Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:25, 21.12.2023

EU governments clinch deal for more lenient fiscal rules

European Union finance ministers agreed on Wednesday the latest reform of the bloc’s two-decade-old fiscal rules, allowing more time to cut public debt and creating incentives for public investment even during…

11:15, 21.12.2023

PM Ciolacu: If having scandal in Parliament is what it takes for pensioners to get higher pensions then be it

PM Ciolacu: If having scandal in Parliament is what it takes for pensioners to get higher pensions then be itPrime minister Marcel Ciolacu on Thursday stated, in the opening of the Government meeting, that if "having…

14:25, 20.12.2023

Senate's Ciuca: 2024 budget covers everything that the government wants to cover

Senate's Ciuca: 2024 budget covers everything that the government wants to coverThe 2024 budget, with a nominal value of approximately 350 billion euros, covers everything that the governing coalition wants to…

13:36, 20.12.2023

France’s Macron faces cracks in his government over migration law

French President Emmanuel Macron faced cracks within his ruling alliance on Wednesday after parliament passed a toughened immigration bill, leaving him needing to find ways to appease left-leaning members, according…

20:55, 19.12.2023

REPER co-chair Pislaru deems 2024 budget bad, misleading, unfair and highly politicised

The 2024 budget is "bad", "misleading", unfair and "highly politicised", said Tuesday MEP Dragos Pislaru, co-chair of REPER party."The budget proposed by the Government, the Social Democratic Party - National Liberal…

20:40, 18.12.2023

Guvernul pregătește ARCTIS, o nouă agenție cu 50 de salariați

Deși suntem în plină austeritate, Guvernul se pregătește să lanseze o nouă structură guvernamentală: Agenția Română de Cooperare Tehnologică și Industrială pentru Securitate și Apărare (ARCTIS). Rolul acesteia…

19:50, 18.12.2023

Guvernul pregătește ARCTIS, o o nouă agenție cu 50 de salariați

Deși suntem în plină austeritate, Guvernul se pregătește să lanseze o nouă structură guvernamentală: Agenția Română de Cooperare Tehnologică și Industrială pentru Securitate și Apărare (ARCTIS). Rolul acesteia…

18:45, 18.12.2023

Supreme Court asks for 10 bn RON, instead receives 2.8 bn for 2024 budget

The joint budget-finance parliamentary committees approved, on Monday, without amendments, the budget of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (Supreme court) for the year 2024.According to the draft budget sent…

15:30, 18.12.2023

Project for professionalisation of more than 4,000 maternal assistants, deemed a success (Family minister)

The project that has led to the professionalisation of more than 4,000 maternal assistants in our country is a success, said Family minister Natalia Intotero, quoted in a government press release.She participated,…

14:50, 18.12.2023

Finance Ministry launches 2023's last Tezaur edition with tax-exempt interests of up to 7.10pct

Finance Ministry launches 2023's last Tezaur edition with tax-exempt interests of up to 7.10pctThe Ministry of Finance informs that Romanians can invest in Tezaur government bonds with maturities of 1 and 3 years,…

13:50, 16.12.2023

Ordinance on fiscal-budget measures in public expenditure published in Official Journal

The Ordinance on some fiscal-budget measures in the area of public expenditure for tax consolidation and combating tax evasion was published Friday evening in the Official Journal (MO) with a number of amendments…

09:55, 15.12.2023

National strategy in field of intellectual property 2024 - 2028, approved by government

The national strategy in the field of intellectual property 2024 - 2028 and the Action Plan in the field of intellectual property 2024 - 2028 was approved in Thursday's meeting of the government, informs the Executive…

08:45, 15.12.2023

Measures to implement Digital Services Act on single market for digital services, approved by government

The draft law establishing a series of measures necessary for the application of the Digital Services Act on the single market for digital services was approved Thursday in a government meeting, the Executive informs…

08:30, 15.12.2023

Ministry of Internal Affairs's budget supplemented to settle accommodation and food expenses with Ukrainian refugees

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI)'s budget for the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations has been increased by 165 million RON, which is intended to settle accommodation and food expenses for Ukrainian…

