, 04.03.2020

Italia - coronavirus: Toate evenimentele sportive se vor disputa cu porțile închise / Când vor putea reveni suporterii în tribune

Guvernul italian a decis disputarea tuturor evenimentelor sportive cu porţile închise, ca un efort suplimentar pentru a combate epidemia de coronavirus ce afectează această ţară, a declarat miercuri ministrul…

12:34, 04.03.2020

"Pizza CORONAVIRUS în Italia". Video şocant difuzat de o televiziune franceză

În timp ce în Italia coronavirusul a infectat peste 2000 de oameni, provocând 52 de morți, francezii se distrează pe seama italienilor, scrie Il Giornale. O televiziune a difuzat un clip în care se afirmă: "Acest…

21:19, 03.03.2020

Number of newly registered foreign capital companies drops by 10.8 pct, in January 2020 (ONRC)

The number of newly registered companies with foreign capital dropped, in January 2020, by 10.8 pct, compared to January 2019, to 387 units, according to data centralized by the National Office of the Trade Register…

21:08, 03.03.2020

Man in Timisoara, fourth coronavirus case in Romania

The Strategic Communication Group announces the fourth case of coronavirus in Romania, a 47-year-old man from the western city of western Timisoara. According to the cited source, the man was on a plane with the…

15:18, 27.02.2020

Romania ranks last in the EU in terms of share of social protection expenditure to GDP

In 2018, social protection was the most important area for government expenditure in all the EU member states, however the share of these expenditures to the GDP significantly varies between 24.1 percent in Finland…

12:44, 25.02.2020

Coronavirusul a paralizat Italia. Imagini filmate cu drona deasupra zonelor aflate în carantină VIDEO

Secvenţele surprind în mod dramatic efectele carantinei de două săptămâni impuse de autorităţi. De altfel, după cum se vede la Casalpusterlengo, singurele maşini care circulă pe străzi sunt cele ale carabinierilor.…

14:03, 24.02.2020

EU motorcycle registrations up 8 pct in 2019, 43 pct growth for Romania's motorcycle market

Motorcycle registrations in the EU advanced 8 percent in 2019 from the previous year to 1,079,524, while the Romanian motorcycle market increased 43.2 percent, the Association of Automobile Manufacturers and Importers…

12:16, 24.02.2020

Maramures: Several Romanians, expected to arrive from Italy; 5 quarantine spaces established

The Maramures County Committee for Emergency Situations (CJSU) announced, on Monday, that five locations were identified and established as adequate quarantine spaces, given that, on Monday, several Romanians from…

11:58, 24.02.2020

Coronavirus in Italia: 152 de infectati, patru decese. La Milano, domul e inchis, iar Armani si-a prezentat colectia fara public

A patra victima a coronavirusului in Italia este un barbat in varsta de 84 de ani din regiunea Lombardia. Epidemia se raspandeste. Autoritatile italiene incep controale la intrarea in tara, in special la Vo' Euganeo,…

16:17, 21.02.2020

President Iohannis, in Friends of Cohesion Group, working meeting to obtain EU ambitious budget

President Klaus Iohannis attended on Friday a working meeting with counterparts in the Friends of Cohesion Group, on the sidelines of the extraordinary meeting of the European Council where the future budget of…

17:40, 18.02.2020

Over 11,200 visa applications by foreigners approved in 2019

The General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) approved last year 11,241 visa applications and processed 43,844 applications for the extension of the right to temporary residency, as well as 1,375 long-term stay…

13:41, 11.02.2020

FedCup: România, duel cu Italia în play-off-ul Grupei Mondiale

Echipa de FedCup a României se va duela cu Italia în play-off-ul de menținere în Grupa Mondială a competiției, conform tragerii la sorți care a avut loc marți. Tricolorele au pierdut cu 3-2 meciul…

19:36, 31.01.2020

Romanian national in Italy tests negative for novel coronavirus infection

Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that medical tests so far have not confirmed the infection with the novel coronavirus in a Romanian citizen from Italy, whose case the media reported on Friday. "The Romanian…

19:47, 21.01.2020

Cea mai veche cafenea din lume sărbătorește trei secole de existență fiind înființată în 1720 la Veneția, funcționând de atunci fără întrerupere

Cea mai veche cafenea din lume sărbătorește trei secole de existență fiind înființată în 1720 la Veneția, funcționând de atunci fără întrerupere, arată portalul This-is-Italy, potrivit MEDIAFAX.Caffè Florian este…

16:13, 20.01.2020

Romanian Navy writes page in history by assuming command of Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two

The mission departure ceremony of the crew of the Romanian Navy's Vice Amiral Constantin Balescu (PM-274) minelayer, for the first time in command of NATO's SNMCMG - 2 (Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group…

09:37, 20.01.2020

Italy's Gruber, Pinggera win singles events at FIL Natural Track Luge World Cup

Italy's Alex Gruber and Greta Pinggera on Sunday won the men's singles and women's singles events, respectively, of the northeastern Vatra Dornei FIL Luge World Cup on Natural Track competition.  Gruber clocked…

21:42, 17.01.2020

Crown Custodian Margareta: I have never considered giving up on Romania, this is my country

Custodian of the Romanian Crown, Princess Margareta, said on Friday that Romania is her country and that in the 30 years since she first stepped on Romanian soil, she has never considered giving up to serve it.…

19:08, 16.01.2020

Romania opens honorary consulate in Florence

Romania has opened an honorary consulate in Florence, Italy, for the approximately 85,000 citizens of Romanian origin living in the region, of whom over 20,000 live in the city. The new honorary consul is Paolo…

19:37, 08.01.2020

First contract for acquisition of wheeled transport platforms for Army, signed by MApN

The Ministry of National Defence (MApN) announced on Wednesday that a first contract was signed with an Italian company for the acquisition of wheeled transport platforms, equipment that will enter the service…

08:59, 12.12.2019

Ziua în care Dumnezeu a schimbat ochelarii în seducție: Balenciaga

Clinicile Medici’s deschid o optică de lux în zona centrală a Timișoarei: Medici’s Optic-Boutique. Branduri de prestigiu se regăsesc în portofoliul opticii din incinta Medici’s Academica de pe bul. Circumvalațiunii…