Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:14, 19.07.2019

Iohannis: Agriculture - essential in economy and society, Romania has still-not-fully-tapped agricultural potential

Romania further enjoys a considerable, not fully exploited agricultural potential, and food security depends on the agricultural sector's capacity to adjust to climate warming, President Klaus Iohannis said in…

13:35, 19.07.2019

FCB Bucharest a câștigat pitch-ul pentru comunicarea ID.3, primul autovehicul fully electric de la Volkswagen

Volkswagen accelerează către un viitor mai verde și mai sustenabil cu noul ID.3, primul model fully electric din portofoliu. Prima oprire va fi la EURO 2020, acolo unde Volkswagen este mobility partner.  În primăvara…

21:54, 11.04.2019

USR's Barna: USR fully and indubitably supports the referendum

The Save Romania Union (USR) fully and indubitably supports the referendum, this political party's leader Dan Barna said at the end of consultations with the Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on the justice topic.…

17:25, 11.04.2019

Liberal leader Orban: PNL fully supports the referendum

PNL (National Liberal Party) is supporting the Romanian President with all its power for a successful referendum, the leader of this political part, Ludovic Orban, stated on Thursday."The attack of convicts to…

17:23, 08.04.2019

PNL's Orban: PNL's mission in Cotroceni consultations is to fully support referendum

PNL's (National Liberal Party) mission in the Cotroceni consultations is to fully support the national referendum, the leader of the Liberals, Ludovic Orban, stated on Monday."PNL will participate in the Cotroceni…

11:59, 21.03.2019

Iohannis: Romania, fully devoted to strong transatlantic relation, close EU - US and EU - NATO cooperation

AGERPRES special correspondent Florentina Peia reports: Romania is "fully devoted" to a strong transatlantic relation and a close cooperation between the EU and the US and between the EU and NATO, President Klaus…

17:04, 18.09.2018

Croatia's President: Third summit of 3Seas Initiative mirrors determination to have fully integrated EU

The 3rd Summit of the Three Seas Initiative mirrors the determination to have a fully integrated European Union, a stronger economic partner in the transatlantic relationship, President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar…

12:23, 11.09.2018

Romanian politicians' messages, 17 years after 9/11: Romania remains fully committed to combating terorism

Romania remains fully committed to combating terrorism, alongside the United States of America, Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Liviu Dragnea wrote on his Facebook page, on the occasion of 17th anniversay…

10:22, 03.08.2018

PM Dancila: Amounts needed for payment of pensions, wages are fully ensured by year's end

The amounts needed for the payment of pensions and wages are fully ensured by the end of the year, following the budget rectification, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said at Victoria Palace on Thursday.  "(...)…

18:21, 01.08.2018

Romania fully applying Schengen acquis on SIS as of August 1

Minister-delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu hails the coming into force as of August 1 of the (EU) Resolution 934/2018 of the Council regarding the implementation of the remaining provisions of the Schenghen…

19:15, 11.07.2018

Iohannis: Advance with 'open doors' policy; Romania fully supports Macedonia's invitation into NATO

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that the North-Atlantic Alliance should advance with regard to the "open doors" policy, showing that Romania upholds the decision to invite Macedonia in NATO.  "We should…

11:55, 19.06.2018

Banila, on his appointment as DIICOT head: Have confidence in President's ability to make fully informed decision

Prosecutor Felix Banila says he has confidence in President Klaus Iohannis' ability to make a decision in full knowledge of the facts with regard to his appointment as head of the Directorate for Investigating…

16:57, 20.02.2018

Iohannis tells young magistrates fully supports them in their mission

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday told the young magistrates welcomed at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace that he is "fully supporting" them in accomplishing their mission. "You are in the first line of defence…

17:35, 15.12.2017

Iohannis at Brussels: Romania expects arrangements agreed by EU with UK to be swiftly and fully implemented

