Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:45, 24.04.2023

Ministry of Research and Moldovan partners organize first hackathon on 'Digitization of public services'

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization (MCID), in collaboration with the E-Governance Agency of the Republic of Moldova, is organizing the first hackathon on "Digitization of Public Services" on…

19:01, 13.04.2023

Tineri din cinci țări, în Baia Mare. Un eveniment organizat de GreenTin

Mai mulți voluntari, din cinci țări europene, incluzând aici și România, au luat parte la evenimentul organizat de asociația GreenTin, în cadrul unui proiect finanțat prin programul Erasmus. Participanții au avut…

12:40, 13.04.2023

Voluntari din cinci țări, în Baia Mare. Un eveniment organizat de GreenTin

Mai mulți voluntari, din cinci țări europene, incluzând aici și România, au luat parte la evenimentul organizat de asociația GreenTin, în cadrul unui proiect finanțat prin programul Erasmus. Participanții au avut…

22:06, 10.04.2023

PM demands from research minister legislative package to debureaucratize way grants are managed

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca demanded on Monday, from Minister of Research, Digitalization and Innovation, Sebastian Burduja, the setting up an inter-ministerial working group to come up with a set of legislative…

23:10, 07.04.2023

Burduja: In order to develop, we must generate innovation in our country, not always import technologies of others

The Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Sebastian Burduja, stated, on Friday, at the University of Craiova, that if Romania is not be able to generate research, innovation to be exported to the rest…

17:45, 06.04.2023

Minister Burduja: Zero tolerance for plagiarism

A doctoral degree should entail a contribution to a certain area, and tolerance for plagiarism should be zero, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation Sebastian Burduja said on Wednesday.He…

17:35, 05.04.2023

S-a dublat numărul românilor care intenționează să participe la festivalurile de muzică de anul acesta

Pe 14 martie, la hotel Ramanda North din București, și-au dat întâlnire reprezentanții celor mai cunoscute festivaluri din România: UNTOLD, Electric Castle, Nostalgia Retro/Disco/Future, Beach, Please!, Open Air…

14:06, 31.03.2023

NATO Secretary General Geoana to deliver speech in Craiova on war economy

The Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana, will deliver a speech on Friday, April 7, 2023, at the University of Craiova, on "Innovation, transformation and security - From a war economy to a new economic…

13:45, 29.03.2023

AI gov't adviser ION receives 750k messages, over 2.5 million visits in one month

The first governmental adviser based on artificial intelligence, ION, has received 750,000 messages and over 2.5 million visits a month after its launch, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation said…

13:10, 29.03.2023

RsrchMin Burduja: I think we are at the best point for Romania's digital transformation

Romania is at the best point for its digital transformation, having a commitment at the highest level of the state that digital transformation is an utmost priority for the country, Minister of Research, Innovation…

19:30, 24.03.2023

PM Ciuca: Polytechnic University of Bucharest - landmark of innovation and excellence for over two centuries

The Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) has been, for over two centuries, "a landmark of innovation and excellence", which through the deeds of its academic community has played and is playing an important…

10:45, 23.03.2023

PM Ciuca received by Moldovan President Maia Sandu

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca was received on Thursday in Chisinau by President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu.The head of the Romanian government is accompanied on his official visit to the Republic of Moldova…

19:10, 21.03.2023

Transelectrica, Polytechnic University - strategic partnership in research, innovation

A strategic partnership in the field of research and innovation was signed on Tuesday between Transelectrica National Energy Transport Company and Bucharest Polytechnic University (UPB), with the aim of increasing…

12:55, 21.03.2023

Netherlands to house new €1 bln NATO innovation fund

The Netherlands will house a new 1 billion euro NATO fund that will invest in European startup companies developing technology with possible military or defence applications, Reuters reports. The fund, announced…

15:31, 20.03.2023

Romania, United Arab Emirates sign memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of energy

Energy Minister Virgil Popescu and his counterpart of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei signed on Monday a memorandum of understanding in the energy area, which opens new ways of cooperation…

13:51, 16.03.2023

Romania invests 6.6 million euros in government cloud

Romania has become an example to follow in terms of digital transformation, having initiated a unique legislative package at the European level, and in terms of the government cloud, it has invested over 6.6 million…