16:05, 14.12.2023

Supreme court head, PM agree on payment of outstanding salary rights in judiciary

President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice Corina Corbu on Thursday had a meeting with Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu in respect to the protests in the judiciary, during which it was agreed to remove from…

15:00, 14.12.2023

Bucharest Court postpones all trials, as protest for non-payment of some salary rights

The General Assembly of the judges of the Bucharest Tribunal decided on Thursday that all trials at this court, except for emergencies, will be postponed until the Government satisfies the magistrates' demands…

12:00, 14.12.2023

Ban flavoured vapes, WHO says, urging tobacco-style controls

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday urged governments to treat e-cigarettes similarly to tobacco and ban all flavours, threatening cigarette companies’ bets on smoking alternatives, according to Reuters. …

20:55, 13.12.2023

President Iohannis says PM's visit to the USA should have been prepared better

President Iohannis says PM's visit to the USA should have been prepared betterPresident Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday said that the visit of prime minister Marcel Ciolacu to the United States of America "should have…

18:16, 13.12.2023

Finance Ministry borrows over 550 million euro from banks

Finance Ministry borrows over 550 million euro from banksThe Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed 554.7 million euros from banks on Wednesday through two issues of government bonds with coupons, according to data…

17:35, 13.12.2023

Gross government debt according to EU methodology to be kept below 52.5pct of GDP over 2024 - 2027

Gross government debt according to EU methodology to be kept below 52.5pct of GDP over 2024 - 2027The gross government debt according to the EU methodology will be maintained, in the period 2024 - 2027, at a level…

12:40, 13.12.2023

New Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is sworn in with his government

The new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his Cabinet were sworn in by the president on Wednesday morning in a ceremony that marked the end of eight tumultuous years of rule by a national conservative party,…

20:26, 12.12.2023

PM Ciolacu: We shall submit PNNR payment request 3 on Friday

PM Ciolacu: We shall submit PNNR payment request 3 on FridayPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announces that Romania will submit on Friday, December 15, the request for payment number 3 under the National Recovery…

16:00, 12.12.2023

Chamber approves Romanian Customs Authority additional posts

The Chamber of Deputies adopted on Tuesday the draft approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 103/2022, which provides for the addition of 324 additional posts to the maximum number of posts for the Romanian…

09:20, 07.12.2023

PM Ciolacu: Constant dialogue with Jewish community representatives, combating anti-Semitism, among gov't priorities

Constant dialogue with representatives of the Jewish community, preventing and combating anti-Semitism are among the Government's priorities, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday.He had meetings, during…

08:56, 06.12.2023

PM Ciolacu discusses opportunities Romania offers with Google representatives

Large companies in the area of information technology, which want to expand their business in Eastern Europe, will find excellent opportunities in Romania, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said at the meeting he had…

17:45, 29.11.2023

Romania approves Long Term Strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Romania approves Long Term Strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissionsRomania's Long Term Strategy (LTS) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which aims to make Romania neutral by 2050, was approved on Wednesday…

17:30, 29.11.2023

Chamber adopts draft granting rights to ethnically persecuted

Chamber adopts draft granting rights to ethnically persecutedOn Wednesday, MPs adopted by a majority vote the draft law amending and supplementing Government Ordinance No. 105/1999 on granting certain rights to…

13:05, 29.11.2023

Government I led, much better performance than today's (former PM Citu)

Florin Citu, National Liberal Party (PNL) senator, claimed, on Wednesday, that the performance of the Government he led, which made decisions "only in accordance with the legislation in force" was "much better"…

13:00, 28.11.2023

Romania has 90 pct absorption rate of European funds for 2014-2020 financial year (PM Ciolacu)

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu met on Tuesday at the Victoria Palace of Government with the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira."Romania has a 90 percent absorption rate of European funds…

11:10, 28.11.2023

USA Visa Facilitation program expedites visa process for Romanian higher education teaching staff

The USA Visa Facilitation program - an initiative belonging to the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest in partnership with the Government of Romania, with the support of the National Council of Rectors (CNR) - is in place…