President Klaus Iohannis underscored in Brussels, on Friday, Romania's expectation regarding the swift and full implementation of the arrangements agreed with the UK in the first stage of negotiations on the Brexit. …

11:23, 30.03.2017

AG Augustin Lazar: Public Ministry to fully observe CCR decision

Attorney General Augustin Lazar declares having taken note of the conclusions of the assessment presented by the Minister of Justice, Tudorel Toader, maintaining that the Public Ministry will fully observe the…

12:29, 24.02.2017

Full pardon of sentences up to five years in prison able to stir social insecurity

Fully pardoning prison sentences of up to and including five years is able to stir up social insecurity, according to an opinion issued by the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on a draft law concerning pardoning.

14:53, 08.12.2016

Iohannis urges Romanians to fully exercise their right to vote

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday called on Romanians to turn out to vote in the upcoming parliamentary election."Ballot casting is the most valuable and powerful instrument the citizens have at hand in a constitutional…

14:57, 31.10.2016

Școala Informală de IT anunță primul program de Full Stack Product Development din țară

 Școala Informală de IT anunță lansarea primului program de Full Stack Product Development din țară. Programul va începe pe 15 noiembrie 2016, la Cluj-Napoca. Programul Full Stack Product Developement…

17:19, 26.06.2016

FOTO / Formele ei apetisante sunt istorie! Cum arată Lindsay Lohan în costum de baie! Nu te-ai fi aşteptat să o vezi aşa

Lindsay Lohan, celebra actriţă cunoscută pentru rolul pe care l-a interpretat în filmul "Herbie: Fully Loaded", care a făcut furori printre adolescenţi din toate colţurile lumii, nu mai e o bombă…

12:22, 22.05.2016

Niscaiva lucruri, mai puțin cunoscute, despre cel mai mare velier din lume, Royal Clipper, care tocmai ne-a vizitat, pentru nouă ore

1463908051 FOTO: Facebook, Ovidiu Oprea Cel mare mare velier din lume a acostat, sâmbătă, la Constanța. N-a stat mul și va reveni, peste două săptămâni. o bucurie pentru ochii noștri. Royal Clipper este unul din…

09:27, 05.02.2016

Edițiile DiRT Rally Day One includ un documentar cu Colin McRae

Toate edițiile Day One de PlayStation 4 și Xbox One ale DiRT Rally includ un disc Blu-ray bonus cu un documentar despre Colin McRae, a anunțat Codemasters.Documentarul este intitulat ‘Colin McRae Rally Legend‘,…

08:32, 19.10.2015

Veste bombă la Hollywood: Lindsay Lohan a anunţat că se va înscrie în cursa pentru Casa Albă în 2020

Actrița americană Lindsay Lohan, a cărei carieră a fost afectată în ultimii ani de problemele sale cu legea și consumul de droguri, a declarat recent pe contul său de Instagram că intenționează să se înscrie…

16:00, 02.07.2015

Celebritati nascute pe 2 iulie!

Pierre Cardin Nascut pe 2 iulie 1922 in San Biagio, Treviso, Italia. Pierre Cardin este un creator de moda extravagant. A inceput sa se propage in aceasta cariera dupa 1945 cand s-a mutat la Paris si a devenit…

12:18, 11.10.2013

(video) Cum funcționează sistemul de parcare automată de la Ford?

Ford a prezentat sistemul Fully Assisted Parking Aid. Aceta îl ajută pe şofer să parcheze maşina fără ca el să se afle în maşină. Această dotare e puţin mai avansată decât sistemul Active Park Assist deja disponibil…

12:18, 09.10.2013

VIDEO: Tehnologia Ford pentru parcarea automată

Ford dezvoltă o nouă tehnologie ce ar putea permite şoferilor să-şi parcheze automat vehiculele cu doar o simplă apăsare a unui buton din interiorul sau exteriorul maşinii. Sistemul "Fully Assisted Parking Aid"…