13:51, 16.03.2023

Official Sarmas: Regulation should not stop innovation; overregulation kills innovation

Romania is among the countries that pay attention to new digital challenges and what we want to do is to regulate things so that we don't stop innovation, otherwise there is a risk of facing the nightmare of over-regulation,…

15:41, 13.03.2023

Current task of AI-based virtual advisor ION is to collect data, solution-providing will come later on (minister)

For the time being, the task of AI-based virtual advisor ION is to collect information, later on he will also provide solutions, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation Sebastian Burduja said…

18:16, 06.03.2023

Romanian Academy Library to host 'Romanian Press. Between tradition and innovation' exhibition

The exhibition "Romanian Press. Between tradition and innovation" will open on Thursday, starting 11.00 a.m., in the "Theodor Pallady" room of the Romanian Academy Library. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

20:25, 27.02.2023

Memorandum of scientific cooperation, signed by Romania and Israel

The representatives of the ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization from Romania and those of the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology from the State of Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding…

02:50, 21.02.2023

Romanian Creative Week Iaşi caută un student căruia să-i dea o bursă de 700 euro. Ce trebuie să facă acesta?

Se cauta cel mai creativ dintre studentii facultatilor de arte din tara. Organizatorii Romanian Creative Week pun la bataie o bursa de 700 de euro pe care vor sa o ofere celui mai inventiv dintre studentii care…

12:35, 10.02.2023

Compania de Apă Oltenia va realiza o centrală electrică fotovoltaică la Făcăi

Compania de Apă Oltenia a semnat, astăzi, contractul vizând „Proiectare și execuție Centrală electrică fotovoltaică pentru autoconsum – Compania de Apă Oltenia”, care se va realiza la Stația de Epurare a Apelor…

08:25, 07.02.2023

Cu Erasmus+, scopul educației a fost atins la Liceul Teoretic „Radu Vlădescu” și Liceul Vocațional „Pierre Joseph Laurent”

Proiectul pentru cooperare în domeniul educației școlare “ Educated in Democracy, United by Common Aims, Teaching with Innovation, Opportunities and Non-discrimination” E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N. – 2021-2-RO01-KA210-SCH-000049259,…

16:46, 02.02.2023

Programul IMM Invest Plus a fost prelungit. Guvernul va majora plafonul la aproape 4 miliarde de euro în 2023

Programul IMM Invest Plus a fost prelungit. Guvernul va majora plafonul la aproape 4 miliarde de euro în 2023 Programului IMM Invest Plus s-a prelungit până la sfârșitul acestui an. Guvernul va majora plafonul…

10:46, 01.02.2023

Criminal record certificates to be available for online issue, as of Wednesday

The criminal record certificates will be available for online issue, as of Wednesday, through the ghiseul.ro and hub.mai.ro platforms, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization and the Ministry of Interior…

12:30, 31.01.2023

Burduja: Gov't to pass data management and storage framework in government cloud platform

The Government will regulate, through a decision, the data management and storage framework in the government cloud platform, so that by 2026 at least 30 institutions "migrate" to this cloud, Minister of Research,…

09:35, 20.01.2023

Erasmus+ E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N. – un proiect pentru cooperare, incluziune și digitalizare, la Liceul Teoretic „Radu Vlădescu” din Pătârlagele

“Educated in Democracy, United by Common Aims, Teaching with Innovation, Opportunities and Nondiscrimination” – E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N. – număr de identificare 2021-2-RO01-KA210-SCH-000049259 este un proiect bilateral,…

18:20, 13.01.2023

Burduja: From July, civil servants still requesting ring binders will face disciplinary investigation

Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation Sebastian Burduja said in Alba Iulia on Friday that from July the civil servants who ask citizens to produce hard copies of documents issued by Romanian…

19:25, 30.12.2022

Minister Burduja: We've met all milestones for 2022 under Recovery and Resilience Plan

The Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Sebastian Burduja, informs that the institution he leads had three PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) milestones to meet in December 2022, all of…

00:10, 30.12.2022

Romanian Research Gala - on January 31, at Romanian Athenaeum

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization announces the organization, on January 31, at the Romanian Athenaeum, of the first edition of the Romanian Research Gala, in which the achievements of the most…